MovieChat Forums > Firefly (2002) Discussion > Is the Serenity your favorite space boat...

Is the Serenity your favorite space boat?

Used to be the "Defiant" for me from DS9, buy i like The Serenity even more.

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The Whitestar-class of ships on Babylon 5 are my favorite fictional space ship.


"You don't get something for nothing, you don't get freedom for free." Neil Peart


Serenity or Moya from 'Farscape.'

Wasn't me


Right after Sulaco and Event Horizon.


Something about Theron's quarters in Prometheus really worked for me. But that wasn't a separable mini ship "Captain's Yacht" like Picard's, right?

-- Sent from my 13 year old P.O.S. DesktopĀ®


1. Galaxy and Intrepid class starships - Star Trek
2. TARDIS - Doctor Who
3. Deep Space 9 - Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
4. Ancient City-ships - Stargate: Atlantis
5. Space Colonies - Gundam
6. Space Stations - Babylon 5
7. Leviathans - Farscape


You'd have to define "favorite." If you mean the space ship I'd most like to be on.....No. Absolutely not. No way in hell. Can't even take a shower. And the galley.....nope.

I'd want something with a lot more amenities. Like a cruise ship version of the Enterprise D.

Though Lazarus Long's ship Dora from "To Sail Beyond the Sunset" would be nice, but no mention of holodecks.


The Raza!


Millennium Falcon is easily my number one favorite, but the thing that has always bugged me about it is that for a cargo ship, it didn't seem to have much of anything in the way of cargo space or crew amenities, or any practical way to load it.

The creators of Firefly got Serenity right because they actually accounted for all the space and how the ship was laid out, including a spacious cargo hold with a large, rear door.


Serenity (no "the," as has been pointed out), is my favorite of all time - it doesn't glisten and gleam with pristine sterility. It's rusty, dilapidated, you can almost smell the human life in it. The sinks are like those on old ships, a nostalgic touchstone. It feels lived-in - part of making Serenity's crew a believable "family."

I love this show. I saw it long after it was canceled, happily, so I didn't live through Fox's betrayal of "Firefly," Joss Whedon, and the viewers, and, given the wrap-up of the film "Serenity," I don't absolutely need to see the story continue without Wash (oh, Alan Tudyk! What an actor!). But I watch, re-watch, and introduce friends with more re-watching.
