Michelle's Character

When I saw this movie as a teenager I was thinking she was a bitch to basically rain on Anne Marie's parade about seeing Matt. Now that I am 27, she was completely right! AM wasn't training properly for one of her dreams and spent much of her time with a football player that she knew was only there for a quick vacation. Unless she just wanted a quick fling, she was an idiot to sleep with the guy. I know it is possible that a long distance relationship would have worked, but come on, the guy is supposed to be an NFL player. They aren't exactly the most loyal guys around.


Even though this is 3 years old, I totally agree with you. She had so much going for her and even though he movie portrays the NFL love interest as this sweet prince charming its still in my opinion foolish of her to waste time with a guy who is going to be gone in a month,when you could be practicing or focusing on getting sponsors and winning the competition.


you know, it's funny. I was coming on this board for this exact reason-to find out if people's opinion of Eden had changed over the years. I watched it on tv tonight and realized it still hasn't for me. she was an AWFUL person. I don't think Ann Maroe was 'wasting time' with Matt, as she was still surfing. (they asked for surfing lessons) she was still spending time in the water and training, I think what happened was she was so used to being treated like crap, she thought she didn't have a choice in the matter anymore. (her mom leaving, Eden badgering her) with Matt around, she finally felt loved enough to stand up for herself. you have to remember she also had PTSD from her accident. Eden wasn't sensitive to that. there's a time for tough love, but not when you almost drown in the ocean.


Also, she spends the whole movie bagging on Anne Marie, then at the very end when AM wants to go one more time after getting slammed she says "it's not worth it". Hypocrite.


ITA. I don’t care for the Eden character either.
