MovieChat Forums > Swept Away (2002) Discussion > Did anybody cry at the end of the movie?...

Did anybody cry at the end of the movie? (Spoilers)

At the end of the film where the chooper flys away and the ring falls into the water did anybody cry? I has the slightest tear in my eye. Just wundring if any guys did also, because i'm one...and MExican.


Oh...i dunno why people cuss this movie so wasn't that bad!!! And i actually did get sad in the end...I thought it was alright...and quite funny and sweet at times. yeah obv. it didnt deserve an oscar but i swear i've seen worst. Neways we all have our own opinions. I liked it tho :)



It was touching at the end, the movie wasn't THAT bad, but considering what Guy Ritchie achieved on his own, so pretty daring, funny, off the wall pictures.

With this, I think he felt a bit constrained given that movie was a remake, and that it was more driven by the actors than the story, since it starred his wife who had a certain persona of being a "bitch" and they were going to play that up in the beginning, then she has to fall in love with this other guy, allowed herself to become tamed by him, and have so pretty sexy scenes with him. ( I think this movie is in many ways analogous to how her life changed with Ritchie). Guy Ritchie, for all his professionalism, is a man's man. I'm sure he wasn't crazy about this Italian making out with Madonna.


She thought he left her. He thought she left him. It's simple.
The fact that she didn't tell her husband in the chopper that she wanted to stay is not what made me wonder. I wondered why didn't she, before leaving the hotel, secretly go to the receptinist and ask her "Madam, are you SURE there isn't ANYTHING else meant just for me? Check again, please." The receptionist could have given her some secret sign, damn her!! :)
Yeah, I cried. He absolutely convinced me he loved her. The despair while he ran after her.........


OMG! I thought I was the only one. Yes ! I did......i cried and cried......the love between the two was just so over welming. I felt like I was on the island with them.


I cried, bought the movie...listened to the commentary and watched the short movie that Madonna made with hubby, Guy Ritchie. It was clear that they love each other--or at least did when they made "Swept Away". Anyone seen Guy Ritchie? I doubt he was concerned about the Italian. Guy Ritchie is a doll and a great film maker. He took an older film, re-made it into something a bit more comical than the original and less political. He's a director and writer and he's allowed to have fun. He made the mistake of casting Madonna as the lead but after all, she is the "missus".

But yes, I cried because I believed the Italian's sorrow. I wasn't as convinced of Madonna's pain. But I was convinced that Guy Ritchie could film a movie that was breath-taking!


I did. I had this big lump in my throat because of the frustration I felt for him, then the music playing and then the ring in the water... ahhhh Yeah I cried, I am a big sap.
