MovieChat Forums > The Lizzie McGuire Movie (2003) Discussion > Am I the only one who finds it hysterica...

Am I the only one who finds it hysterically funny when

at the end performance when lizzie sings "this is what dreeams...DREEA EE HEEEMS" and has her back to the camera, and she does this creepy shaking dance manuver... i almost pee my pants laughing every time i watch that part.



LMFAO i just saw that,
i think i almost pissed my pants also.

Kloves needs to stop writing for HP!
proud miley/yates hater
my spelling sucks.


hahhahahaha omg thats pretty much the best part of the movie !! hahahaha i laugh just thinking of it omg.


OHEMGEE I thought I was the ONLY one who noticed that! I didn't think it was Hilary either. And it doesn't even sound like her voice. haha, I never really thought it was funny but I always thought it was the weirdest part of the movie.

I put the diamond in the coat...I put the coat on her!-Titanic


LOL again - i thought i was the only one who noticed this.

Me and my friend always used to p!ss ourselves laughing at it, and do the move aswell.

It's so completely random.. seriously.. haha I love it though!


Everytime I watch that part, I think it sounds like Wynonna Judd, and I look and that is somethign she does lol


ok i dont get it, what part is that? is that the part at the end where Hilary has her back to us and there is no one in front of her but it looks like a backdrop.


In year nine we were watching it in class and the entire class couldnt stop laughing. loooooooooooool!

"Steady feet Dnt Fail Me Now"


it was her singing the whole time they just auto-tuned her voice.


haha every single time i'm like, what the heck is she doing. x]


HAHAHA!!! holy crap i laugh so hard when i see that part! it's sooooo not even her! it's soooo funny though!! everyone i've talked to about that part has also been like... what the hell was that?

I played poker with tarot cards... I got a full house and four people died!!



Hahaha! OMG that is the funniest part!!!!

~*Evil will always triumph, 'cause good is dumb*~


I noticed that too! I was like WOW..what is she doing! :D

Live well. Laugh often. Love much.


OMG I laugh so hard every time. For some reason, it reminds me of Celine Dion, but I'm not sure why lol.

"S-piders! Spiders want me to tapdance...I don't want to tapdance..."~ Ron Weasley


Hahaha !!
it looks like a man
makes me laugh everytime i see that bit


there's the clip, 3:48 is the part that i always loved but i thought no one else noticed. i think its hilary duff's mom wearing a wig. hahahahahaha


Ballin, yo. Ballin.


LOL man that was funnnnyyy


haha that was hilarious

Cook's Crue member #111
david cook #1


lmao me and my brother were just watching it
and he's like i never noticed how tight her pants were
i was like wtf
it was pretty random

im harry potter bitch

