If people started disappearing

I'll be the first to sign up. This movie makes no sense. Who wouldn't join the side of the religous people if people started disappearing out of their clothes?


Okay, this is getting rediculous. Who wouldn't belive in "God" if this actually happened?


Who knows, people are ignorant enough with the little bit of proof now. As in the movie, and as in life(the evolution theory), I'm sure there would be some "scientific" reason for it that the media would exploit. It's sad, but so many people just want to hide from God now, that all I can leave this subject with is, "Who knows".



Do you not believe in evolution?


No, I'm a Christian.

The Name Of The Lord Is A Strong Tower, The Righteous Run To It And Are Safe


So was Darwin, Julian. It doesn't mean a thing.

Face it. Evolution is a fact.
And please, don't even talk about it if you don't know what you're talking about.
It's obvious you have very little idea indeed what evolution is from your post titled 'Evolutions Theory: Mere Nonsense.'
Nobody ever said anything about everything coming from nothing.
And ‘Good Will’ is not a substance. And it's a non-sequitur.

The Kytes call, as rainwater flows to the sea.



Most people who say that (in my experience everybody who says that) actually haven't the foggiest idea what evolution actually is.
Sorry to jump to conclusions, but I think it is safe to assume that neither do you.

The truth is clear indeed. There are worlds of evidence that evolution occers.
There is no evidence for anything else.

Thanks for the prayer, but there is simply no way that I will become a Christian.
I didn't grow up with that stuff, and I don't live in a Christian country.
I would be lying if I said I spent years striggling trying to see if God existed.
There is simply no valid reason to make such supposition in the first place.

The Kytes call, as rainwater flows to the sea.



Proof 1: Creation needs a Creator
Proof 4: Design needs a Designer

You begin with the conclusion that the world was created and designed.
Arguments that support a claim on which they are based on are invalid.

Proof 2: Life needs a Life-Giver
Proof 3: Laws need a Law-Giver

That life needs a 'Life-Giver, or that laws need a 'Law-Giver' are your own assumptions.
I repeat, they are assumptions.
And thus they are not necessarily credible, and are certainly not valid as proofs.
....Especially when there are better theories around that are based on evidence.

Proof 5: Fulfilled Prophecy
Proof 6: Answered Prayer (MANY of my prayers have been answered)

What kind of prayers of yours have been answered?
And what prophecies have been fulfilled?
I expect examples, but based on my experience on these things, they can hardly be expected to be very credible: It's usually the guy jumping to conclusions and taking liberties in interpreting vague texts.

Proof 7: A way of life that works

That's what evolution is about. We're here because we work.
You're also wrong in supposing that evolution involves life forms morphing into 'more powerful' life forms or 'superior' life forms.
That is not how it works at all.
No wonder you had a hard time 'believing' it. You have no idea what it is!
..... Or are you speaking of the fact that we can have philosophy?
If so, it's still only your ungrounded assumption.
And thus is invalid.

....So anyway, none of your 'proofs' stand the most modest of tests.

The Kytes call, as rainwater flows to the sea.


ok... so you are saying we don't know what "evolution" is. So what is your interpretation of evolution?


In my experiance, creationists never do.
They always think they do, but sooner or later they pop themselves.

And evolution is science.
It's about facts not interpritations.

The Kytes call, as rainwater flows to the sea.




.... And I mean fact as in evidence.
Laws, theories and hypothosies do in fact come from interpriting evidence (that is not to say that you can say anything you want whithout ground).
But you do not interprit those laws, theories, and hypothosies themselves.
Evolution, it is safe to say, is fact, but that is an entirely different kind of fact.
Name any other law of science. It is fact, but it is not data.
You do not 'interprit' evolution.

The Kytes call, as rainwater flows to the sea.



Chemical reaction, natural selection, and a very long time.

I don't have time now to go into details, but I'll be back later.

The Kytes call, as rainwater flows to the sea.


............ Right.

It is commonly thought now that the arising of life was actually inevitable.
At least, given the situation:

Firstly, organic matter can be found anywhere.
I mean in the universe. There are immense clouds of the stuff all over the place.
So there is no shortage of the stuff of life.

