MovieChat Forums > Mean Machine (2001) Discussion > football vs yank handball

football vs yank handball

I read the other thread, and the main arguments are all par for the course between the two sports.

Football being girlie, Yank Handball being girlie, football being boring, yank handball being boring! It's always the same.

But the constant argument the yanks put accross to do with the actual matches and fans, is that there are so many hooligans caused by football compared to none in america.

This is absolute FICTION.

America has by FAR the worst hooligans of the two, i've done the reading up on it, and though during the 70s-80s hooligans took over towns in the uk. Now hoever due to policing efforts etc, its limited to dedicated groups of about 20 or so, fighting well away from the grounds and not in the town centres whatsoever. Whereas in america, from news etc you actually get the impression you could get murdered walking down the wrong party of philly in the wrong nfl shirt on.

Whenever a side wins a superbowl, they riot in the streets, looting etc....that sort of thing is absolutely unheard of in the UK, yet it happens more or less with every title won in the US, but yet the UK are still the hooligans.

And thats what grinds my gears


Violence unheard of in the UK heh right. Take your description of America then kind of put it into context by saying that stuff happens in the UK every time someone plays a game. Even in a work day you will get murdered in places for wearing the wrong shirt. Talk about a Man U shirt in Liverpool even when the season is off.
Its not that you don't have hooligans its just that you talk *beep*
''Im reading a book, its like forums but longer.''




Soccer is boring, NFL is not.

and what grinds my gears is when egotistic Brits, try to slam AMERICAN sports-it back fires back to them, yea i know this post is old, and you probably wont see it--but all i can say the only thing good to ever come out your country is.....well nothing really, thats why you see ALOT of people from the UK come to the US. I have nothing against the UK, but damn people like you UK or not is the kinda thing that would make me beat the holy hell out of you, Goddamn!.

Now go drink your ALE mate, F.A.N.


Coming from the buckle of the Bible Belt, Oklahoma, I can give some insight into the football mindset. Kids here grow up on it; if there is no other sport offered, which is the case in the small towns, there will be a football team and in places like Dallas there are huge high-school stadiums right across the street from hugh high-school stadiums. In this way it is much like soccer (football, futbol)in that it is part of our cultural identity. However, I think that soccer and rugby require an overall fitness that makes them more attractive to me because the player aren't just tall like in basketball, old guys with big biceps in baseball, or big piles of muscle like in football. It is also funny that sports like rugby and futbol have rules, like offsides and no passing forward, that avoid the easy points like in football where you can just pass to one guy standing at the end of the field and get a touchdown with no effort or cunning, or just smacking a ball and getting a home run like in baseball. This to me is not as exciting as the continuous play of the Brit sports and not as fair. It's also funny if you watch The Longest Yard (Sandler version, I haven't seen the Burt Reynolds one)Crewe actually uses rugby to get a touchdown when he has the players pass backwards and to the side to move the ball down the field.

To me futbol and rugby make more sense because of there tactical flexibility and call for finesse. However, Americans are not known for placing value in these sorts of things. I also enjoy the greater sense of rivalry between countries in the international games; nothing beats watching France v Italy or England v Scotland,Wales, France, basically everone. Unfortunately, Americans miss this because our history is kept so separate from everyone. I mean, we hate the French and Enlgish, but we love Italians (I guess it's because we love olive garden so much); we are separate from the changing world (I mean what if we played East AND West Germany in the World Series or Russia as the USSR, etc). We don't care about things we didn't invent or adopt as our own, we think soccer is for sissies although most of the country probably couldn't run a mile if their lives depended on it, and we think a game is about points rather than the playing of the game itself. If you look at it, we don't let our players PLAY the game, we actually inhibit them and this is what I don't like. Imagine the play in a football game if the clock wasn't stopped after every move, or a basketball game not divided into quarters, etc. You culd say that sports are a reflection of the country and ours is accurate; we have BIG people therefore we have BIG players, we value bulk over cardiovascular health and look more like Babe Ruth than Pele(this is a generalization but noone can deny the obesity problem here).
It would be nice to see futbol and rugby taught in world history, along with our own family tree, then we could connect to the game as descendents of the English, Irish, Scots, Welsh, French, Italians, Germans, etc. that we are. Americans are too shut off and we cannot afford to be so closed minded especially now.

I dunno


Well said Bully.


You're very astute, Bully. I couldn't have summed it up any better.


