MovieChat Forums > Under the Tuscan Sun (2003) Discussion > This will probably make some people angr...

This will probably make some people angry, but . . .

I keep on hearing people say how "beautiful" Diane Lane, is but I just don't see it. I think she's an attractive woman, but she always seems to look a little tired and worn and appears older than 38, at least to me. But she is a very good actress.

Well, I guess that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.


I think she's a pretty gal, but I personally wouldn't use the word "beautiful". Nothing wrong though in thinking she is.


And it's always refreshing to see a woman over 35 being portrayed as sexy and desirable! We just don't dry up and die when we're over 30! More power to her.



I think Diane Lane has always been VERY beautiful but agree that recently (since her divorce etc) she has looked a little sad and worn.

She is beautiful but I think it must take it's toll when you star in over 40 films that always make the co-stars famous while you get overlooked. (I mean - even her Oscar nomination was "overlooked"). That must HURT! and having 20 years of it must take it's toll on you in this profession.

For example, I watched Regis and Kelly the other day and they introduced her as "Diane Ladd"! Joan Rivers did the same thing on the Oscar's pre-show! I mean that would "age" me!!!


I think the drug days and party days are starting to catch up with her.



look, i really like diane lane, but she has lost some looks. but it's like buying a pretty brand new car, then putting mileage on it over the years. so i do agree with what has been said, except the drug thing. i'm sure she did some coke, had some liquor, but a little surgury could fix that. i don't think diane lane has had much work done. it looks like she's taken the graceful approach. i'm really into her acting, though. a connsumate actress who could get it done onscreen in any era.

"quaint, defiently quaint"

diane lane, lady beware(a movie i actually like)



I guess you never saw her ca. 1986 playboy(penthouse?) pics.


I think she's alot more attractive then alot of other women her age.

I will paint you as I first saw you. Not as a maid, you.


oh, don't get me wrong, i enjoy looking at her onscreen. especially interviews. so fresh, witty, classy



Diane Lane was Oscar nominated for UNFAITHFUL. Her other hits include THE PERFECT STORM, CHAPLIN, THE OUTSIDERS and THE COTTON CLUB



She's a lovely woman and an intelligent actress, who brings great sympathy and understanding to her roles. But I am a gay man, so what do I know about beautiful women, right?

You're too short for that gesture.. besides, it went out with Mrs. Fiske.


I think Diane is absolutely stunning for her age, I hope I look good still like her when Im 40.. and its great that shes not stuck in those sterotypical roles as just a housewife with 10 kids or something! I really like her shes great





You said: "But I am a gay man, so what do I know about beautiful women, right?"

Look at what most straight guys consider beautiful. So are wrong. The things I look for in a woman are not simply at a dermal level. She IS intelligent, she IS an excellent actress, and she's also quite attractive. All these qualities put her head and shoulders above the "beauties." Besides you gay guys have a well deserved reputation for style and the ability to beautify nearly anything. So I do think you know what you are talking about.



Wrong, Wrong my opinion gay men know more about beautiful women because they aren't thinking of them as sex objects. We are beautiful in the same respect as a beautiful piece of art, or a flower, or a sunset, or anything that doesn't have a sexual conotation to it.


She was in her prime in Rumble Fish. So young & fresh looking. I agree she hasn't aged that well & she does come off as a bit depressed when I see her in interviews and press junkets.


Despite what tooeverything said, I think Diane has aged very well and is still stunnigly beautiful. Go to the fan site "" and take a look at two interviews she did in January 2008 on Reel Talk and on the Craig Ferguson Show. I thought she looked great and not at all depressed.


hint: 33 and 38 for that matter are not old..


At 40, Diane Lane remains stunning. She instantly captured my attention in Under the Tuscan Sun, her first film which I had ever seen. The first thing which struck me were her eyes. Pools of deep vulnerability, wisdom, hope and surrender taking in the wonders of creation. Her smile warm and pliant, yet sad, as though unpracticed...inviting a caress and a long smoldering kiss to release her repressed joy. Her hair seems to have a consciousness of its own, with each gossamer strand self-aware, knowing where to fall on her face and shoulders like glistening water from an ancient fountain that slakes the thirst for beauty for all who would drink from it. Diane is emotive, totally feminine. A woman who emits sensuality in waves. A woman who makes a man thrilled he is a man.

Yes, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Yet even without eyes one could feel the glowing warmth, and love of life which gives her such resplendence. And which makes her performances in her films so captivating.

