Mistake in script.

Kro-bar says of the mutant, "If only it did have hands, my woman; if only it did have hands."

Later shots of the mutant show that it clearly has hands.



Technically, since the creature IS unmistakably a "mutant" it has "appendages" and not "hands."

While they do appear to be hand-like in nature, they are not actually hands as we people of earth would refer to them

One might compromise and call them, perhaps, claws or talons; but decidedly not hands.

"If you don't know the answer -change the question."


are you an idiot?? did you see the movie who th ehell cares about a little mistake in the script thats the whole point of the movie is makin fun of the old science fiction movies.


When I saw it, I instantly believed it simply to be another joke in the movie, seeing as the mutant clearly has hands on the box for the movie. I considered it just being another joke at the alien's expense, or just something funny that they said that we, as of seeing the box, would know to be false. It's just a funny joke demonstrating how silly the aliens are, in my opinion.

"You must remember one thing: friends are just enemies who don't have the guts to kill you."


I wouldn't be suprised if that line was intentional, it would only add to the comedy that within the realm of rhe movie the schlep screenwriter came up with the line just for an inevitably and unintentionally cheesy dramatic effect. In the unlikely event that the live was a mistake, don't sweat it, it's insignificant, my guess is that it was an intentional joke. If neither of those are the case, then they're trying to say that the mutant's "hands" are much to horrible to even be considered hands.


That's how I saw it


Amazing discovery. Here. Have a chocolate.


Did you ever consider the possibility that the mutant is still mutating? Maybe it did not have hands the last time Kro-bar saw it, but its limbs mutated into hands while it was free. It's all perfectly logical. You obviously don't do science!



Oh, well-done! My hat is off to you - you must be in some way involved with Science...


any mistake in this movie can be considered intentional cause it's a parody of *beep* Z movies


On my planet of Earth, of where I live, we have many mutants. Some with hands, somewith out hands. perhaps this mutant, mutilated a hu-mon, and took his hands, so that he could be a mutant with hands, and not a mutant without hands.

