MovieChat Forums > Valentín (2003) Discussion > I really didn't liked it

I really didn't liked it

I am so sorry if you are one of the people who loved it, but really, I didn't liked at all.
1) The character of the boy... His acting... too bad.
2) The voice over of the boy... even worse.
3) The story... almost a cliche in Argentina. Every film is about the same.
I think we have better films here, but, it does not have the advertising Valentine had.
Maybe if spanish is not your mother language, the acting sounds better, but It seemed to me like a boy reading a book at the school, without any kind of acting.

And yes... the music is superb but... Agresti forgot to mention it in the credits, too bad.


did you listen to spanish or did you read the subtitles only?

if you did undestand the movie in spanish than you wpould react different


Nothing happened in the story?


His grandmother died.
His father has more or less abandoned him.
His mother is forbidden from seeing him.
He gets grown-ups to do silly things. (Like the doctor)
He meets his mother's boyfriend.
He gets his two best friends together (which are still together today in real life)

Is the world really coming to a point where without special effects and computer animation a movie is considered ho-hum...because no one got shot, blown up, raped, or turned into a snake?

Thought this one but another excellent offering from Argentina.

As for the subtitles....understand they are intended for the broad-English markets...USA, UK, Canada, Australia, NZ...where it is spoken differently in each place...the dialogue, and subsequent subtitles are intended to convey the Spanish intent across many dialects...


Watch the interview with the Director on the DVD, and you might understand more about the backdrop.
