MovieChat Forums > Highlander: The Source (2007) Discussion > Highlander needs the Batman Begins treat...

Highlander needs the Batman Begins treatment.

Seriously, Christopher Nolan or someone with his talent and vision needs to come along and raise this franchise from the dead. Its one of the greatest conceptual stories ever but its been consistently shoved off on bad writers and worse directors. As a Highlander fan (I loved the series), I want to see just one good movie before I die, I don't count the first movie because it was only good in concept. I don't even care which McLeod it is or if they give us a new Mcleod. Just please someone give this story the chance it deserves.


I agree with you it needs to be brought back to life in some kind of a consistant universe. The Series had the most consistancy but I don't think it was always real good. The first movie is really quite great but its about how conner mcleod claims the prize. The idea is obviously a series idea or a series of movies at the very least. But the first movie if you can forgive that its about the gathering and the prize is really well made. and concepts like highlander and star wars do alot better when there is an air of mystery. As soon as they start talking about being from another planet or midcloreans or whatever it gets dumb, people want the mystery, not the origin. Can't we just leave it at "from the dawn of time we came, moving through the ages... there can be only one" what more do you need to know. And the stupid watchers omg. forget that.



the Methos years >:)

Come on after all these years he's at least as beloved as Connor and Duncan have ever been and he's a relative unknown outside the fandom.... Hey a girl can dream...

Duncan MacLeod: You're an a--hole.
Methos: I never said I was deep.



I have no idea what you are talking about. It did end, Connor won the prize and has power beyond imagination...


Isn't there going to be a new Highlander film? I heard rumours there would be a remake of the original film. I hope it comes off and the franchise can start again and bury the dreadful 4 follow up films once and for all.


It was a tongue-in-cheek reply to the previous poster. For some reason (unknown to me and frankly rather puzzling) that post has been deleted by IMDB administrators so the joke is now just left hanging there...


A remake is being made. No cast or director yet, but the script is being penned by the Iron Man boys.


Those news are 1/2 year old by now!


What they need to do is to leave it alone, stop making any more movies or television shows that has anything to do with the Highlander universe/storyline and then fans can watch the first one on Blue Ray or whatever and forget the rest of them.

Just leave the franchise alone.


Highlander is special because it's one of the only long-running film franchises that has screwed itself up so bad that the ONLY way to save it is to start over again. And I hate that because reboots or whatever, are, well, just a way to make money off a concept that was successful once. Like I said, Highlander has sunk so low that it sort of killed itself. But I don't think a reboot is the way to go. The characters, especially Duncan, still kick ass. Turfing him or just going back to Connor would not entice me to get back into Highlander. Besides, anyone remember that show, The Raven with Amanda? Likely not cause it died such a fast death but that's the point. They've already tried to refresh Highlander and it failed. The concept needs Duncan. And like these immortals, there can be only one Duncan and that's Adrian Paul. Forget bringing in a Christopher Nolan type. It's not required. What's required is for the damn studios to stay out of it and let filmmakers be filmmakers. The Source could have been the best damn Highlander movie ever cause no one sets out to make a bad movie. It fell flat, really flat, cause too many people tried to be writer, director and producer. It's been happening ever since the second film was made. What I propose is for Highlander to do what it's always done, as far as the films go, and that's to ignore it's own mythology, get away from the future theme and go back to having an adversarial storyline rife with flashbacks to past events and places. Isn't that what made Highlander so cool in the first place? I mean, he's lived for hundreds of years and has experienced history first-hand and will continue to watch the world turn as the lives of people he's touched through love or violence continue to come and go. If every man truly is an island, then Highlander is the biggest. Restarting Highlander is not the answer. Personally, I don't care to see some Hollywood punk pick up the katana and call himself Duncan or Conner MacLeod and romance some Hollywood tart. Cause if they do reboot it, they're gonna go for a name, not some unknown. There's still too much material for them to simply stop, too. Highlander fans are out there and in force, we're just waiting for Highlander to return the way it should be.


They are rebooting this franchise, but I kinda disagree that 'they should' or that it's a great concept. It's actually really weird that the original spawned this huge sprawling franchise...that has nothing in common with one another.

If they do a reboot, I hope they throw everything out the window and start fresh. Example: the Quickening has come to be established as 'the thing that happens' when one immortal slays another immortal. This doesn't really make very much sense to be honest, and that's not how it is initially referred to in the first Highlander film:

When Connor first meets Ramirez he has an odd sensation and asks Ramirez what he is feeling. Ramirez explains it is the quickening...then we cut inexplicably to Connor being struck by a bunch of lightning...alright. My point is The Quickening is actually the driving force behind The Gathering. The Quickening is both the compulsion to find and slay other immortals and the method by which they are able to find and sense each other. It is not the light show that happens once an immortal gets beheaded.

A reboot would be good if it established and maintained some rules concerning immortals. I think the most important that needs to be explained is WHY immortals participate in this game. This is very easily explained though: The Gathering is not a choice. By nature of who they are, immortals are forcibly compelled to participate. Like a vampire not only desires to feed on blood, he MUST feed on blood. Of necessity immortals possess an innate desire that drives them to play.

Secondly, the Quickening should be defined as the sensation two immortals have when they are in proximity to each other. It drives them into a frenzy, locked in and prevented from leaving 'the arena' until one takes the other's head.


I agree they need to get their *beep* together before doing anything. IMO they should not touch Connor (I agree with an earlier poster; can't see anyone else playing him). Just do what the other media did: create a new MacLeod (do this whether it is connected to any of the other films/shows or not). If they start completely fresh, it may be better to call it something other than Highlander (perhaps Shawdow Clan: Widen's original script title), this way they can focus on other immortals equally and we may not necessarily know who will win the prize. Also, as someone else said, eliminate camp (1st one had camp too) and make more complex and sophisticated characters based on the idea of living for centuries and all of the ramifications that incurs.


