Wooden pickle

That was one of the most heart-warming moments ever for any movie.


And it was supposed to look like a turd. Brilliant comedy to bring out those distant emotions.


I have to agree. The kid is sweet in that he sees the glimmer of goodness in "Santa."


Yes it was funny and touching at the same time.

I've seen the film at least 5 times over the last two months or so, and LMAO each time I have seen it (and a little bit sad knowing Bad Santa was John Ritter's final film).

A further note on the pickle scene. It seemed to me though, at the very end of the pickle scene, that his girlfriend wanted him to use the pickle on her, like a dildo - at least that's what I thought her 'look' was implying for him to do! The movie cut away from that scene pretty quickly, also, which sort of reinforced the idea of what Billy Bob's character was going to do with it.

Anyone else pick up on this?


It seemed to me though, at the very end of the pickle scene, that his girlfriend wanted him to use the pickle on her, like a dildo - at least that's what I thought her 'look' was implying for him to do!

??????????? Are you serious? That idea never even remotely made it's way into my mind at all. I didn't see that look on her face whatsoever. It seemed more of a "oh my god, he's so sweet" look, nothing more.


No, honey. You're totally projecting (hoping?) about Lauren Graham's character supposedly getting a bang-me-with-a-wooden-pickle look in her face. She looked touched by the kid's gesture and that's about it. And no, the "touched" look on her face didn't belie a desire to touch the young kid in a sexual manner.

I swear, in a movie full of hilariously inappropriate sh*t, you pick the one true genuinely sweet moment to perv out on. Not gonna lie man, that's gross.


I thought they might be heading in a dildo-ish direction, just because that's the kind of high-falutin' humor this movie is about, but yeah, it was clearly just meant to be touching in a sad-sack way.



I thought the same thing beffler! Also, didn't BBT's character mention that he was 'tired' or something along those lines (he went limp) after Thurman gave him the gift? That would make sense...and I wouldn't put it past Bad Santa to do that kind of thing.

Perhaps a re-watch is necessary...


The thought entered my mind too.

Disturbed minds think alike, I guess. I was self-aware enough to realise that wasn't what the scene was about though. I actually couldn't make out the dialogue at the end of that scene. I think it's meant to play as Billy Bob is so distracted and taken by the sweetness of the act, he isn't in a fit state to proceed with the nooky.

There are two kinds of people in the world, those with loaded guns, and those who dig. You dig.


Yeah I seriously think she wanted pickle banged too she says to come over here and he says he's tired - it's pickle Sex people!!


It seemed to me though, at the very end of the pickle scene, that his girlfriend wanted him to use the pickle on her, like a dildo

Ow, splinters!

'Remember when' is the lowest form of conversation. - Tony Soprano


Here's the deal with the wooden pickle: Zwigoff plays this scene so beautifully because, yes, we are waiting for the wooden pickle-as-dildo joke that never happens. Even Willie looks as if he wants to use one of his many cynical insta-zingers....the scene's just too ripe to ignore the obviousness of the whole thing...

But then Willie just kind of laughs in an embassassed way, holding the pickle over an almost-spread-eagled LG, and Zwigoff fades the scene. It's far from an abrupt cut, as suggested on this thread, but instead a moment when Willie allows himself a moment free of puns, sex jokes, cynicism. It's brilliantly handled, that scene.

Please nest your IMDB page, and respond to the correct person -


I dunno, I found the scene confusing. Willie was touched by the kid’s kindness and puppy-dog loyalty and it almost seems like he’s ‘tired’ because of that, but then it equally plays as a dildo gag - he’s too tired to fuck, he’s holding the wooden phallus in position, and Sue gives him a suggestive look.

Maybe it was doing all of that at once 🤷🏻‍♂️
