MovieChat Forums > Hellraiser: Deader (2005) Discussion > Top 5 Horror films of all-time???

Top 5 Horror films of all-time???

Mine are:

1. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
2. Freddy Vs Jason
3. Hellraiser
4. The Thing
5. Day Of The Dead

Ben Trevitt


jeepers creepers 1
resident evil
final destination
final destination 2


well , it's all getting pretty confusing in movieworld , what is horror nowadays , what is a genre , the above clearly states that no-one really knows annymore , i c evil dead 2 wich clearly intended to be a horror whilst of darkness stated to be a dark comedy sequeling e.d.1 wich they had to remake into e.d.2 for it , also i c ppl mention silence of the lambs wich obviously has nothing of horror it's even based on reality a.s.o. we might as wel call the scary movie's horror movies but they clearly r intended to laugh .
this besides yah i could be wrong in my choise 2 and a will not take one movie out of an entire series to place it as stand allone "best" ...

so here go 5 of the best ... i've seen ...

Deathwatch ( the bunker is basicly the same story yet deathwatch is so much better and is shot more beautifull )

hellraiser ( pain = pleasure )

final destination ( finally bringing back the good old gore especially in part 2 yet misses all of the suspence of other horrors we know they all die eventually , oh wait so do we ... )

children of the corn ( 123 r ok but then it's all downhill )

nightmare on ... (u know what street i had to give a fifth before a run out to work :p )

there r so many marked "horror" on the box but most o them r just thriller, fantasy or even comedy i think the genres should be redefined or just be called entertainment ... hasta luego ... baby


Trying to be a writer, I always have to go with the films that leave indelible marks on me...making me want to put elements from those films in my stories...

With that...I'd have to say the top 5 (in no particular order) are:

HALLOWEEN (for the brilliant use of shadows -- out of the darkness comes a brief glimpse of The Shape)
HELLRAISER (great story and one of the first movies I had seen where the supposed "slasher" was pretty ambiguous. you assume pinhead is this freddy/jason like character who will end up killing a bunch of people, but he turns out to be used sparingly and more of a moderator. i loved that.)
HILLS HAVE EYES (unbelievable feeling of suspense and tension and michael berryman is awesome)
TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE (another believable scare...that's just so raw and intense...especially in its minimalism, which i think is much more effective than a highly stylized, effects-heavy horror film)
WES CRAVEN'S NEW NIGHTMARE(fictionally mixing the Elm Street films with the "real" people involved. A precursor to films like BEING JOHN MALKOVICH and ADAPTATION, where reality and fiction over lap so perfectly)

Honorable mentions must go to JEEPERS CREEPERS (just that opening scene alone of the Creeper's truck coming up on the car and that horn...very intense - put me on the edge of my seat right away), EVIL DEAD (for it's brilliant use of comedy and non-stop action...besides, bruce is the best), THE EXORCIST (for its creepy intelligence and unflinching horrors), and NIGHTBREED (monsters can be the good guys). I know there are so many more, but, off the top of my head, I can't think of any that make me want to go to my notebook or computer and start writing...


My favourite 5 films of all time:
1. A Nightmare on Elm Street 3- Dream Warriors
2. The Omen
3. A Nightmare on Elm Street Part 2- Freddy's Revenge
4. The Exorcist
5. Amityville 2- The Possession



THE THING (1982)


In The Mouth of Madness
Dawn of the Dead
Jacob's Ladder

however not scary but still great 'horror' films are

Driller Killer
Invisible Maniac
Killer Klowns from Outer Space
House 2


Silence of the Lambs
The Shining
The Sixth Sense

A Nightmare on Elm Street
The Phantasm
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Jeepers Creepers

"Serve no master but your own ambition"
"Welcome to prime time bitch"
-Freddy Krueger


1. house of 1000 corpses, i dunno why EVERYONE didn't love this one
2. dawn of the dead (2004), zombies that run are scary as all get out
3. nightmare on elm street, actually gave me nightmares
4. near dark, favorite vampire movie
5. dead alive, nothing compares to the finale of this one


first of all...a great discussion:)

my favourites are...

1. The texas chainsaw massacre (it's just perfect)
2. Hellraiser 1+2
3. Cannibal holocaust
4. Evil dead
5. hmmm...I'd have to say the whole new Japanise horror genre (Ringu, tale of two sisters, kairo, one missed call)

as a big horror fan top 5 just isn't enough for me, so I have to mention also jaws, silence of the lambs, shining, friday 13th series,nightmare on els street, re-animator, psycho and sixth sense....

Tommi K.


session 9


night breed

dawn of dead 2004


these are 5 of the BEST ladies and gents
although nightbreed is a stretch b/c most would consider
it more of a fantasy than horror film.


Stanley Kubrick's The shining
Stephen King's IT
Session 9
The evil dead


hey i noticed that no one has included


i got the dvd boxset a few days back and i think it as awsome, i wasn't expecting much cuz it aint all that well known but i've been converted to a fan, all u hu aint watched children of the corn my advice to u is 2 buy the dvd


-1- The Exorcist
-2- The Thing (John Carpenter)
-3- Hellraiser
-4- From Beyond
-5- Candyman

Other favourites include: Reanimator, Pumpkinhead, Evil Dead, Phantasm, Wishmaster, and The Ring, In the Mouth of Madness, The Omen.




I have noticed a trend here. People either mention mostly Japanese horror, mostly obscure horror, mostly cult horror, and never a mixture. Ever. Or, there are like 4950439504 different categories to the list.

So, this is my top 5, in no particular order:

1. Friday the 13th

2. Suicide Club

3. Hellraiser

4. The Shining

5. Satanic Rites of Dracula


1. Halloween
2. Texas Chainsaw Massacre (70's)
3. The Shining
4. Nightmare on Elm St.
5. Dawn of the Dead (70's)
I guess they don't make 'em like they used to, at least in my eyes. Even though I think these are the best horror movies of all time, my favorite is still the Friday the 13th series, they're the ones that got me into horror when I was a kid, and I still have so much fun watching them to this day!




Not picked from the box marked horror, but films where I experienced horror. Well ok more in a Lovecraftian way. Cant look at "gory" horror without thinking is that tomato sauce going to waste? and that's a shame as I had a girlfriend who really liked the Evil Dead.

1. Quatermass and the Pit.

Saw it again recently on DVD and still felt the sinister feeling I had on first watching it as a kid. Brilliant writing by Nigel Kneale. Whaddya mean sci-fi??! This was made in the sixties!

2. The Wickerman.

Note to self - probably best to avoid a holiday on Summerisle.

2. Jacobs Ladder


3. The Thing


4. The Shining (per previous lists)

5. - can't remember the name of it - it was about Bigfoot, and filmed in the 70s or 80s, scared the bejeesus out of me when I was a kid.

Big shout out to the prvius poster who put "Satanic Rites of Dracula" on his list! Go 70s horror!

Honourable mention to Manhunter, and anything by David Cronenberg. A couple of David Lynch films almost made it too!



Evil Dead II: Dead by Dawn
The Thing
Dawn of the Dead (1978)
The Omen


These are my top 5 horror films of all time:

1) Halloween
2) The Omen
3) IT
4) Psycho 2 aka Psycho- 22 years later
5) The Shining (my website)