Bully doesn't know what the hell he is talking about. Rugby and Football/Soccer are fine sports. But they are different than American football. American football is the hardest hitting sport there is. It's also based more on strategy and tactics than any other sport in the world. You guys don't get the rules, but it's incredibly complicated. In fact, a lot of American fans don't understand it at all. The offensive strategies and defensive systems are incredibly complex. Ever see an NFL playbook? They're about 2,000 pages long. And it's all based on making adjustments and studying and understanding the complex systems. People who say that they are not based on skill, and that they are pansies because they wear pads are just simply idiots. I don't care if you like your sport better, but to dismiss American Football based on this arbitrary reasoning is ridiculous. You guys don't know anything about American Football at all. Also, the original poster who mentioned how Americans always riot after the Superbowl is also a misinformed moron.


1. It's totally retarded to argue about sports. It's just like art, you can't fight over taste. Nobody forces you to watch the Superbowl if you hate AF and nobody forces you to watch a football game if you think it's gay. Just shut it you imbecile freaks!

2. Talking about hooligans, have you watched coverage about the last FIFA World Cups (major riots between Germans, Brits, Polish, Italian, Turkish, Dutch and of course the police) There are always loads of casualties and arrests. I never heard about anything like that in the US and i regularly watch US News.

you should understand that these fights in Europe where groups of 20 people gather at a deserted place are due to the law- and police-persecution.
In Europe (except in GB maybe) the Hooligan culture has nothing to do with (local) patriotsm or ones close connection to a football team.
It's just some freaks who want to beat the §hit out of each other and found the environment of a ball game as the perfect source for §hitfaced violent people.

Some drunk rednecks starting a brawl after the Superbowl or whipping the a$$ of some random dude wearing the wrong jersey has nothing to do with Hooliganism, there is no such thing in the states, period...


I'd like to see NFL players try playing Rugby.


Or the other way around.

Since the skills are much less specific in Rugby I think NFL players playing rugby would do much better.


I seriously doubt the NFL players could handle playing rugby without their pathetic helmets and suits of armour.
They wouldnt know what hit them.


That's because you don't know what the hell you are talking about.


Why do they wear body armour then?
I play rugby and we take hits just as hard as NFL players and we don't see the need to wear body armour bigger then we are.


No you don't. You don't hit nearly as hard as they do. Not even a fraction. Or nearly as much. It wouldn't be possible. You would die...How often do your team mates get paralyzed?


Whereas in america, from news etc you actually get the impression you could get murdered walking down the wrong party of philly in the wrong nfl shirt on.

I do not support hooliganism but the difference is race vs culture.

White boys aren't gonna pop a cap in opposing throwball fans.


Football Firms of the 80's seeking out trouble.

Whenever a side wins a superbowl, they riot in the streets, looting etc....that sort of thing is absolutely unheard of in the UK, yet it happens more or less with every title won in the US, but yet the UK are still the hooligans.


Rome vs Manchester United.
Old Firm
Bus drivers running over Barca fans.

I seriously doubt the NFL players could handle playing rugby without their pathetic helmets and suits of armour.
They wouldnt know what hit them.

The pathetic helmets and suits of armor you talk about are to protect them from injuries.
Is it pussy to wear them? Lets see:

They protect 10 year old's from getting injuries because THEY'RE 10 YEARS OLD.
They protect High School players cause they are young students with futures.
They protect College players cause they are on Scholarships.
They protect Pro players cause they get paid millions of dollars to PLAY.

Have anything to add?

FYI, i hate American Football and I'm American


Bit late to the party, but I have a couple of points:

1/ American footballers wear pads and helmets because back in around the 1920s a few dozen college players got killed each year without them.

2/ Any American football fan who thinks that American footballers would inevitably succeed at Rugby or Soccer is an idiot. The average NFL match has around 11-13 minutes of actual action. Divide that up between the offense and the defense, and each NFL player spends at most around six minutes playing the game. Over the course of three hours. Yes, they're big and they're strong, but the idea that they would have the endurance to play Rugby or Soccer is simply laughable. That's like claiming that Usain Bolt would win a marathon or steeplechase because he can run really fast for ten or twenty seconds. Maybe Usain Bolt could succeed at steeplechase, but to do so he'd have to train completely differently and become an entirely different type of athlete, with less explosive power and more stamina.

3/ In soccer you have to have technical ability. ie Skill. In American football the only player who is even required to be able to pass the ball is the quarterback. All that any of the other 40 guys on the team need to be able to do is run really fast and catch a ball. Or just be able to push other guys over like sumo wrestlers do. Sorry, but I don't think that sumo wrestlers are that skilled, and I'd learned to run fast and catch a ball by the time I turned ten years old.

In short, they're completely different sports, even if Rugby and American football share some similarities.

There's a reason why one sport dominates the world's sporting landscape and the other is a niche sport played only in a couple of countries.


Soccer the sport of good passing, almost scores, and ties whats not to love.


NFL is a sport of commercial ad breaks and brain damage. Whats not to love.

Eat the Neocons.


I enjoy playing soccer more but would rather watch football
