MovieChat Forums > xXx: State of the Union (2005) Discussion > Did anybody actually LIKE this movie?

Did anybody actually LIKE this movie?

Everywhere I go, I see nothing but negative reviews and opinions about this movie. I watched it on FX a while back and actually enjoyed what I saw, though I haven't seen the movie in its entirety. However, there aren't a lot of positive opinions about this one. I am wondering if there are people on here who actually liked it and I know the people who did are in the minority.

All I need is one mic...


I don't care what anyone says,I liked the first one,but I like this one more

You want tah fack wit me? You ah fACKING chioah boi compahed tu me ah chioah boi



i liked it - it's a guilty pleasure, but i think it's better than teh first XXX - which was just trying way too hard to be "cool". The "extreme sports" angle was stupid, as was the jab at James Bond that opened the film.

This movie's villian is more realistic, and his motive/plan is basically a remake of the classic film 7 Days in May with Kirk Douglas and Burt Lancaster. In fact, Peter Strauss and Willem Dafoe are basically in a separate (better) film.

That being said the exuberance of Xibit, and the overall cheesiness of Ice Cube, Sunny Mabrey, and Scott Speedman are delightfully appropriate for this b-movie. Sam Jackson isn't gunning for any Oscars, and Speedman's doing his best Ed Norton impression. Ice Cube does Ice Cube things.

If you don't like these things, then don't buy the ticket (or write a review). They are self-evident in the trailer and premise/casting of the movie. You were expecting something else?

It's all good. It's like getting a taco from Jack in the Box - it's not a good taco. But it's a GREAT Jack in the Box Taco. Especially at 2:00AM when you're drunk.



i liked it. it was good for what it was an fun action film.


I liked it, was only half watching when it first came on, had to do a double take because I thought they were on the enterprise.

In thish short of rashe, their is no shilver medal for finishing schecond.