Secondly, the environment.
Organic molicules, though everywhere, are quite fragile.
They have a countless number of combinations, and it takes very little to keep changing them.
A suitible environment would be a planet that orbited around a stable star, with a good atmosphere with the right temprature for liquid water to exist.
There are many other requirements, but there are, after all, approximately one sextillion (I did not make that number up) stars in the universe, so it would be almost impossible for an ideal plant to not appear anywhere.

Now, in this reasonable environment, organic molicules were free to interact with the surrounding world without being demolished, at least completely.
Sooner or later, out of the uncountable kinds of organic molicules being formed, several are bound to appear with the ability to make at least crude copies of itself via chemical reaction.
The ones that can't make very good copies of itself, naturally, didn't survive.
Inevitably, all that is left are the one that could make almost complete copies of itself with the most efficiency.

Now, meanwhile, there are another set of molicules. Some are attracted to water, and some repel it.
Put together, these molicules force themselves into a sphere; or a shell.
If one of those molicules that could copy itself stumbled inside, it would obviously have a better chance to survive than others.
The odds that one of these copying molicules would stumble inside is, I'm sure, not very big, but even if it was one in a million, if there were a billion of these molicules floating around, that would still mean a thousand of them will find their way inside.
The odds are probably bigger than one in a million, but then again, there is probably no way there were only a mere billion of such molicules.

So now, we have a prototype life form.
A genetic code within a shell.
The wheels are now in motion.

The Kytes call, as rainwater flows to the sea.




Who is Tennant?
Where did molicules come from?
Molicules are made of atoms, and atoms inevitably constantly form molicules, unless they are exposed to extremely high energy.
The atoms which organic molicules consist of, as well as just about every atom that exists apart from hydrogen and helium, are thought to come from supernovae.
If you don't know what that is, it's what we call when a dying star creates a catastrophic explosion.

Stars, our sun among them, are giant nucliar fusion reactors.
They are mostly made of hydrogen, but at their cores, those hydrogen atoms are fused together and create helium.

But most of the heavier atoms require more energy than any active star can give to form.
And thus supernovae, which are just about the only things we know of in the universe that generates that kind of energy.
So now we know where everything heavier than a hydrogen atom comes from (everything in the universe are basically mutated hydrogen atoms).

So, where did hydrogen come from?
Well, hydrogen is only one electron orbitting one proton: It could hardly be simpler.
Just as the forse of gravity inevitably pulls mass together, there is a force, I guess, that pulls electrons and protons together as soon as things settle down a bit after the Big Bang.

Where did those electrons and protons and their like come from?
"The Big Bang", I'm sure, is not an answer you'll be satisfied with, but in detail I do not know.
That is not to say that it isn't known.

I'll look it up.

The Kytes call, as rainwater flows to the sea.


Wow Kytescall, you take allot on faith yourself. Wow, it all sounds great, but where are the transitional fossils? And what amount of time do you suppose is necessary for a one-celled creature to develop a backbone and walk to best buy to get a computer?

For me, I wonder about the desolation between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2 by a perfect creator; the two specifc words used in that chapter: one for create and one for repair; the order necessary to produce life being correctly given; and what exactly happened to the dinasaurs and giants and was it when Satan was caste down and the earth destroyed?

I can buy adaptation and development but not life springing from a pool of organics during a random thunderstorm. No one knows, do they. I guess those who believe in God may be mildly disappointed; but those who refuse and find they're wrong are going to have the biggest "I could've had a V-8" experience in their life. It's worth looking into. . . and the questions never stop. The the design is amazing, for scientist and layman alike--and they are not mutually exclusive!

A blessing on all you posters.


Where are the 'transitional fossils'?
What do you mean by transitional?
Fossilization is not an easy process. The time and place must be right.
The estimate is that only one out of less than one thousand species gets to become a fossil.
Life is ever changing, and so every fossil is transitional.

What amount of time is necessary? How long it is actually necessary is not an easy question to answer, and not likely to be answered for some time.
How long did it take? That's easier: At least 3,800,000,000 years.

I don't like to sound rude, but the second paragraph onward I'm unable to understand.
But I get the drift that you can't accept "life springing from a pool of organics during a random thunderstorm".
'Springing' is not a word I think is appropreate to discribe the phenomenon.
Neither is the phrase 'during a thunderstorm'.
It wasn't something that happened over night. As I explained, it was a series of what might even be inevitable chemical reactions.
I just said above that it took 3,800,000,000 years, but multi-cellular life forms didn't exist for most of that time.

