more movies like this

hi guys....can anyone suggest any other great films like this? Kind of "slice of life" films, where intersting characters come together, small town etc etc.....
I loved "The Station Agent" and would appreciate any other films like it...thanks!


another one of my favorites that has a similar feel to it is Central Station. It's a Brazilian film with subtitles....but it's along the same lines...


Napoleon Dynamite reminded me a lot of this, only with adolescents. I've only seen each movie once though so I could have my parallels wrong. Also, I haven't actually seen "Harold and Maude", but from what I read about it it seems like it might be similar.


totally agree. great film. i just saw this yesterday and i was very surprised. garden state has a lot in common with this movie.


Hey there! I also just saw Garden State, and loved it too! Suzie



Some films you may want to check out

-Proof. Very similar to Station Agent, but darker
-Lost in Translation
-Garden State
-Ghost World

"Mediocrities all, I absolve you. I am your champion. I am your patron saint"

-Antonio Salieri


Echo Amelie and Straight Story (both with fantastic soundtracks for those that appreciate these).

For those into far eastern films then try Laundry (one of my all time favourites) and 'Happy Funeral Director' both films where not a great deal happens, but you have a warm feeling at the end,


what about...

before sunset
american splendor
punch drunk love

"They Made me Do It "


I simply adore this film and many other American independent movies. Other great films reminiscent of The Station Agent's portral of quirky Americana

Chuck and Buck, The Good Girl, Box of Moonlight, Lawn Dogs, Smoke, Rushmore, About Shmidt, Love Liza, Punch Drunk Love for starters.

Not forgetting my personal fav, the excelent character driven movie Bottle Rocket.

Have fun watching them.


Thank you so much for those recommendations! I have seen a couple of them, but will check the others out.
I love those quirky independent films too!


I just saw this movie on starz movies and it is such an amazing movie and I also want to see garden state cuz I heard it was good .


Hey there! I know! Isn't it a fab film! You will love Garden State, I saw it a few weeks ago and it is fantastic. Suzie


another indie 'gem' that comes to mind is an engilsh film, Little Voice. In part because i'm a Judy Garland fan, but it also has a great cast- Brenda Blethyn, Jane Horrocks (who sings), Ewan McGregor, Michael Caine.


lost in tranlation

gregory's girl (80's british film)


**Saving Grace
Secrets of the Roan Inish
What the Deaf Man Heard
Man Without A Face
**Calendar Girls
*****My Life as A House <HIGHLY RECOMMENDED
**Secondhand Lions
Dr T And the Women
**The Notebook
**Duets (quite a few surprising performances)
**Fried Green Tomatoes (a classic that you've probably already seen)
Happy, Texas
Hope Floats
How to Make an American Quilt
Like Water for Chocolate (spanish but still very good)
Mystic Pizza
Playing By Heart

** marks ones that I REALLY love

Secondhand Lions & Life as a House can also be categorized as "coming of age"/"rites of passage" and if you like that kind... I highly recommend White Squall which was based on a true story.


Definitely Life as A House, it's fantastic. I'd also say Paper Man, The Lucky Ones, Lost in Translation, Somewhere, Fireflies in the Garden and Happythankyoumoreplease.

I only do it with superheroes.


Smoke, Mystery Train, Pelle the Conqueror (it's Swedish, so slow but about a father/son), Royal Tennenbaums, Priscilla Queen of the Dessert (my favorite movie of all least for this moment).
