MovieChat Forums > Bobby (2006) Discussion > LSD effect portrayal

LSD effect portrayal

I'll admit that I've never taken LSD (or any other hallucinogenic drug for that matter), but I know people who have, and I've read plenty on it. So, when I watched this movie, the part where they take LSD and start throwing *beep* out the windows basically bothered me a lot.

It's not that I want drugs to be more widespread or legalized or anything, but I don't think that spreading misinformation is going to help anyone here, especially not the people fighting drug usage.

LSD is one of the least toxic drugs and it certainly doesn't make you throw mobilia out the window, so it would seem that the director went by the commonly accepted definition of it and dramatized it even more to try to make a cultural point and place the characters in time more naturally, but to someone even slightly knowledgeable on this matter it was simply innaccurate and didn't help at all.

I know it might seem like a small issue, but it is not. I used to be one of the people who knew nothing about LSD, and my impression of it was basically the one brought to me by movies, so I'm pretty sure many people will get the wrong impression off this, and like I said, spreading misinformation is not going to help anyone here.



no it cant, i am proof. you are brainwashed as to the effects of drugs on people.






one time there was a pot of cooked pasta sitting in the kitchen of the hotel where we were and we started throwing it at each throwing *beep* out a window isnt too far fetched. for the most part though acid wont make you do *beep* like that.


You can't be serious. Like you said, you've NEVER taken it. Notice that only one of the guys was reacting that way? It has ALL kinds of effects on people. You literally NEVER know what can happen on an LSD trip. I think you need to keep your mouth shut, especially since you have no experience in the field. Don't go just by what you read or what others tell you. I've done all kinds of crazy sh*t on acid, and I've seen others do equally crazy sh*t.

You might want to rethink the misinformation you just spewed out yourself.

BTW, I thought that scene was hilarious. True, you may not open the door and see planes dropping bombs, but you seriously never know what you're going to see or do. It's a whole other world.



It might have been unfavorable to some but it was very real. I KNOW.


The whole acid scene was a bad portrayal of an acid experience.

And acid is very bad for you.


Acid can be very good for you. But it shouldn't be taken lightly. And you need to make sure that it is unadulterated, that you are open to what it shows you, and that you are in friendly circumstances.


it was still funny as hell. in terms of a director trying to protray a trip. that was one of the funniest i have seen.
So,if you sleep until you're 18,Ah, think of the suffering you're gonna miss.



It opens up different areas of your conscience and awareness. These are often ignored statements because they tend to come from junkies and they think they are ramblings. However, this language that people use comes from the writings of Albert Hoffman and also from "scientific" results from the MKULTRA programs. That LSD increases mental capacity, expands consciousness, and increases awareness (These feelings of "all-knowingness" led to the mixing of acid with political rebelliousness in the 60's. While those increased feelings and thoughts AND SIGHTS that you never knew existed are incredible while on the drug, as the years go on, those same feelings and awareness can turn into paranoia and maybe even extreme thoughts of death, whether suicidal, homicidal, or accidental. Not to mention your eyesight is forever damaged. I haven't taken acid in over 5 years and to this day, I can zone into an object and make it move, wiggle, and shift all over the place. And if I bend over or get a rush of blood to the head, I see all the "electrical/lightning" tracers.


Wooh, biteme142:
>>extreme thoughts of death, whether suicidal, homicidal, or accidental. Not to mention your eyesight is forever damaged<<
Are you sure those effects are due to acid?

And when you can make objects you perceive wiggle at will, do you think that is a good or a bad thing?


That was a ridiculous portrayal of an acid trip. In my experiences, nobody ever tossed things out windows or got naked. Thats just ridiculous. Alcohol is more likely to cause people to do those things.

The industry has NEVER successfully recreated a first person point of view drug trip, nor has it ever accurately portrayed the realities of an AA meeting. (Ironic how I would know about both of those, isn't it? :))


And, in my experiences with LSD people did get naked and sometimes got extremely violent.