And as for the fact that "no one knows", no one knows everything.
That is not the same as "no one knows anything".

The Kytes call, as rainwater flows to the sea.



You're kidding me...
How can you honestly believe in evolution? I'm a Christian, a new one at that, but all my life I know evolution is moronic. Fine, you say that we came into existence over the course of 3,800,000,000 years thanks to the 'Big Bang. Now, where is your proof? Where did the molecule or atom or piece of rock, WHATEVER you want to call it, come from? What created this tiny bit of matter? What created the universe that created this tiny bit of matter which supposedly created us?
Whether or not you can prove what you believe, I still remain bound to my Christian faith. Nothing can detur me from that.
Where is it?
Where is your proof?
How can you prove God doesn't exist?
And finally, how will you feel when you have to stand before him, and be told...

Matthew 7:23
And I will tell them plainly, "I never knew you." Depart from me, you evildoers!

What's sad is I'm going to know who you are when this happens, and know that you'll be in hell, realizing that everything you thought was wrong in every way.


Firstly, who said I wanted to prove God didn't exist?
I see no reason to think he does, but that is diferent.

Secondly, how do we know of the Big Bang?
Because every galaxy we can see is moving away from eachother, and from us.
But at diferent rates.
We know this by studing the redshift (the Dopler-effect of light).
The farther those other galaxies are, the faster they move.
They are moving away from a single point in space.
So much is undisputed fact.
It is logical to suppose that they originated at that point.
The force required to blast all this matter into the universe must be colossal, and no known form of matter could survive it. So every known form of matter must have formed after this explosion.
There is also a multitude of random radiation throughout space, with no obvious origin.
There is no data that does not corrispond with this theory.

Thirdly, a molicule is not an atom, and neither of them is 'a piecs of rock'.

Fourthly, evidence for evolution is overwhelming.
Traces of it are everywhere.
It has been observed (in small scale) in the natural world.
It has even been observed in labs.

Fifthly, "Whether or not you can prove what you believe, I still remain bound to my Christian faith. Nothing can detur me from that."
... You are saying that you are going to be closed-minded no matter what.
That is why you are not fit to discuss science.

Finally, "And finally, how will you feel when you have to stand before him, and be told...
Matthew 7:23
And I will tell them plainly, "I never knew you." Depart from me, you evildoers!"

... I will say: "Fine, I didn't know you, either."

The Kytes call, as rainwater flows to the sea.


I go to college next year.
.... Do I know you from somewhere? Were those genuine questions?

The Kytes call, as rainwater flows to the sea.




krissie, I'm sorry.
When you asked me how life began, I figured you were just another sarcastic creationist.
My apologies.

The Kytes call, as rainwater flows to the sea.



Narrow Minded- "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it. -Matthew 7:13-14


Why bother asking a question when you then say "Whether or not you can prove what you believe, I still remain bound to my Christian faith. Nothing can detur me from that" So why ask? Why bother posting at all? And it's been done hundreds of times but let me ask you this question and if you can answer it I will become a Christian becasue I'm not so arrogant to think that there is no possiblity that I could ever be wrong.
Who created God?
Extra credit questions that you can answer if you wish are:
What was he doing in the Millennia before creation?
Why is it less plausable that life sprang from universal laws, known chemical properties, millions of years of time, cause and effect and trial and error?
Than from a mythical creator who decided one day to start an expeiment involving humans and dust and ribs and serpents?
You say that you can't logically belive in life that sprang from "Nothing" yet you happily belive in a God who did just that.
It's not on the rational thinkers to dis-prove god, the onus is on you to prove him. Where is your proof for God?
The Big Bang is just scientist way of saying that they don't know what happened, sure we think that there was a bang, a big one at that but before that? What? No-one knows. But that dosen't mean that it was god! That's a logicaly false argument. Possibly we will never know how the universe started, why or by what mechanism, but that DOES NOT prove God. "I don't know" is not the same as saying "I surrender my interlect to superstition".

