MovieChat Forums > Along Came Polly (2004) Discussion > 5 Movies I Wish I'd Never Seen List

5 Movies I Wish I'd Never Seen List

1 Along Came Polly
2 Duplex
3 My Boss' Daughter
4 Marci X
5 Titan AE

In all seriousness, I don't want to criticize "Along Came Polly" *that* bad. It had some funny moments. And if I had a choice of watching a movie like this or Ben Stiller in a drama, I'd choose something like this. But, I wasn't satisfied with how I felt leaving the theater. I think it was the writing. Oh well.


one of the worst movies of all time was beyond the valley of the dolls. the really ironic thing about it is that it was written by roger ebert. it's amazing that he can go on tv every week and insult movies that are much better than his. ebert should be forced to watch brady bunch reruns 14 hours a day.


Both matrix sequels. Possibly the most hyped up movies and they both sucked


Underworld??!!! Lord of the Rings??!!!

Man what the hell, those are my #1,2 favourite films of all time!

Worst 5:

1)You Got Served
2)Cold Creek Manour
3)Jeepers Creepers
4)Scary Movie 3


Has anyone in this thread actually seen a film that was made before 1998?

Most of you have clearly never seen a really bad movie, and wouldn't know one if you were in it. These lists should be called "major theatrical releases I can remember having seen in the recent past".

The worst movie ever made is clearly Plan Nine From Outer Space, and yet it didn't make a single list.



These films I tried to like and finish but got soo bored half way had to turn it off before I went crazy-

-Big Bounce
- U got served
- Big Fish

K thats all I can think of now..


--Has anyone in this thread actually seen a film that was made before 1998?

Most of you have clearly never seen a really bad movie, and wouldn't know one if you were in it. These lists should be called "major theatrical releases I can remember having seen in the recent past".

The worst movie ever made is clearly Plan Nine From Outer Space, and yet it didn't make a single list.

Shocking... --

uh yeah, look at my post up there ^^^ a little bit where i mentioned beyond the valley of the dolls. a lot of lists inclde plan nine but it's also generally acknowledge that much like dark star after it, it's so bad that it's fun to watch. besides most of the lists that mention worst movies of all time weren't updated after battlefield earth came out.


Here is my list:

1. Mars Attacks! [deffinitely No.1 - worst film ever]
2. Gigli [stupid and boring]
3. The Lord Of The Rings: The Fellowship Of The Ring [what a horrible 3-hour disaster] ugh!
4. The World Is Not Enough
5. The Recruit

Other movies I wish I had never seen:
- The Matrix Reloaded
- The Haunting
- Thirteen Ghosts
- Zoolander
- Birthday Girl
- All the pretty horses
etc. etc. etc..............


It's amazing who many movie pages have "The Worst Movie Ever" thread. It's time I added mine. No particular order.

Daylight- I couldn't write a worst movie than this if I sat down and tried. These people are trapped in a sewer, and they are depending on a man with a speech impediment to get them out.

Jerry McGuire- The movie Irreversible contains the ever-so-disturbing scene in which this person beats another man's face in with a fire extinguisher. If that same man uttered the line "show me the money" first, that scene would go from "disturbing" to "enlightening".

Blood Work- Particularly dumb. Not one character had any purpose in this movie. Seriously, none. Not even Clint Eastwood and he was the star. Every line in this movie was a stupid cliche. Especially unimportant was the character Graciella played by Wanda DeJesus. Watch this movie again, and pay close attention to her dialogue, then let me know which line is your favorite. Then, take special note to the scene where this detective shows Clint Eastwood the footage of the crime they are trying to solve, and Graciella just so happens to be there. Watch how she acts when she sees the tape. It's hilarious. Clint Eastwood HAD to do a good job with Mystic River, or else his ass was heading for the nursing home after this pathetic film.

The Recruit- Speaking of nursing homes, anybody see Al Pacino's name on the waiting list? In the film's climax, Pacino's endless babbling sounds so ridiculous, that had it not been for The Godfather, Dog Day Afternoon, etc., the film makers were going to use real bullets when they finally shut him up. One more thing about this: Why would somebody recruit, train, bring back, and lead clues to a recruit to bust themselves? The writer was too desperate for a twist, I guess to compensate for it's weak content. This just didn't work. Worst of all, Colin Farrell and Bridget Moynahan are 10 times worse together than Ben Affleck and J. Lo. That's as bad as it gets.

Poltergeist- The movie that single handedly made white-people the butt of every horror movie joke (see Eddie Murphy Delirious for more details). And rightly so. I hate to put down my own kind, but these white people, just after rescuing their daughter from the light in the ceiling, spent the night in this same house. They just went on to bed like nothing ever happened. Then, dude decided he was getting Carol Anne through the closet this time. Then actress JoBeth Williams just totally lost control. She was running around, freaking out, screaming obnoxiously about the swimming pool, just making a total ass out of herself. Somebody really needed to put a stop it. Tobe Hooper should have calmed her down, gave her a tranquilizer, and had her re-evaluate how she was going to play this part so she wouldn't have ended up looking like such a goon.

That's it, sorry so long


5 Movies I Wish I'd Never Seen List:

American Beauty (the worst movie I've ever seen)

The Godfather (what's all the nonsensical fuss with it?)

The Silence of the Lambs (why did they even think of making this movie in the first place?)

