Jesse Jackson

*beep* Jesse Jackson! I believe the Eddie character played by Cedric said that in Barbershop. It's bad enough that the producers apologised to Jackson and his cronies, now Jackson want's them to delete footage from the home video release! If they do they are cowards. *beep* Jesse Jackson. Great movie btw.


Jessie Jackson does not assume rasism,he uses it to make money and power.It has kept black people down more than everything else combined.
The movie is one great example,hes for free speech?Ha
Hes for himself


He's stayed out the limelight for certain now that his son and daughter-in-law are doing time for misspending their campaign funds.

As for Rosa Parks, she isn't famous for sitting down; she's famous for not getting up. The @$$hole bus driver told her to get out of a seat that was where blacks sat on the bus because some white guy would have to stand otherwise. That's what pissed her off: how she was following the "rules" of the time and the bus driver decided to make them up as he went along.

So Cedric's character was right to a certain extent. And completely right when he said **** Jesse Jackson.

"I would love to stay here & talk with you, but I'm not going to."---Phil, Groundhog Day


Wow! I think I just found the oldest active thread on IMDB. Can anyone find anything much older than this one?
