MovieChat Forums > Wicker Park (2004) Discussion > who completely sympathized with alex?

who completely sympathized with alex?

I mean, she saw/knew him first (in a way). I know it's a childish logic, but to the ladies of this forum, don't you think Alex had every reason and rights to do what she had to do? It happened to me before. And I did the exact same thing (except I didn't steal my friend's name and apartment and her life). But yeah.



No, Alex was not right in doing what she did. While she may have knew about/liked Matthew before Lisa had, Lisa was the one who actually went to him first --whether she was aware of Alex's liking in him or not, doesn't matter; so Alex should have dealt with the fact her friend got him first and moved on with her life.


maybe if she was herself and did not try to be someone else Matt would fall for her.



i felt sorry for her at the end...i mean she felt for him the way he felt when he first saw lisa. Imagine thinking that this person is your soul mate and becoming so attached to the thought of him, if u had a chance to be with him youd take im not in any way encouraging stalking someone but unrequited love makes people do desperate (insane) things.


@pinchNblush - it could only be "unrequited" of he even knew she existed. Alex' feelings could only qualify as a crush, and that from afar. Did they even have a conversation? Did they ever even say "hello" once to each other?

I see some people will argue Matt was in the same stalker like-mode when he first met Lisa. I think the difference is, it is obvious from the scene when Lisa is writing her phone number on the shoe box because she wants to know when the shoes come in, Josh is deflated because she said "no, you can't call you me" which indicates he would not have taken advantage of the number and called it nor would he have continued his pursuit. Just as he did not pursue her by asking her dance instructor which dance company is she with in Paris. He was angry and hated it but (like NORMAL people) he accepted that she didn't want him. However, two years later as tempers cool, people do think to revisit and find out what went wrong in a relationship. He's wondering because he is evaluating his life and upcoming marriage. Even Lisa is willing to meet him even though when she heard he "cheated" on her two years ago, she was done with the relationship. Matt's behavior is totally different from the deranged behvior that Alex displays.


I normally would dismiss someone like Alex as rather reprehensible, but Rose Byrne really imbued the character with a heartbreaking, attractive vulnerability that makes her sympathetic.

Every single action of hers went hand in hand with the longing in her eyes that revealed a beautiful young woman desparately aching for true love.

Alex did some cruel things, but there was no mean-spiritedness involved, just a tragic self-absorption that kept her trapped in her fixation.

The movie seems to make a point about the nature of strong purposeful desire as kindling to romance; if you act on it the way Matt did in the beginning of his relationship to Lisa, that leads to a fulfilling romantic connection; otherwise one implodes via Matt/Rebecca and Alex's obsession.


Aw, I sympathize with Alex of course.. if it happened to me, I would be devastated. But somehow I still don't believe what she did was right... if two people love each other, they should be able to be together, without anyone interfering. Matthew didn't love Alex, so he should be with Lisa. It should end there. Great movie.


Yeah, bottom line is that what she did was wrong, but she was such a tragic character and i really felt sorry for her. It especially broke my heart at the point in her flashback when you see her about to walk into the camera store, smile on her face and everything, when it dawns on her that Matthew is staring at Lisa, completely in love. That moment is just.... DAMN. I totally felt for her. But again, i realize what she did wasn't the right way to go about it, though i do believe, as they put it so eloquently in another movie "it is remarkable how similar the pattern of love is to the pattern of insanity..". It is the feeling that has the power to override all other faculties of a human being, the most powerful i think there is. It just makes me sad cause it all went so wrong for her when she had obviously seen someone she thought she could care for...


I feel empathy for Alex. I can understand her how bad it must feel if you fall in love with someone (who sadly doesn't know it yet), and just before you want to make the first move, her crush (Matt) falls for Lisa, Alex's (probably BEST) friend!!! And then, Alex sees and realizes that her (best) friend is in a serious relationship with Alex's secret crush! I mean, that is horrible! After all, Lisa didn't know that Alex is in love with Matt, and I think what Alex did is unbelievable.
I do feel empathy for Alex. But I don't think that what she did is right.


People, listen to me ! She had an obsession she thought she loved matthew and didn't think that Lisa's love for him was real...The point of the movie is that love comes through sometimes and Alex told the truth she called her best friend and confessed, something that not everyone can do ! :( It+s called obsession read Moby-Dick for Christs sake, people with obsession have an obsession it's like an motional problemn and people are blinded by obsession !! As was Alex


Well, I think Matt is obsessed with Lisa as well... I wonder what he'd do if she ever cheated on him... but that's a different story...


I totally agree!!

And also:
In the end she did let go, which was her sacrifice, which was the sadest part of the whole movie. She's has my admiration and support, because in the end she knew she couldn't have him, and she let go. She gave back by letting go of what was most valuable to her, but everything was taken from her. The unfair tragedy of life and love.



I identify more with Alex. There's scene in the film a flashback when Starnge and Beutiful is playing and she's following Matt around finally when she tries to approach him she realises he's in love with Lisa now. I've been there, I've felt that pain atching someone you've ached for with some one else. that pain is is worst kind of pain.

As the school motto goes: if you don't snort it, suck it.


I did feel really bad for Alex in the movie. She wasn't a mean person....but she felt threatened and jealous and those two emotions are a BAD combination. I felt so sorry for her at the end when she finally tells Matt and he just gives her this look of disgust. That's gotta sting!

"An entire generation of Cinderellas and there's no glass slipper coming..." - Almost Famous


no i think she is a huge see-uu-en-tee and watching her did that kind of thing made me wanna pull her hair off and slap her over n over


While I cannot condone what Alex did and felt she sort of got what she deserved...I also have a horrible sad feeling for her. There is a part of me that really wishes she could have had a chance...if only she had been honest. Like I said, I cannot condone her actions, but yet I understand her pain and reasoning - she was in love with a man who didn't even notice her & instead notices her neighbor/friend Lisa and has to sit and watch them fall in love. It would be absolutely heartbreaking.

On a side note, if anyone should truly be felt sorry would have to be Luke and Rebecca.

Luke I don't think took it as hard...but I felt bad for him being used that way. would that be: "Hi honey, I didn't go to China...oh and by the way...there is this girl from a while back I'm in love with and I just found her again...she broke my heart...I want her back...blah blah..."

I felt so bad for her...she didn't really do anything wrong other than coming into Matt's life too late. And her line about "not being the girl that can break your heart" - that just ripped me up. What an awful realization to feel...and all out of nowhere too.

T~O #235


i'm with alex all the way based on looks alone. notice how they had to fuglify rose byrne just to make diane kruger look good? lol. rose is such a beauty.