The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (I left the theatre after an hour of boredom and crappiness)

Schindler's List (Spielberg's worst movie, not to mention one of the worst ever)

My five favorite movies:

Agent Cody Banks 2 (COOL!)

Gigli (I don't care about what people think... but this movie deserves 11 Oscars instead of ROTK)

The Lizzie Mcguire Movie (Great movie... watch it!)

50 First Dates (a 1000X better than American Beauty)

The Cat in the Hat (a 10000000X better than 50 First Dates)



Why do you say Schindler list is the worst ever?
just because it reveals the horrors of Hitler's domination doesn't mean it s***s. And you think Gigli deserves 11 oscars?!!!
Well, in that case.....YOU'RE SCREWED


Beautiful Mind?
Talented Mr Ripley?
please explain

out of all the things i've lost i miss my mind the least


She did explain, by providing the list of movies she enjoyed. I think it's obvious something is wrong with her neurochemistry.


There are of course loads of bad films, but to really loathe a film, it ain't enough for it simply to suck. It's gotta have a reputation you can fight to tear down as well. So the films I hate include, but are not limited to:

1. The Shawshank Redemption
2. Schindlers List
3. Saving Privat Ryan
4. The Pianist
5. Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain

Imagine what a wonderful world it would be if all those 13 year olds couldn't push these up the top 250 list.

If only Spielberg, King and Polanski could stick to what they do best. Whenever Speilberg has a fit and needs to make a film on an ISSUE, it's just bound to be horrible. The same goes for Kings desire to be a real novelist and not "just" a horror/crime/suspense writer. As far as Polanski goes, the guy didn't have a plitical bone in his body until he made this awfull Pianist (not to be confused with Hanekes great "La Pianiste") and of course the americans loved it. Amélie is a real evil and seductive piece of cinema just cos it's really hard to hate it properly.


I can't tell if you are kiding or not. I believe the movies you listed ARE, to a certain extent, over-rated, but don't confuse your dislike of a film with the quality of which it was made. Le Fabuleux destin d'Amelie Poulain had incredibly orginal film techniques for a "chick flick." Saving Privet Ryan was the first of the new age of war movies that really put the viewer in the action. Schindlers could you say this is bad? If you were not moved by this film I wonder what does move you. Both The Shawshank Redemption and The Pianist are not my favorite, but they still do entertain and are filled with some great acting.



5. Dr. Doolittle 2
4. Ned Kelly
3. Indian in the Cupboard
2. Open Range
1. Long Time Dead

"there isn't nothin' like the sight of an amputated spirit, there is no prosthetic for that."


1. Sweet November
2. Elephant
3. Monster
4. My Boss's daughter
5. Memento


"Along Came Polly" wasn't a favorite of mine, but I'm surprised none of you mentioned "The Order" as the worst film ever. Easily the most horrible film I've ever seen, followed by "The Hulk."



It's Only After You've Lost Everything That Your'e Free To Do Anything



You don't seem to have seen my sarcasm. I didn't actually meant that American Beauty, The Godfather, The Silence of the Lambs and all were bad movies, in fact they are all my favorite movies. I made that post up after reading all the weird and somehow jokingly funny posts there are in this board... with people hating the good movies and liking the bad ones... I just thought I should join in the fun and brainlessly insult some grand masterpieces in the 108-year-old motion picture history.


i'm sorry i made you screwed
i'm terribly sorry
i understand now


1) Duets
2) Punch Drunk Love
3) Le Divorce
4) Leprecaun (All of them.)
5) Crossroads


1. What Women Want- why Mel, why?
2. Vertical Limit- I think i actually saw the cuecards Bill Paxton was reading
3. Cobra- laughable, made me long for Commando
4. Any Given Sunday- wow, had nothing even resembling what would really happen in football
5. Freddie Got Fingered- Mizzike84 Got Lobotimized

What's with these homies dissin my girl, why do they gotta front?


ok ok... you all got some good choises... BUT!!!

Where is "Starship Troopers 2"????

that must be THE worst movie ever made... so bad its funny...

also John Carpenter's They Live... though it had the best line ever:
"I came here today to chew bubble-gum and kick ass... And i'm all out of bubble-gum"
and the 20 minute wrestling fight over some glases... Damn that was funny :D



first thank u all for great loughs, some of u are sick i mean really sick :
ninja scroll is second best manga ever(man u liked blade2 and u didnt like ninja scroll ????). the hours is a very good film. clock work orange is a milestone and a good one. Apocolypse Now is in my top 20's and the avengers was just cool.

most flicks u mention i never bothered watching not to mention paying for but i did see the following which i regret with all my heart:

1. the cube - not my pick but i actually invited friends to see this over....
2. the cell - didnt pay, video at friends house
3. darkman - first time i felt ripped off by a film
4. any David Cronenberg films - i would like personally to plug something into him that will terminate his film making career and his hatered to all humans.
5. American Beauty - i didnt see it all ;as i fell asleap but the parts i did saw were misanthropic,"religious" and mostly pathetic.

i would add T3 as i actually wasted 2 cd's on it b4 seeing it and then toss it to the trash bin immediatly. HANNIBAL is another shouldnt be viewed by anyone. and dogma is soooooooo bad and was such a disapointment. the new starwars episodes - pfffffffff.
