MovieChat Forums > A Guy Thing (2003) Discussion > Why does Jason Lee keep wasting his tale...

Why does Jason Lee keep wasting his talent?

Jason Lee is a REALLY talented guy. He was awesome in Almost Famous and Vanilla Sky among other things, and shows a lot of promise... i just wonder why does he have to make such crap like this and that Stealing Harvard crap.
:( it makes me sad


I agree, but I'd like to see this movie first before I judge it. It actually looks good to me, but I'm a fan of Jason Lee's work (most of it). Personally, I think his best is the Kevin Smith Films. Vanilla Sky and Almost Famous were great too, I think we'll be seeing many greats in years to come.


actually you're all wrong...well, wrong in my eyes. jason's best movie was more than 10 years ago. It was called Video Days, and was a skateboard movie. he starred along side the gonz, guy mariano, and rudy johnson.


Blind Video Days. I'm looking for it--got a copy I can buy?


Have you seen this movie yet? Granted, Stealing Harvard was crap, but I saw this movie several months ago as a sneak peek and it's genuinely entertaining, a testament to Lee's comedic skills. Also, the guy needs to pay the bills and keep in the public eye.





I thought some of the Jason Lee stuff in Stealing Harvard was good...but only some of it.

a guy thing does genuinely look amusing, and it seems that Jason Lee and Julia Stiles might actually have some chemistry. Who'd have thought this might actually be a box office hit? Perhaps MGM?


3 words:
Three million dollars.




Breakfast, shmreakfast. Look at the score, for Christ's sake. It's only the second period and I'm up 12 to 2. Breakfasts come and go, Renee, but Hartford, "the Whale," they only beat Vancouver once, maybe twice in a lifetime.

hahaha. jason lee is a god. ever since i saw mallrats in like 8th grade. i've loved him. and the more movies he's in the better...just cuz they're crap movies, doesn't mean he isn't getting exposure, if he didn't do these crap movie then he probably wouldn't do ANY movies..he can't stick to Kevin Smith movies...otherwise Kevin will be coming up with a movie all about Brodie and it'll be almost as bad as Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back.

i'll leave you all with my favorite quote from mallrats. a brodie story.

One time my cousin Walter got this cat stuck in his ass. True story. He bought it at the local mall, so the whole fiasco wound up on the news. It was embarassing for my relatives and all. But the next week, he did it again. Different cat, same results, complete with a trip to the emergency room. Then, last week, I saw him in the pet store. He was buying another cat! I said, "Walt, what the hell are you doing, you know you're just gonna get this cat stuck up your ass too, why don't you knock it off?" And he says to me, "Brodie, how the hell else am I supposed to get the gerbil out?" My cousin was a weird guy.


i so agree with 'ytseprog' . i love jason lee; he is so talented. this movie is indeed awful. if you musn't, don't waste your time. my mom and i went to see a sneak peek of A Guy Thing, and we left in the middle of the movie. it has all of the same jokes you'd see in any other movie of this type. my mom and i were entirely dissapointed. good thing it was free!


hey jason lee has gotta pay the bills, it's already been said, i'm glad he's getting some coverage bout time since he acted ben affleck of the screen many a scene (not that i dislike affleck). hey mallrats fan is kinda right, he is a bit of a sidekick "why am i his sidekick how do you know he's not my side kick?", maybe he dont got it when it comes to leading just yet, he's now the straight-funny-guy, has anyone seen his skin-head look? hope he loses it!!


His best work to date -- my opinion, of course -- was Almost Famous, followed by Vanilla Sky, although he was underutilized in that film. Another underrated performance from Lee was in Heartbreakers -- a completely different role than his other films, although I have not seen A Guy Thing yet.
