HSM or Tru Confessions?

Well, I was thinking that people love High school Musical so much......and this movie so much. I'm just curious what you think. HSM or Tru Confessions?

I'd say Tru confessions.

Doctor! Doctor! My butt is broken, I need a new one!My old one has a crack in it!


tru confessions.
a movie like this is way better then some dumb musical with horrible singing!


Tru confessions all the way. One of the best movies ive seen ever. Its very real and brings in true emotions, not that chessy feel good crap Disney always seems to do. Disney has taken a dive recently in there movies, the older ones are WAY better. I miss movies like wish upon a star, and those good movies from the 90's and early 2000. I had to tape the one that came on last night and luckily there was no commerical interuptions at all. Isnt that a mirical.

TRU CONFESSIONS ALL THE WAY...I wish they played it more and stopped trying to do all these sequels and rip-offs.


HSM can NEVER compare to Tru Confessions!!!


Don't get me wrong. I love HSM too. It's just those movies are so different! Tru Confessions is much deeper...darker...more emotional. Plus, the characters there just don't suddenly break into song and dance.

My pick: well, what do you think? lol


Is that a serious question? :P Tru Confessions, no doubt!


nobody has said HSM. lol.

Have a nice day!


Tru Confessions!


Hmmmm, a beautiful touching story with great acting or High school musical with Zac Effron..... UMMMM DUHHHH! TRU CONFESSIONS ALL THE WAY! God, all the old DCOMS were AMAZING now they show HSM like twice a week and never show this! God, put the good movies back on, I've never even seen the whole tru confessions! I really wanna see it now!

"Come and join us, the DEMOCRATS! We have Alec Baldwin, they have Stephen Baldwin, they might as well not even have a Baldwin."


T.C. definitely wins. shias acting kicks the asses of everyone in HSM's singing and definitely their bad acting


Yup. True Confessions


Are you retarded?!!! HSM is a load of crap. Tru dealt with real issues. Anyone who disagrees need to take a long, cold shower...



High School Musical all the way!!!!!

I couldn't even type that without smirking uncontrollably...by the time i got to the end....i was in hysterics. Tru Confessions FTW


.....There's no competition. Its not even a close call!

Tru Confessions owns all three cheap, corny, chessy HSM movies.

No doubt about it.

"But... invader's blood marches through my veins, like giant RADIOACTIVE RUBBER PANTS!!


Tru confessions without a doubt. HSM is just a cop out. Even if HSM actually had talented actors and singers, it still wouldnt be as good as tru confessions. Tru confession was an amazing movie that hit you right in your heart and made you think and feel the emotion. HSM, wth, just mediocrity at its best.



High school muscial? Is this a joke? Tru Confessions actually IS believable and is an actual depiction of your average teen and of a kid who has mental problems of some kind. High school musical is not at all believable and their full of cliche's with execution that doin't make them more than meets the eye.

High School musical, in my opinion, is one of the problems with Disney channel today where s a television movie like Tru Confessions is the cure for it all. It's a shame they don't air this very often...

Finally LaBeouf would blow any of the high school musical stars away, his performance here, as well as others, prove this very much so whether you like him as a person or not.

"People who can't grasp the world of an action film deem it mindless."
