MovieChat Forums > Firefly (2002) Discussion > did anyone ever accuse the show of cultu...

did anyone ever accuse the show of cultural appropriation?

it seems like if it was made today there would be more outrage over the fact that everyone speaks some chinese, there are chinese elements throughout the show, yet none of the cast are chinese and are mostly white >_> XD

I used to be indecisive. Now, I'm not so sure.


Yeah. I remember some people mentioning that when the show first aired. I myself find that the one true flaw of the show. No Chinese in the main cast. Heck, very few Chinese at all.

Seize the moment, 'cause tomorrow you might be dead.


A random language that was easy-ish to speak for all actors on the odd one off?
One of the harder languages I learnt was Latvian, there's not many people who teach it and while it was close to Russian I sounded like a right twat speaking it.


Taken from the Trivia section:
The Alliance's full title is the "Anglo-Sino Alliance." Joss Whedon intended for it to be the merger of USA and China, the last of the world's superpowers. That's why many characters sometimes speak Chinese. The Alliance flag, seen in the original pilot, is a blending of the US and Chinese flags.


If I had to change anything I'd have Shepard and Zoe both be Chinese and maybe change one other character to be Chinese. Basically space would be America and China and the likelihood of a lot of black people being chosen for the escape from Earth is pretty small. Go ahead and call me racist if you want but it'd probably be like 90% white based on who was investing and working on the space programs for NASA. The chance for two of the nine crew members to be black would be much smaller than for them to be Asian.


The cast was perfect.

WHAT is it with you people all whining about not enough characters that are non-white?

Sorry but it would have sucked changing the characters.

They who give up liberty to
obtain a temporary safety deserve
neither liberty or safety


If I'm not mistaken, Gina Torres is Cuban American, not African American. So, there is one African American, one Cuban American, and 7 white crew members. But yes, more Asian characters would make sense even if they were not crew but characters met in the 'verse.


And Morena Baccarin is Brazilian-American.


"WHAT is it with you people all whining about not enough characters that are non-white? "

Spoken like a white person who never had any trouble identifying with everyone on tv and in movies because they are all white.

What they are saying is: since Chinese is supposed to be such a big part of the verse, and since China and India make up for about 40% of the world's population right now, it would be more credible if there were Chinese or at least Asian looking characters in the show. If not in the main cast, at least at some point in the show... but there never was, not even an extra.

The random spat of terrible Chinese whenever they were swearing was just to avoid looking too "network" I guess but it never ever sounded like they knew what they were saying.


I agree with you. If Chinese was so influential to their culture, for them to use it in everyday conversation, there should have been more Chinese people around. I guess they just wanted to circumvent the bad language censorship. But it is, at the very least, incredibly lazy.


I will admit I had some issues with cultural portrayals in this show.

Putting aside my doubts that in the future anyone would adopt an archaic 'Wild West' culture... but to also have British people in bowler hats and worst of all, Chinese people in traditional blue suits with little Chinese hats (Changshan outfits?), while also carting around baskets full of laundry...
I hate to thing what would have happened if they ever landed in the middle of a German colony, but I'm pretty sure lederhosen would have been involved.


i heard that in one of the recent klan meetings, they were chuckling about that.
