MovieChat Forums > The Singles Ward (2002) Discussion > Irreverent versions of sacred songs

Irreverent versions of sacred songs

Does anyone else find it troublesome to hear irreverent versions of sacred songs in this film? Particularly the hymns of the Restoration. There are some things that you just don't do, and one of these is taking the sacred and bringing it down to the level of the world. How would people like it if we built a likeness of one of our sacred temples, and turned it into a comedy club, or perhaps into a rap studio? Or what if someone showed up at a costume party with a President Hinckley mask dressed in just a Speedo? Some things are just down right offensive to the Spirit, and I think those who make a mock of the sacred will one day have to answer to our Heavenly Father. Instead of bringing the sacred down to the level of Babylon, why not try to elevate the world up to the level of the sacred? Why do we need to stoop to the level of the world to be entertained? I did not find it very funny to see two fellows in this movie inhaling helium at wild swinging camera angles while a distorted version of one of our dear Primary songs was being played in the background. The drug use imagery was only too apparent. Do we find this uplifting? Does anyone really think we will be spiritually prepared for the return of the Savior, and the descent of Enoch's Zion when we have been so irreverent in mocking sacred things? If this stuff is so okay, then why don't they play this stuff in our temples? If you only knew the depth to which a person can be in tune with the Spirit, you would lay these things aside forevermore. Call me a prude if you want to. I'm speaking the truth and you know it deep down inside.


will7370 I hope you are for real, man! Your comment is the funniest thing I've read in a while... at least in the last 2 weeks! Tell me you've lost touch with reality so much that you're ripping into one of the tamest films the world has ever seen! Mother Theresa would be more offended by a rosary bead than this film! Your level of prudery almost always comes with a healthy dose of ignorance and a touch of hypocrisy. I hope you never change though, 'cause you're cracking me up! Keep that closet porn habit on the DL though, we wouldn't want anyone to find out about it, now that you've spilled the beans about how righteous you are ;-)

"I'm speaking the truth and you know it deep down inside." Hahaha!


Anyone in the world who possesses a set of working ears knows that the tired, trite LDS hymns could use a punch of fun and some up-beat re-mixes.

Thank god they didn't try to rev up that tired old chestnut "Follow the Prophet." It sounds like a dreary, antiquated funeral dirge. Nothing can save that hymn. It really ought to be put out of its misery and discarded from the LDS hymnal .... but that will never happen because Mormons are supposed to blindly follow the current Prophet, Seer and Revelator in Salt Lake City, none of whom have ever shown the slightest ability to see into the future, prophecy anything or revelate squat.


Cool story bro.

This is just between you and me, smashed hat.
