MovieChat Forums > Wicker Park (2004) Discussion > who completely sympathized with alex?

who completely sympathized with alex?

I mean, she saw/knew him first (in a way). I know it's a childish logic, but to the ladies of this forum, don't you think Alex had every reason and rights to do what she had to do? It happened to me before. And I did the exact same thing (except I didn't steal my friend's name and apartment and her life). But yeah.


I too sympathized with her! The movie was heart braking I think it teaches us to not let our emotions control us to use our heads instead of our hearts sometimes because I feel strongly about people I can never be with and it's better to just realize that then to indulge in a unhealthy fantasy I'm glad she realised what she had done was wrong but I wish she had more of a happy ending/realization in the end to me SHE was the main character so I felt her story needed to be wrapped up more than anyone elses.


She could of been honest with Lisa from the start. She could of easily been like " That's the guy I was talking about Lisa " and Lisa could of politely turned down a date or what have you with Matthew. My favorite piece of honestly was when Matt told Rebbecca that thing's were not going to progress. No fairy tale " oh you meant so much to me, I'll always love you " blah blah blah kind of *beep* He cut to the point and was honest. It hurts, but honestly goes a long way, and let's you know what is up.

but yeah, she had no point to go that far with it. Especially when they have fallen for each other at this point. Should of said something earlier on.


I felt sorry for her but what she did was wrong. She wasn't justified or right to screw over her best friend and derail Matt's life. It is really unfortunate that she lost Matt in that fashion but at the start she had her chances to approach him and she missed out. How many times does a guy sit back and watch the girl he likes get taken? Happens every day of the week but if you didn't give it a shot your self when you had the chance you can only blame yourself.

Maybe instead of staring at the back of his head for 48 seconds she could have started a conversation. Maybe when she saw him and her friend interacting for the first time, she could have said, "Hey, Lisa, that's my super crush." Lying to your friend telling her the guy cheated and then manipulating the guy so you could get some ass is cold blooded. I feel for her but she went about it all the wrong way.

"Cool will get ya dead." -Former NBA Power Forward, Karl Malone



I think what Alex did was very selfish.
I'd be very upset if some crazy woman told my girlfriend she saw me in bed with another woman when it wasn't true.
You just don't spread lies like that. It's a matter of respect for people who love eachother.

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I don't agree with Alex. She said it, she was pretending to get what she wanted. But what was truly sad was that she was pretending with herself. I should know. Growing up thinking you are missing the good life, wanting things that aren't yours. At some point you must stand tall and be the good in you, do the right thing. Alex was given a gift of what love felt like. She should have been happy that she knew what love felt like so she wouldn't miss if it came looking for her. Yes her heart was broken, but that's love sometimes.
Once we accept who we are, the confidence we exude is attractive. The rest is easy. As for who saw him first, that doesn't matter if he doesn't want you. I could understand her making a play for him in the open. I saw you and fell in love, do you want to see where this goes? Also tell her girlfriend. If you can't do it in the open, you can't tell someone, then something is wrong. Also, she lost her friend, which I don't believed would have happened had she been honest.

If we can save humanity, we become the caretakers of the world


She was crazy, there is no excuse for what she did. Just simply horrible.


My idea of crazy is a bit different, but I respect yours,

If we can save humanity, we become the caretakers of the world



