11:14 vs. Crash

I found this film's page just browsing the IMDb, and it looks pretty good. But I was just wondering if there are as many similarities to Crash as there appear to be just by reading the synposis. I just want to know how the two compare before seeing this.




Crash is much better
11:14 is entertaining though



Haven't seen 11:14 but I thought Crash was the most overhyped piece of garbage I've ever seen.


I agree - Crash is Trash


This is one of the funniest movies I've seen in a longggggg time. Nothing to do with Crash except a car crash (or two) (or three)


Crash certainly was overhyped, but it wasn't a piece of garbage either. It was actually well done, as was 11:14. The similarities are there, but 11:14 had much more dark humor to it than Crash.


They're both fantastic movies, and even though their plots and presentation share a lot in common, they're totally different. Personally, I preferred 11:14, though I'm a big fan of both.

Max: Up to your necks in security: How can love survive?



11:14 started filming about a year and a half before CRASH. It was a 2003 release. CRASH was a 2004 release.



Crash is one of my alltime favorite films. I dont know how people don't like it (it speaks the truth, face it). I thought Crash was just done extremely well and it had an excellent cast and screenplay. 11:14 is extremely good as well, however, not as good as Crash. There are a few similarities but in general the films are totally different. I would still recommend 11:14 though being that it is a very entertaining film that, like Crash, has a great screenplay.

I am Jack's complete lack of surprise


IMO 11:14 > Crash
I didn't really like Crash...it came off as pretentious hollywood crap. Sort of a poor man's Amores Perros...maybe because prior to Crash I had already seen several better movies similar to it i.e Amores Perros, 21 Grams, Magnolia, Happiness, Short Cuts etc etc. All these movies have a similar tone like Crash but are much better.
On the other hand I also think it's not appropriate to compare 11:14 to Crash. Comparing it to "Go" would be much better.


On the other hand I also think it's not appropriate to compare 11:14 to Crash. Comparing it to "Go" would be much better.
The whole time I was watching this movie, I was thinking of another film I'd seen years ago. Thank you for reminding me that it was 1999's Go (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0139239/) Pretty similar to this one.

If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all.


Yeah Go and 11:14 are somewhat similar...never seen Crash!!


Crash touched on more issues and was more serious...

11:14 was light hearted a lot more then Crash, and really focused on the issues at hand in a one dimensional way..

IMO Crash is better, although I could see why independent junkies would prefer 11:14...

11:14 ran its course to me about 50 minutes in though, its like "end it already we know everything now"

Crash had more substance..


I think Crash and 11:14 aren't really comparable apart from the plot device. Otherwise the tone and focus of the two films are very different.

Crash is about challenging your preconceptions of all the characters over the course of the connected events within the film. It's also a social commentary and deals with a myriad of issues related to race and the human condition. I think it's a superb film but agree it was over hyped and was sadly tarnished by the Hollywood love in and the general "aren't we all wonderful" marketing that came with the film and its attempts to get some Oscars. If you ignore the hype and the crass events at the time, you'll find a gem of a film.

11:14 is very different; it's very much a black comedy with a very cleverly constructed intricate (but implausible) plot. It's not really a comment on anything; it's just pure entertainment and an extremely well made film. Its not at all pretentious and I think is very satisfying to watch. Everything becomes gradually clear and there are twists and turns right up to the end.

11:14 is a superb film that shows Independent American cinema is just as capable as the rest of the worlds Indie cinema at producing gems. Meanwhile Crash is a superb film that shows that big budget Hollywood can occasionally produce a few true gems too (though sadly very rarely these days).


hear hear

///!sig!\\\ I view in flat, I AM politically correct, ask me about my politics


Crash is a masterpice,don't bullsh*t about tht

11 14 is cool


Crash is better

