Bad movie

This movie was one of the baddest movies I have seen this year.

Enough said already. If you read the rest you are in for a shock.

Cliche rubbish.

When the Japanese business man dies diving head first into a billabong, Toni Collette goes way over board in her reaction.

This is the movie that Adaptation should have been.


Maybe someone would respect your opinion if you you hadn't used the word "baddest" bout "worst". And um...wouldn't YOU have been a bit upset if someone who you were intimate with and falling in love with had just been killed in a freak mishap that you had been witness to???


Hai. i almost agree. it was not boring though but i find it pointless just like
lost in translation.maybe because im neither australian nor japanese . if i was,things could have been different for me.5/10


I loved this movie, loved the subtlety, the colors, and yes, the acting. I love how Toni Collete looked at the Japanese guy (i should remember his name) when he was swiming. I loved how the relationship evolved and you can actually see him change. It was a sad ending, and it left me a little restless and shocked (much had been said about the climax of the story), so maybe that's part of why some people didn't like it. For me it was great and I will tell people to see it if they can.


I seriously cannot get over how bad this was.

I can't begin to think of the words to cover how horrible I think it is.

But the funny thing is, although it was so indredibly idiotic, it had it's moments. It still had bits of charm that pushed through and made you smile.

But that's not enough to make me watch it again. Ever. Not for a million dollars.


Honestly, I think Toni did this to support Aussie filmmaking. It really wasnt that good to me.



Well personally I cannot see how anyone hated this movie.
I thought it was very touching and beautiful. The cinematography was very good and the scenery spectacular.
With very good performances from Toni Collette and Gotaro Tsunashima.
Of course movies cannot be to everyones taste, and argueing over them is quite useless. Everyone likes different things. But for me this was an outstanding film. Which i thoroughly enjoyed.
Oh im and 18 year old lad by the way.

'I am the devil, and I am here to do the Devil's work'


yesss leesylou! dylan moran is god!

i cannot see how everyone was so moved by this piece of crappe.

i didnt even feel anything for the characters! i hated them with a passion and they annoyed me and i was happy when nothing worked out for them! It didnt make sense!?

and it wasnt deep. it was just slow. really really slow. nothing really happened that actually made me care. and yes, plot was minimal.

shame on this movie coming from my country!

toni collette *shudder* she is an idiot.


I wish people would stop calling movies bad movies just because they didn't like it. Just because you hate a movie doesn't mean it's a bad movie. There's a difference between movies that are badly made and movies that are well-made but it's just not some people's cup of tea. For example, I hate Lost in Translation. But i don't think it's a bad movie. It's well-made, great cinematography, I understand what the movie was trying to say, but it just didn't strike my fancy. From Justin to Kelly, on the other hand, is a good example of a bad movie.


Not really. I loved the movie, I thought it was a great movie. I gave it a nine out of ten. But, I'll have to disagree with you. I think one has the right to say that any movie could be bad if he or she doesn't like it because a movie is a material thing to be criticized.


your not going to learn anything by being right all the time

more importantly

you will come across as a miserable *beep*


"When the Japanese business man dies diving head first into a billabong, Toni Collette goes way over board in her reaction."

Ummm....If a human being had a fatality infront of me I would go way over board, too. The guy broke his neck and died instantly. He couldn't be saved. Toni Collette did a wonderful job expressing the emotional connection of human compassion, shock, rue, and regret. This movie was great.

If you didn't like the movie that's cool. But, I think there was a reason why Collette's character should of acted that way.


I have found all the comments of Toni over reacting to the death scene totally off the planet. I may have disagreed until my best friend died last year totally unexpectedly and NOW I get it. I think all the people who don't get IT are lucky and I hope they never have to understand unrelenting grief.


how can anyone say that toni's acting was OTT at this point?? She has just witnessed a man she has fallen in love with dive into a lake, break his neck and die! she has to drag his body with broken neck out of the water, knows that they are miles from help and on top of this has the guilt added that she was the one who first went swimming - hence encouraging him to go swimming as well where he met his death. witnessing a friend or partners death first hand would be horrific and different people have different reactions. life isn't all neatly tied up in a bow at moments like this - there is hysteria, shock, grief, numbness etc. if anything her reaction wasn't OTT enough...


You know, the way Toni Collette reacted to Hiromitsu's death was really good. I can't imagine any other way to react to someone's death. It's kind of a hysterical OMG moment, and you just don't think about stuff like if you're openly crying or screaming or hyperventilating or something. You can tell Collette was ignoring the camera and just reacting. I loved how it was filmed in real-time. Made it all the more convincing and ...oddly scary.



If you approach this film from an American intellectual POV, you lose.

Sometimes certain expectations should be put aside and the film is just experienced; in this case like a poem.

The Japanese use the term *beep* to describe the structure of their famous Block Prints. It's broader translation not only has to do with the landscape but the size of mankind within it.

I guess you'd call this an art film. Whatever that means.

I found the film, very bitter sweet and lyrical. It does make leaps, but the heart beats strong.

You will love it or hate it. My kind of movie..

PS. The board has bleeped the Japanese word, I guess because it has an F and a U in it. I'll try this:


It was a great, great film! I loved every minute of it.


iwent intio this movie with high hopes and i was very disappointed afterwards. it has a very weak plot. i really wanted to like this movie but it just wasnt good.