It's completely daft to say that just because it didn't happen during YOUR acid trips that it doesn't happen at all.
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i totally agree with you on the eyesight point - zoning, electrical tracers etc. hehe


My thoughts on the film's portrail: Mildly amusing, and certainly conceivable, though deeply unimaginative.
My personal take on LSD: The trip comes from YOU, not the drug. Therefore, anything can happen. But if the things that happen are "bad", don't blame the drug. It's all your own handywork! LSD just helped you open the door.

I spent a couple of years experimenting with various drugs including LSD and magic mushrooms, so I am a veteran of MANY good and a few bad trips. My overriding memory is of a good time had by all. I think back on those days with fondness and a wry smile. Will I ever do it again? Not likely. I've got the t-shirt. Do I regret it? Not at all. It was an experience that opened my mind and my awareness, and gave me LOADS of entertainment. I look back on my old trips with warmth and nostalgia.

Would I recommend it? No. Why? Because that would be irresponsible. Taking mind altering drugs is potentially dangerous, and the decision to risk your sanity and possibly your life should not be made based on someone else's thoughts, beliefs, or experiences.

Did those "hippy" years affect me for the rest of my life? Of course. Tripping changes you forever. But here's the thing: As I mentioned before, it's YOU that makes those changes, not the drug. I chose to make my changes improvements, and overall I was successful. :)

I have yet to see a portrayal of tripping on film that even comes close to the enormity of the real thing. Tripping is a very profound experience, and so far the movies have failed to capture that.

Anyway, Bobby was a good film. :)


Ive taken it plenty half of its in your head teh placebo effect - your in a gd mood then that helps

but the side effects are i havent left my room in 3 yrs -- it *beep* your psychic shielding




I think one thing we're forgetting here is that acid in 1968 is totally different than acid now. I believe it was more organic and less synthetic back in the bad old good days, or the good old bad days. Comparing the acid of then with the acid of now is like comparing apples and kiwi!!


Bull crap. That is completely false what the above poster says about "60s" acid and "current" acid. Bull crap. Another thing...ALL ACID IS SYNTHETIC...sheesh.

I have tripped many times. You could also say I promote the use of LSD, HOWEVER, everyone is not likely to have a good trip. If you do NOT stay true to yourself and are easily influenced by other things (peer pressure for one)...I would say be cautious. Do NOT, EVER, be afraid, or unsure, or uncomfortable with your surroundings and especially the people you trip with. If you ever feel like that, have the SENSE to move yourself to a different environment. If you have STUPID friends that try to mess with you while you are tripping, move to a different environment.

One time a friend was doing this to me, and I was the only one tripping (can be a bad idea). I was laying on a beanbag and he was constantly acting like he was jumping in at me, flashing his hands in my face, coming in and out, in and out. This was making me feel VERY UNEASY, to the point where I was willing to do anything to make him stop. And herein lies the danger with LSD. I was persistently telling him to STOP with an uneasy, but nice, expression. I asked him nicely 3 or 4 times. When he didnt, I overreacted and completely pushed him on his ass. Him and his girlfriend were like, "Whoa GEEZ, Phil, you're such a mean person when you're tripping!" And herein lies the misunderstanding of LSD. I felt horrible for doing that and all I could think about was WHY and HOW I had come to let that happen.

Insecurity = BAD TRIP. Not CONFRONTING your insecurities = WORSE TRIP.

This was the only "bad" trip ive had. I wont go into all the AMAZING experiences ive had, because we have all heard those before. There is just a huge misunderstanding of acid. and flashbacks? If i were to EVER have a flashback (really, what DEFINES a flashback?) I would not attribute it to LSD. The stories you hear of people blaming flashbacks for an accident? Self-denial.

Do I feel "forever changed" because of acid? Hell yes, and NOT in a bad way.

