i think what gael's character did in the film wasn't bad at all. he fell in love, and the girl was an adult! she was a teacher! if he was a pope, or bishop you can't have sexual relations to anyone. but he was just a priest! what was so sinful of what he did? nothing! i'm confused...he did nothing wrong, he could have gone out with her if he wanted. he could have even married her and still be a priest. so i don't know what the big deal is here.

someone please explain to me what the big deal is. he did not sin, he fell in love.


What was wrong with what e did? He made the girl pregnant and could not take a responsibility to accept the baby convincing her to abort it. Then, when she had died (due to his idiotic behavior - he took her out of the hospital when she was all bleeding) he spread rumors all over the town that it was the other guy who did it (the girl's ex).

Most priests are freaking sinful *beep* and covering up all the shot they do with religious *beep*


we see he is very sinful, but even if he really loves(not lust) her, he is still wrong.. not good enough to be a priest.

he is not worse than an average person, that's because everyone has sins.


Prior the pregnancy, I don't think there was anything wrong at all. However, once the girl died, Gael BLAMED another person for what HE did. This person probably wound up in jail or something. I think this is the real sin. How could he carry on being a priest with all that guilt bottled up inside? After framing an innocent person for his mistake... wow... the nerve! xD lol... i really liked this film.


i am not a priest.
all i can say about it that life is not a thing which can be answered easily.
shamik ghosh


I am catholic, so i know what im talking about. Priests take 3 vows: Obedience, Poverty, and Chastity. he broke his vow of chastity. catholic priests cannot marry or fall in love or anything. other christian ministers/reverends can marry if they choose.

"Women carry the clothes, but shoes carry the women"
-Louis Vuitton


I'm not religious or anything; and I don't want to attack Catholicism or any religion for that matter (cults are a differen story) but to force priests to take a vow of celibacy is asking for too much imo. So long as they practice their duty, I find suppressing such a natural human impulse only creates rifts/problems, etc, as seen in this film (I know it's just a movie but still...). In fact, by withholding something, it creates a much more intense desire, which in turn can lead to desperate (and sometimes dangerous) measures.


im not religious either, im forced to go to church with my family. i agree that asking priests to take a vow of celibacy is too much. I also feel that the fact that they are off limits makes them MUCH more desirable.

Academy Awards = the Creme de la Creme of Bull Sh*t


The vow of celibacy in the RC Church brings no one closer to God, while creating a lot of unnecessary mischief, confusion, and suffering...imo. Isn't it amazing how Human Beings create perfectly unnecessary institutions for themselves, rationalize them endlessly, and then whine about suffering from them...on and on and on? Don't we have enough existential problems--eg Hunger, Volcanoes, Hurricanes--that we must slap together more and more claptrap problems to make our lives even more weird?

That being said, the Priest acted like a swine. That he had sex with a beautiful, charming, and bright young girl is understandable. That he then set her up for a CRUDE abortion is simply vile. He should have dumped the Priesthood, opened a laundry and cleaning firm, raised a healthy family and done laundry and cleaning for the Poor at a discount. There are many ways to serve God. Yes, I'm a Presbyterian.

Good movie, tho--even without the bite it should have had.


You have to read the FIRST edition of the book to understand what the writer meant with "The Crime". The writer didn't make it clear in the next edition of the book, but in the first, Amaro murdered the baby he had with Amelia. Not abortion. He murdered him after he was born.