"I'm in favor of taking dangerous weapons out of the hands of idiots, lets start with computers."



okay if God doesnt exist (which he does) then explain to me how someone who has cancer, who is expected to die because there is nothing that anyone or doctors can do for them, all of the sudden is healed. God is real whether you want to believe or not. He is the beginning and the end. He is there even though you cannot see him. Which I dont see how you cant believe he is real. Gravity is real and yet you cant see it. Just like God is real even though with the human eye you cannot see him.


lovingjut29, the question isn't "why do I not believe in God", but "why should I?"
I have no reason to. I myself didn't even grow up with that particular culture.
Gravity itself is not a thing, but an effect.
The gravitron, if it exists, is a thing. But when we are sure of its existance, it will not be on faith.

Also, just because something unexpected happened, it doesn't follow that it was all supernatural.
I don't know of this case you speak of, but just because the doctors were doctors doesn't mean that they know everything, and would normally be able to predict everything.

The Kytes call, as rainwater flows to the sea.


They used the same argument 3,000 years ago when they couldn’t explain anything. They used to sacrifice humans to the Gods to keep them happy. It’s time to move forward as a civilization and take some responsibility for ourselves.

On a side note, I’m sick of people saying that Jesus sacrificed for our sins. I thought heaven was some great place. Sacrificing would have been staying here on earth for eternity, not running off to heaven, which apparently is paradise.


Jesus was sacrificed for our sins. He left heaven to come to this earth and be tortured, whipped, beat, spit on, and cruified just because he loves you so much. He could have just stayed in heaven, but he came to earth because he would rather die than ever live without you. I don't understand why anybody would not accept Him if they knew this.


He left Heaven? I did not know this. Where did you learn this? I thought he was born from Mary in jeursalem. Sorry I'm new to this christian god stuff.

Hey Les, do you have a minute? For you Brad, I"ve got five.


"He left Heaven? I did not know this. Where did you learn this? I thought he was born from Mary in jeursalem. Sorry I'm new to this christian god stuff."

It depends on your view of Jesus. In the Christian belief of Him being the son, God is actually called a Holy Trinity, which consists of The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Now, the Bible teaches that God never changes, so that would mean that He has always existed in this form. So, Jesus being born on Earth was merely the birth of a human fleshly body that the Spirit of God Himself dwelled within for a while (thirty three years, to be precise). In a sense, He did leave Heaven to come dwell upon the Earth as a human, to walk amongst us and teach us. He lived a completely sinless life, therefore being a blemish free sacrifice, which is what God had always demanded be sacrificed to Him...the best of the livestock, the absolute best, blemish free offering one had to give. This sacrifice would be the final one that atones for all sin as long as we simply ask forgiveness through Him. Of course, that doesn't mean to ask once and future sin is forgiven, as some would teach. There is a continual effort on behalf of the individual to live by His laws and always try to live as best one can, always seeking his forgiveness for whatever transgressions one may partake in.

Like I said, that is the Christian view on him. Some don't believe that Jesus was God incarnate at all, but merely a great teacher and good man. Some believe He existed, but was merely a human, nothing more. Some believe he did not exist at all. Of course, they are outside the Christian or Catholic faith. Anyhow, I hope that helped.

* * * *

OK, so what's the speed of dark?


Actually, even within christianity and the bible itself, there are differing opinions. The gospel of John is the only one that claims jesus existed prior to his birth. The other 3 claim he came into existence when he was born.


