MovieChat Forums > Gerry (2002) Discussion > Gerry is the Worst Movie of All Time

Gerry is the Worst Movie of All Time

You may pontificate all you want of the merits and "hidden meanings" behind the movie "Gerry" because, I hate to break it to ya, all it was, was a ridiculously long and boring film where NOTHING HAPPENED!!! To give this film a rating above a 3 is beyond my comprehension. I am not hoping for a debate, I just wanted to voice an average thinking man's opinion...

I hate what most of Hollywood offers us these days, but c'mon people! Should anyone have to be subjected to nearly 2 hours of guys walking around the desert lost in the sand? I have not watched the DVD, but can only imagine what the directors and actors are saying in the commentary:
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MATT DAMON: Look Casey, here is the part where we were walking around in the desert.

CASEY AFFLECK: Hey Matt, remember this part? This is where we were walking around lost in the desert!

MATT DAMON: But Casey, wasn’t this the part where we walked around in the desert, lost? Or was it the part where we paused for a half-second while walking around the desert lost?

CASEY AFFLECK: Gus, didn't you direct us to walk "just a little faster" in this scene? Ha ha ha!

GUS VAN SANT: Yeah, that's right boys, this IS the scene where I told you to walk a little faster, but remember Casey, this is actually where you ad-libbed and walked at a slower speed! I was so mad, but ya know, in hindsight, you were right! I absolutely LOVED your ad-libbing! Matt, what do ya think of this next scene? This is where I filmed you actually passing the camera while walking around lost in the desert!!! Yeah, that’s right! I had the camera stationary and you and Casey walked passed it while being lost in the desert.

MATT DAMON: Watch this next scene carefully, or you might miss it…there is actually some sand that blows up from behind that hill.

GUS VAN SANT: Yep the wind was blowin’ at 20 miles per hour that day thanks to our special effects wizard Chris Burgoyne! Hey Chris what was your favorite part of this film?

CHRIS BURGOYNE: Well guys, I especially liked the part WHERE YOU DO NOTHING EXCEPT WALK AROUND THE DESERT LOST FOR TWO HOURS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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The people who enjoy "Gerry" are the same people who would say Norman Rockwell was a terrible artist just because he made art expressing popular emotion. Rockwell was "pop" art before Warhol and as innovative (and certainly as talented) as Pollack. To be "beyond the norm" or "out of the mainstream" DOES NOT mean something is good. That said, I would like to defend avant-garde cinema. 80% of my favorite movies are Independently-made features. (The only premium movie channels we have on our cable TV are IFC and Sundance)...Gerry was simply an affront to my intelligence. My wife and I seriously thought it was some kind of joke Gus Van Sant was playing on the audience! Instead of walking out, we stayed to see if there just might be something that actually happened. Nothing did. The emperor wears no clothes and the Matrix also sucked!

Jeph Johnson

Oh, I liked "To Die For" so I am not a Van Sant "hater"


I have seen worse films than this... I did make it all the way through - with no fast-forwarding! - which must mean it has something going for it. But, it does have far too many problems... The lack of a map, food or enough water is a bit of a niggle. But, of course, plenty of people do go out on such expeditions without being properly prepared and, every year, a certain number die because of it... A bigger problem is that we don't get to know the two blokes. (I didn't even realise Matt Damon's character was called Gerry too 'til I came on here!) So, you don't really care what happens to them... As for the long stretches of nothing... Yes - they're arty and probably meant to suggest how lost the two blokes are. But, they are far too long and would test anyone's patience... There are some striking visuals - particularly the silhouettes of the two blokes trudging across the salt flats - and, generally, I have a great deal of time for Matt Damon. But, this was too long, too uneventful and too unengaging.


I guess you’ve never seen a Nollywood or Ghallywood video, then. Peace.

The everyday happens every day.