People jumping off things because they thought they could fly? Good riddance...WHY DIDNT YOU TAKE OFF FROM THE GROUND FIRST? -thank you Bill Hicks.


do 30 hits of acid u might see some bombs being dropped. not one hit thou ud just laugh alot and be like they were when they were on the tennis courts not taking dumps in the cat box naked stupid stuff


Wow, just the complete illiteracy of your response shows how clueless you are.


LSD is EXTREMELY DANGEROUS!! Depending on ones "mind set" LSD can make you go insane. Art Linkletter's daughter jumped out a window and died because of LSD(Supposedly; she had flashbacks)

Some people have flashbacks and that can make them do harm to themselves or others. You can have a good or a bad trip. You never know what kind of trip you're going to have.

I took acid about ten times and I remember having only one bad trip. It was so bad I left a party and went home and hid under the covers until the drug wore off.


That's a myth about Art Linkletter's daughter:


I had a friend call me telling me the grass was eating his pants, there was a monster under his bed, and was even talking to his beer apologizing to it because he was going to drink it.

so how do you know people don't do crazy sht like that. I was reading something on acid saying this kid tried to rip a pay phone out of the wall..


You wanna know about the long term effects of LSD use? Check out Dan "What's the frequency Kenneth" Rather.


A good example of what 'trip' looks like, and I think 'speed' was used in this film... Babel. The Japanese girl falls in to a trance-like state, and she seems to loose sense of time. It's sort of similar when you get a very good buzz in pretty much any drug, including alchohol.

Anyways, as far as LSD is concerned, The Beatles remember this one time ariving to their hotel during a tour, and getting in an elevator, and it 'seemed' to have caught fire, and they started to go hysterical, and I believe Brian Epstein (their manager), was there and of course, there was no fire, it was simply the LSD. So yeah, LSD can make you experience some pretty crazy stuff.


I did acid for the first time recently and although I didn't trip hard enough to throw expensive stuff out of a window, I also had a fairly small dose both times I've done it. Haha I've only done it twice, but coincidentally I was on acid while watching 'Bobby', and I loved the acid scene (figures, I know).

All I can say, is that the scene was a pretty frickin cool depiction of an acid trip. Like someone above me said, everyones experiance on acid can be differant, especially if people are taking high doses.

But the scene in Bobby was definitely not unrealistic.



Wow. A big *beep* you" is all I have to say to you, Oneofthelads.

One of my best friends suffers from chronic depression. This disease is due to a lack of a chemical that makes you happy. Her inability to be happy (caused by a genetic problem in her brain, not a personality flaw) during recent months led her to search for other ways; she came upon drugs, they made her happy. Eventually she tried to kill herself, but now she is doing well and no longer on drugs.

As a sufferer of chronic depression myself, I know how it feels to be desperate for even small moments of happiness. You'd do anything to feel euphoria.

Some cancer patients become addicted to marijuana because it soothes their pain. I personally know someone like this, so don't tell me it can't happen.

I won't argue that drugs are bad (they certainly can be), but ..

Addiction does not equal weakness. There's a lot more to it. To assume that someone is weak because they suffer from addiction is pathetic, ignorant, and old-fashioned.

FYI - I have never done drugs, nor do I have any desire to ever do so.


Some dude totally came to our school to do a drug presentation he was like an ex-everythinghead, he did all that *beep* So he told us one story about how his friend took acid at a party and thought there was rocks in her stomach and cut her stomach open with a kitchen knife and started digging around to get the rocks out. After hearing that story everyone was just like *beep* acid.



Actually, you're completely wrong. I've seen people do extremely violent things on LSD. Yes, I've done it. I've done TONS of it. Not proud of that, and it's been a long while, but I can attest to the fact that it certainly CAN make you throw stuff out of a window. Your post here is extremely ignorant, not just because you are wrong, but because after admitting you have never done LSD, you post as though you definitely have, saying in no uncertain terms that the way it was portrayed in the movie was innacurate and "misinformation".

You're wrong. Period. Either go and drop some acid or stop talking about it like you know a damn thing.
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