Wow, I noticed the administrator deleted a lot of the posts from the people posting against evolution but not the ones about evolution itself. I dont think there was any reason to delete them either because a lot of what was quoted from the deleted posts doesnt seem like somthing harmful that should be deleted. Isnt that showing some bias on the administrators part? will my post be deleted? of course no one would even know i posted this unless they read it before it is deleted, which if it is, i hope someone does read it. But hey im an Ex-athiest for Christ :) i wish i would have known and understood the love He had for me sooner. i had the mentality that most athiest share today, God has used me and my background to speak to the lost and boy..some of them really get angry or annoyed when they cant escape the Absolute truth that God and His Word is. Some seem so bound by the world and its way of thinking. but we must still keep speaking Gods truth into their lives and keep planting those seeds. My life would have stayed and been misrable if those who were already alive in christ turned thier backs on me and suddenly gave up on me. When God says His Words never return void he means it and im glad that those who spoke to me knew that and kept speaking to me. on the topic of evolution, it just doesnt make sense. how could all that is around us happen by mutations in genetics? Yes i do believe in a big bang thoery, God said let there be light and BANG! there was light :) but the thought that all this around us we call the universe, to be created by chance in a random explosion just seems kind of..thought up..trying to remove the absolute truth that God is and that is exactly what Satan plans to do and has been trying to do. i remember asking my science teacher after a lesson on the big bang and how life started that has someone tried to prove it. he told me yes but he stopped there until i asked him how many life forms did they create in the attempt. i still remember how he grumbled none. later he taught evolution, how everything evolved through some sort of mutation but my friend asked him about this one plant(which i dont remember at this time) that fixes its genetic defects by reverting to the original genetic diagram much like a reset button. this plant has kept its original genetic code since it was created, but yet we are taught to believe that all these beutiful and complex living organisms were first created by chance and then mutated to what they are today. Darwins theory of evolution and the big bang theory are all just that...Theories and cannot be accepted as fact. It actually takes a lot more faith to believe on some theory that has no solid foundational evidence as opposed to believe on something that has not changed and survived hundreds of years, is supported by archeology and history, and still to this day being supported by more and more evidence being discovered. whether it be more archeology or outside biblical recorded historical accounts. I put my faith in God's word and i know He is faithful to keep the covenant we have with Him through Jesus Christ our Lord, God, and Savior i have nothing to worry about myself but God has called me to help save others as i was saved and wow this is getting really long! ill stop there for now but hey God really does love us all. even though some treat Him lower than dirt, He still loves them. This is how great our God is


The gospel of John is the only one that claims jesus existed prior to his birth. The other 3 claim he came into existence when he was born.

Wrong. For instance in Luke 10:18 Christ said he saw satan fall from Heaven, which happened "in the beginning" sometime after the creation of the Universe and human beings, yet before the devil’s temptation of Eve, which means sometime between Genesis 1:31 and Genesis 3:1. (Those who embrace the dubious "gap theory" would place it between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2).


"okay if God doesnt exist (which he does) then explain to me how someone who has cancer, who is expected to die because there is nothing that anyone or doctors can do for them, all of the sudden is healed."

It's called remission and is a natural phenomenon. It's actually rather common in cancer cases. It happened to two friends of mine, neither of whom were believers.

Just because we don't know why something happens is no reason to assign supernatural causes to it. The Bubonic Plague in 14th Cen. Europe was thought to be divine puishment. At one time being hit by lightning was assumed to be a punishment for sins. Both of those powerful weapons have been removed from God's alleged arsenal by scientists.

"An Archer is known by his aim, not by his arrows."
-Li Chen-Sung (Richard Loo,) The Outer Limits


Doctors are not super-human, they don't know everything and never will, they are not infalible, they make mistakes. Just becasue someone who has Cancer does not die from it does not mean there is a God. Please provide spicifics, what type of cancer was it? Did the person with cancer pray or did others pray on their behalf? What country were they in? What was the initial diagnosis? Why was this person saved by 'God' when literally thousands of secular believers die of cancer every year? This is what we call "Critical Thinking" I'm refusing to believe a spirious claim without good evidece, you should do the same. And no I can't see gravity but whenever I try to leave Earth's orbit I get reminded that it's got a strong hold over me, gravity is conisistant, always on and readily testable "God" isn't.

"I'm in favor of taking dangerous weapons out of the hands of idiots, lets start with computers."


Let me ask a question of you people, When you go to a museum and see a painting, how do you know that there is a painter? You know by the fact that there is a painting. When you see a building, how do you know there is a builder? You know by seeing the building. Therefore I ask, how do you know there is a Creator? by witnessing His Creation. All of Creation serves to tell that there is a creator. And to all the people who believe that "evolution" is a fact, how do you account for the fact that not one transitory fossil, that is not one fossil that proves that a certain species came from another species, exists? just curious, thank you


"And to all the people who believe that "evolution" is a fact, how do you account for the fact that not one transitory fossil, that is not one fossil that proves that a certain species came from another species, exists?"
Simple. They do.

As for the pianting/paintor thing, that's only your assumption.
You assume the universe was created FIRST, and then you try to explain.
To say that God exists because we do is an empty argument.

The Kytes call, as rainwater flows to the sea.


Evolution does exist, but not in the form most people attribute to the "Evolution Theory."

