MovieChat Forums > Hable con ella (2003) Discussion > SPOILERS alert - one provocative questio...

SPOILERS alert - one provocative question about the ending, this time from a VICTIM'S point of view.

SPOILERS - Do you think Alicia ever finds out what happened and what really caused her to wake up and even get pregnant?

And even IF she does, do you think she'll be able to, with therapy of course, gradually "get over it" with time or would she also suffer more and more from PTSD etc?

And if she never knows, will she be able to live life normally at all after this?

Granted, for many victims, it is no doubt a serious and painful matter. And there are sad tales of course around it. But, though of course its always wrong by itself, some people may cope with it better than others, and the effects and levels of trauma may differ from person to person. And that is also not touching upon OTHER controversial but common or maybe less frequent examples of such matter, come to think of it, victims of physical abuse and say bullying can also be traumatized and even feel or end up being suicidal. Not that I of course encourage anyone out there to end up like this at all. But still...

And would she be able to live normal family life after this including start a family and whatnot?


P.S. What a CONTROVERSIAL movie this one is. And let's keep it nice and civil please even though even for many people this side of 'even the blind can see' mantra who have not gone through such matter personally it will be a touchy and ultra sensitive topic that online at least they would prefer to discuss without any even remote attempts at subtlety and ultra civilized good taste and polite manners - and I don't exactly fault them for that.



To many people who rightly but simply say, for that matter, "Don't do it, its bad, simple etc", you are of course on a very BASIC level of things related to rules and social construct correct and for the most part, in no way am I planning to argue with you.

But movies and situations as THESE shown HERE and with the WAY it is etc, occasionally tend to provoke OTHER thoughts as well. Not just concerning the 'wrongness' and the legality and morality of such actions, but other matters too. And we all, and I am sure YOU have AS WELL so no offense but no need to deny it either, wondered about not only what these matters in some or other ways are like but if they are worse than other unacceptable wrong doings, the existence of hype around them or even what the movie was trying to sometimes SAY beyond the basics. Hence why yeah we get it but sometimes we feel beyond preaching and stating the very obvious and then embarrassing others for potentially disagreeing or even QUESTIONING, though some things are no doubt bad the way they are and for reasons they are and also not everyone is a deep thinker but that's their own choice and mentality as well.

No offense to anyone.


As much as we nearly ALL wish our world was perfect and we were free of conflicts, trouble, violence and various affecting situations in our overall common world of HUMANITY. :)
