mariah vs mira

I just saw this movie and mariah's acting is like the worst ever! mira sorvino is great as always and the movie wouldnt be so bad if mariah wasnt in it.I mean she does so many gestures and moves that are completely unnecessary, she waves with her hands all around like this was some kind of music video. Get real mariah!You may be a great singer but you definetly cant act. But mira is much better and i think she deserves better roles than this one.She's also much prettier.Anyone agrees?


LOL, why do we even need a thread of Mariah vs. Mira? When there's no comparison between the two other than them co-starring in this movie. They're both totally different people. Sure Mira has won an Oscar, but that doesn't mean that her acting here in this movie was the best than Mariah or Melora, lol. I thought Mariah's Raychel was so much more fun and interesting to watch than Mira's Meg character, which (no offense to Mira and her fans) I find most of the time boring. If Mariah's Raychel wasn't in this movie, I don't think this movie would've would be fun and interesting to watch. Mariah's Raychel adds fun and comedy in this often serious all I can say is Mariah and Mira did have a good chemistry as waitresses and girlfriends. Their characters while different gave each other balance. One was too serious and one doen't take things too seriously. They sure complement each other, lol. So it was fun to watch them and Mariah's Raychel was so funny always telling Meg to "fix your hair, get a new dress..." or something close to that line, lol.

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Mira all The way!

I Worship The Goddess Amber Tamblyn


I'm not sure what the "problem" is with hating on Mariah. I think she did a fantastic job in this movie. This wasn't Shakespear. Her character was a New Yorker and she portraited "herself" very well.

Mira on the other hand, has been an Academy Award winner prior to this movie. Comparing her to Mariah is absurd.

"I have the energy of a bear who has the energy of two bears!"


Mariah's acting career is a classic example of a female singer "crossing over" into acting. Hollywood was anxious to cash in on her popularity at the time and she was cast in 2 extremely different films, one of which (the god-awful "Glitter") was mostly a bubble gum fantasy built around her incredible talent as a singer and not much else. "Wisegirls" however, I found to be quite enjoyable and her performance commendable for someone new to acting. That having been said, I suspect that she and her character "Raychel" are pretty much the same person in which case it's not much of a stretch to portray one's self (i.e. Madonna in "Desperately Seeking Susan"). In Mariah's case, she has continued to hone her talent with success in films like "Tennessee" and "Precious" and should she decide to take on more film roles will probably continue to improve and could be quite successful- she has the talent. Unfortunately, repeated attempts at a career onscreen has proven that not every female singer has that ability (Madonna, Britney Spears, Janet Jackson..). As for Mira Sorvino, as likable as she is, she was so-so in this and would probably be much more successful in quirkier roles such as the one for which she was (prematurely) awarded the Oscar ("Mighty Aphrodite").