Species change, adapt, and undergo alterations all the time. It's been observed and proven. It's called "micro-evolution" or "horizontal evolution." It's been occurring since God created the world and all plant and animal life. It's the change from a perfect creation to a flawed and fallen planet.

The macro evolutionary model of origins and devleopment requires some universal principle which increases order. The problem is that the only scientific principle which is known to effect real changes in order is the Second Law of Thermodynamics, which instead describes a universal deteriorating order.

The most devastating and conclusive argument against evolution is the entropy principle (the Second Law of Thermodynamics) which implies that, in the present order of things, evolution in the "vertical" sense (that is, from one degree of order and complexity to a higher degree of order and complexity) is completely impossible.

The entropy principle is what micro evolution is about. A perfect creation adapts and changes over time because all life tends towards decay. The perfect never remains perfect. It decays, rots, dies away. Mutations occur, but mutations are incapable of reproducing.

Science supports the creation model, not the other way around.

True, to say that God exists because we do IS an empty argument. We exist only because God does.



“you silly bastard! you dont even know what evolution is! evolution attepmts to explain how traits in organisms are passed down through generations. it says nothing about changing into a "higher" order of species. evolution says that organisms must change if they wish to survive. survival of the fittest is the foundational principle of evolution. changes in eviroment occured and organisms we're forced to become more complex in order to survive.”

My apologies. I forget that evolution means different things to different people – that the dictionary definition and the theory proposed by Darwin are completely different. Side note: Interesting, is it not, that the word evolution and the process can mean so many different things? Contrast that with creation.

“now as for your crazy "laws of thermodynamics", those are merely deceptions that come from causality. we see the same event over and over and we are led to believe that it is a universal principle but in reality we can't know that it is a real metaphysical law.”

Fine. It still supports the fundamental principal that all things tend to move to disorder from order, NOT the other way around. That explains why I have to repair my wood fence every few years as the boards rot away.

”i would like for you to explain how you know that there is a God and that the bible is true. you seem to agree with many of the tenants of christanity and i would like to know what proves to you that they are true.”

First of all (and I’m not sure how you will receive this), “Ever since the creation of the world, God’s eternal power and divine nature, invisible though they are, have been understood and seen through the things He has made.” (Romans 1:20). I look at the world around me and see the evidence of everything He’s made – the mountains, plants and flowers, every single living thing. Everyone sees the same evidence and each makes a choice as to how to view it. Some choose to exclude and reject that God created it… I (and millions of others) see it as evidence that God exists.

That’s simple evidence. Look further into the complexity and variety of living cells. Scientists used to believe they were no more than homogeneous globules of plasm. Now we know that within each cell is a microcosm of activity that exhibits incredible complexity and an intricate design. Hence, if there is a design, there must be a Designer.

This may not be a good analogy, but you can’t take a mass of cement, water, lime, trees, iron ore, silica, and copper and throw them together and make a building (although I know some builders who go about it like that). There has to be a plan and an order to how things are put together to construct a building. If a cell is really that complex and the makeup of that cell is tiny, intricate and detailed sub-systems, doesn’t it stand to reason that there was a blueprint and a plan for its existence?

Third. Jesus was a real person, and was written of in other documents other than the Bible. Josephus Flavius (who lived about 37-99 AD) wrote in the “Antiquities of the Jews”…

"And there arose about this time Jesus, a wise man, if indeed we should call him a man; for he was a doer of marvelous deeds, a teacher of men who receive the truth with pleasure. He led away many Jews, and also Greeks. This man was the Christ. And when Pilate had condemned him to the cross on his impeachment by the chief men among us, those who had loved him at first did not cease; for he appeared to them on the third day alive again, the divine prophets having spoken these and thousands of other wonderful things about him: and even now the tribe of Christians, so named after him, has not yet died out."

Within the Bible are over 300 prophecies of the Christ, the Messiah, who was to come to the Jews. These prophecies were written over a period of 1500-2000 years, by several authors. Jesus is the only individual who ever lived who has fulfilled every single prophecy, the last one written approximately 450 years before His birth. What are the odds of that happening? If Jesus fulfilled all the prophets foretold, He is the Christ. And if He is the Christ ("God's chosen One") then there is a God. Additionally, if those prophecies are true, it could be assumed that the entire Bible is true (the New Testament is historical evidence of His life on earth as well as the beginnings of the church of believers), and that Jesus is not only Christ, but God incarnate (John 1: 1 -- “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” John 1:14, “And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us…”). Along with the entire creation that testifies of Him, this is both evidence of the existence of God and the veracity of the Bible.

