MovieChat Forums > Bobby (2006) Discussion > LSD effect portrayal

LSD effect portrayal

I'll admit that I've never taken LSD (or any other hallucinogenic drug for that matter), but I know people who have, and I've read plenty on it. So, when I watched this movie, the part where they take LSD and start throwing *beep* out the windows basically bothered me a lot.

It's not that I want drugs to be more widespread or legalized or anything, but I don't think that spreading misinformation is going to help anyone here, especially not the people fighting drug usage.

LSD is one of the least toxic drugs and it certainly doesn't make you throw mobilia out the window, so it would seem that the director went by the commonly accepted definition of it and dramatized it even more to try to make a cultural point and place the characters in time more naturally, but to someone even slightly knowledgeable on this matter it was simply innaccurate and didn't help at all.

I know it might seem like a small issue, but it is not. I used to be one of the people who knew nothing about LSD, and my impression of it was basically the one brought to me by movies, so I'm pretty sure many people will get the wrong impression off this, and like I said, spreading misinformation is not going to help anyone here.


I thought that it was a fairly good representation of acid. The majority of you guys have no experience with the drug. It can be completely random and the effects can vary greatly from user to user. I have gotten naked for no reason, and I have thrown *beep* for no reason.


The real fact is the drug will react diffrently to everyone. Just because your freinds don't think they are glasses of Orange Juice doesn't mean it hasn't happen.

Anime is Forever


you can read all you want about it but until you take it you don't know what you're talking about. forgetting everything about what they saw and how ashton kutcher was "flying", i have taken it and been around people who have taken it enough times to know that the way they were acting wasn't too far off. for instance, kutcher talking to an orange: similar experience. another: "this sh*t, that sh*t, all this sh*t has got to go!": similar experiences. Most notably was when they were playing tennis, tring to get each other to see from each other's eyes and still feeling the effects hours later, still freaking out. Not a bad portrayal outside of all the flying and looking through an open door into television.


Sorry for bumping an old thread, but I have to add my two cents. Let's get this out of the way first: It's near impossible to portray what tripping is like on film. The only movie I've seen come close was Blueberry, and even then it wasn't INFINITE enough.

However, I think this movie had a good representation of the chaotic nature of tripping. The visual stuff is not what you see on acid, but it fits with the acid vibe, and they've done this well. No you won't see a poster when you open a door, but that's more metaphorical in the movie anyways. It's just symbolizing how acid changed him, made him take an objective look at the Vietnam war. Also, the part where he takes his glasses off and gives it to the other guy is an amazing acid-like moment. You can see him be momentarily excited, then suddenly distressed, and was very akin to seeing someone trip.

And every scene with Ashton was cliche and stupid, except he looks good high and maybe when he sips the orange juice.

To everyone: I think you should all do a high dose of acid once in your lifetime, and never do it again. You'll thank me later.


The only good portrayal I've ever seen of a trip are old army vids of experiments, where the ppl in it are ACTUALLY tripping. If you've ever tripped there are moments when you see their face and you know EXACTLY what that feeling's like, so much so that you almost feel it again. I can't agree more about the part where Shia takes his glasses off as being an amazing acid like moment, as for the unrealistic parts well....if you completely let yourself go things can get a lil nutso. I've never known anyone to be violent on it but I have had a friend who jumped off a balcony during a concert (no one but he was injured and he only broke his leg thank God).


Peter Maxx artwork would have sufficed.



Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas had some good scenes as well.
If you take TO MUCH that is.


drugs are not as simple as good or bad, its much more complicated than that

basically what i want to know is the song that was playing in that scene! Does anyone know?



So you haven't taken LSD but say you know those who have and you feel it was misrepresented. Well you've just shown what little you know about the drug as have many others here that show your same ignorance. I've taken LSD. I took it when I was in our armed forces in the '70s. Not because I was part of some military experiment or forced to either. Simple blotter acid (LSD) on a little square of paper. I took it because recreational drugs were a big part of the life in our barracks during off duty hours and I knew my brother had done it before and lived. ;) I wasn't a big part of that scene but I did it one night when we were getting a snow storm that we knew would mean we wouldn't work the next day. I knew my roommate used it on occasion and he offered it that night as always (he also always had pot and very often cocaine as well) and I took him up on it. In short in the post-Vietnam era this is why I left the service as well because of these rampant problems I didn't see things being done about at that time.

In short your perception that those things don't happen on it is completely ignorant and flawed and so is anyone elses that thinks that way. REMEMBER, I KNOW, I did it. I did it that once and never again because I was seriously concerned the next day what another time might bring. A night sometime later my roommate was living proof of that. I'm not an anti-drug crusader either. I just am very well aware of what it can and does do but it's different in different situations with different people. Maybe these "friends" didn't actually take the acid also. Maybe they were duped. Easy to do. Blotter was/is one of the great scam drugs too.

I'm guessing by your nick, didomusic, that you are a girl, a fairly young girl. Well little girl your misinformation based on probably not many years of life and talking about something you don't know first hand about isn't doing you any good nor others who think you speak with knowledge about it.

Bottom line, it's a VERY REAL representation. Just because you don't like how it portrays a drug doesn't make it less real. Yes, you could take it and not do those things too. It's not a given how you will behave, it can be different for different people and in different situations. You want an unreal representation of a drug, in this case marijuana, watch the old Reefer Madness. that's a total joke.


how many times, how many different types have you taken and how many different people have you seen take it.
These are all questions relevant to explain the effects of a drug seeing as they affects everyone differently.
I myself have never had any freaked out experiences on LSD but I can assure you I have seen someone try climb out a window, not because he thought he could fly like most assume, but because he couldn't handle being inside the room and it felt like his only escape.
He did not jump out but what you are saying is also misinformation, someone may read your post and think its ok to take LSD on your own in an apartment building and jump out that window, so you need to take more responsibility for what you say.
