Spectre stole the plot twist

In the new Bond movie Spectre, Bond and Blofeld and revealed to be brothers just like Austin Powers and Dr. Evil (both spoof characters of Bond and Blofeld) find out they are brothers in Goldmember. Funny to see a Bond movie actually ripoff an Austin Powers film.


It did...

They say Austin Powers was a Bond ripoff and then this happens.

Since it was announced, we all expected that Blofeld would Bond's brother and that's basically what happened.

I thought maybe they'd put some kind of twist on that plot, or there would be something deeper going on. Nope. They did nothing with it.


Proper word is "spoof", Austin Powers is a spoof on James Bond( among other things, but Bond primarily).

But yeah, interesting how the real thing bears similarity to the parody...13 years later.


It would be a rip-off, if it tried to be a serious James Bond-style movie. But it's clearly a parody, so 'rip-off' is not the correct term. 'Spoof' works perfectly, but there -are- other words as well.


I must admit that after seeing Spectre I summed up Blofelds reasoning for being behind everything since Casino Royale as being because DADDY DIDN'T LOVE ME!!


Daddy wasn't there to take me to the fair


"A rip-off" is written with a hyphen.

Even if it WAS written as "ripoff", it's not a verb.

If you want to express that sentiment correctly, you need a space between "rip" and "off".

It'd also be a good form to form an actual sentence, instead of starting with the word 'Funny'.

For example, something like "I think it's funny" or "To me, it's funny to see a Bond-movie actually rip off an Austin Powers-movie".

(I think the word 'film' has a bit different connotation than the word 'movie', just FYI)
