Holy Crap!

This is the worst film I have ever seen, I can't believe I wasted a whole 85 minutes of my life watching this. I want those minutes back. I would rather eat glass and drink fire than watch this film again. I don't want to live anymore.



OP; "I would rather eat glass and drink fire than watch this film again. I don't want to live anymore"
Simply "eat glass and drink fire" and you will get what you wish for.


This is the worst film I have ever seen, I can't believe I wasted a whole 85 minutes of my life watching this. I want those minutes back. I would rather eat glass and drink fire than watch this film again. I don't want to live anymore.

D Well that,s odd because I found it one of the best films Ive seen in a while, i,ve only seen 127 hours recently and I preferred this film TB Honest

It was very enjoyable and is a great film, the actings not the best and it doesnt have the biggest budget , but who says you need those thibgs 4 a great film


Jonathan Lipnicki from the Stuart Little universe is a good actor. I thought it was cute that his character Toby had a crush on a girl.


The basis of the movie was he was an evil guns linger trying to become good.


I don't get it.