Fourth – experientially. Everything God has promised in His Word for me for salvation is true. That’s by faith, so whether or not you accept that as evidence is up to you. Christianity is more than a set of beliefs – it’s a relationship with a true, living God. The Bible is His Word – alive and active in the lives of believers now and throughout history.

It’s all just evidence. I have chosen to believe this evidence proves a Creator God who is also Savior God, One whom I (and countless millions) have the incredible honor of knowing personally. You have to make your choice to believe it or not. Additionally, whether I or anyone else chooses to believe the evidence, I submit to you that there are certain absolutes that are foundations of truth. God is absolute – it doesn’t matter if we believe or not, He is absolute, sovereign, almighty, omniscient, and forever, from eternity past through eternity future.



Faith : belief that is not based on proof
Science : knowledge, as of facts or principles; knowledge gained by systematic study.

I am not out to disprove anything or state that anyone's religion is false. Believe what you want to believe and allow others to believe what they want to.
Arguing about it only makes things worse as anyone who is religious will not accept anything you have to say unless it conforms to their own beliefs, while anyone of a scientific mind cannot accept anything without empirical proof.
All you accomplish is running around in circles.


Hi, There is a realy good book out by Lee Stoble, its called "The Case for a Creator". It's Writen by a jurnolest who trys to prove that god does not exist and ends up whith a bilef to the contrary. The argument are simple basic arguments that can be disputed so easily. You might want to look into giving the book a try. Its not like it can hurt anything, and it a very good book. It does get kind of tecknical though.

God Bless



I have "The Case for the Creator" and I found it to be full or error's logical inconsistanceis and real problems when it comes to "proving" the case.
Course there I go with that "Critical Thinking" again.

"I'm in favor of taking dangerous weapons out of the hands of idiots, lets start with computers."


You know, sometimes people miss the existence of God because they spend too much time trying to find proof.


"You know, sometimes people miss the existence of God because they spend too much time trying to find proof"

To paraphrase...be simple and do not bother to actually ask questions or utilize critical thinking skills...and you'll find god.

It works for all of the other religions out there, so why not for the christian version as well!

* * * *

OK, so what's the speed of dark?


lol...No; being simple means refusing to believe that there could possibly be something out there which exists beyond the realm of human understanding.


"being simple means refusing to believe that there could possibly be something out there which exists beyond the realm of human understanding"

Why waste time believing and/or devoting one's life to something that is beyond our understanding? As we learn facts about our universe, there is reason to then believe in things. There is no facts about god, but rather only various conflicting proclamations from around the world...all of which are absolutely right according to those who share them. It is very simple to believe in such things, for it is a security blanket in the face of those who fear death. It is much simpler than existing without a magic crutch that just happens to support your circumstances.

* * * *

OK, so what's the speed of dark?


But that all depends on how you look at it. There have been facts about God all over the place, but everyone has the right to believe in them or not believe in them if they so choose. So if you choose not to believe in God, then that's up to you. But that doesn't mean that other people haven't chosen to believe what they've seen based on their own standards. Remember; everyone is different...


"But that all depends on how you look at it...everyone is different"

I'll agree with you on that.

"There have been facts about God all over the place"

There are no "facts" about god, or else there would be no debate. As you went on to say, people always find what they are looking for based on "their own standards". You see, that's the problem. That's why every religion thinks itself absolutely right.

* * * *

OK, so what's the speed of dark?


But I don't mean by the standards of any religion. I mean on a personal level. Because everyone has their own standards and when it all comes down to it, spiritual belief is a personal thing. Religions just make it complicated. And there are facts about God all over the place. Whether or not you see them for what they are depends on whether or not you want to believe them, because one way or the other, it's about faith.


But personal standards ARE the issue. The "facts of God" are in the eye of the beholder, seeing that all believers possess these "facts" that prop up their point of view. If you look hard enough, you're GOING to find what you want to see with any given religion. You said it yourself, "Whether or not you see them for what they are depends on whether or not you want to believe them." Religion does in fact make it complicated, as you said. Still, if there is a god then there must be a right way to address belief in him, or else, what's the point? A "personal level" or approach to the issue doesn't make it right or factual.

* * * *

OK, so what's the speed of dark?


No, it doesn't. That's true. The truth is the truth whether we believe it or not. But, if there is a truth that requires faith in order to be seen, then if we don't use that faith, even though the truth is right there...we'll never see it. Because each of us has a free will..


"But, if there is a truth that requires faith in order to be seen, then if we don't use that faith, even though the truth is right there...we'll never see it"

That sounds like circular reasoning, to me. From that perspective, I have no reason not to believe in Zeus, for the truth of Zeus requires faith in order to be seen, and if I don't use faith, even though Zeus' truth is right there, I'll never see it. I am not trying to be mean, but don't you see that this type of logic can be applied to absolutely anything? What's the point?

* * * *

OK, so what's the speed of dark?


But it's not that something is true as long as you believe in it. As I said before, if there is a truth that requires faith in order to be seen, then if we don't use that faith, even though the truth is right there, we will never see it. Not because something is true as long as you believe in it, but because there are just some things that require faith to be seen. Like I pointed out earlier, not everything is within the realm of human understanding.


But that doesn't mean it requires bothering with it if it is beyond the realm of understanding. There is no way around the circular logic that you are currently presenting to me, seeing that I can insert Zeus and "believe" it into truth all I want to. I am beginning to lose track in regards to your point, for what you are saying is that basically we can pick something and believe it, thus our faith will make it true. That is the foundation you have presented to me, but you cannot have it only apply to one belief or view. If you aren't wishing to do that, then exactly what are you hoping to prove? I mean, this is EXACTLY why I am against believing in an unprovable deity, as it is pouring blind belief into something because you want it to be there. There is no point in doing that, and I am perfectly OK with not possessing all of the answers to the universe, or even trying to attribute it to something akin to god.

* * * *

OK, so what's the speed of dark?


"for what you are saying is that basically we can pick something and believe it,"

-Exactly. That's the point of free will.

"thus our faith will make it true."

-No, what I'm saying is that just because we believe in something doesn't make it true, but just because we can't see it doesn't mean that it doesn't really exist, either. And sometimes, we need to use faith in order to experience the reality of it...


Evolution makes no sense. For example, I'll use the whole dog turning into a whale idea. So dog decides to swim more. Dog starts swimming more. Offspring is born with legs bent back a little bit. The offspring would not survive to pass on the trait. THe legs would slow the creature down and it would be difficult for the animal to keep its head above water. And on land the dog would barely be able to walk or run. No more offspring, no more of the trait, no whale, and the animal would become extinct. so much for 'evolution is fact'.

Jesus, I am SO in love with YOU!


Evolution makes no sense. For example, I'll use the whole dog turning into a whale idea. So dog decides to swim more. Dog starts swimming more. Offspring is born with legs bent back a little bit. The offspring would not survive to pass on the trait. THe legs would slow the creature down and it would be difficult for the animal to keep its head above water. And on land the dog would barely be able to walk or run. No more offspring, no more of the trait, no whale, and the animal would become extinct. And saying 'evolution is fact' without supporting it in any way makes no sense either. That would be like me telling you Jesus died for you and to just accept it, but of course, that would be religious bigotry, wouldn't it? WEll, I for one, have had enough of evolutionary and secular bigotry.

Jesus, I am SO in love with YOU!


You realise that by posting this twice you managed to seem twice as uninformed as you really are?
Yep your absoluty right the way you see it evolution makes no sence whatsoever good thing that's not how science says it works.

"I'm in favor of taking dangerous weapons out of the hands of idiots, lets start with computers."


I hate to inform you the scientific fact is the basics of DNA science show that no living thing can mutate into another form of life: see the following

CHANGE WITHIN GENETIC BOUNDARIES: Microevolution does not lead beyond the confines of the species, and the typical products of microevolution,

the geographic races, are not incipient species. There is no such category as

incipient species. Richard B. Goldschmidt )


in a complex, specific, functioning system wrecks that system. And living things

are the most complex functioning systems in the universe.Science has now

quantitated that a genetic mutation of as little as 1 billionth (0.0000001%) of an

animal's genome is relentlessly fatal.The genetic difference between human and

his nearest relative, the chimpanzee, is at least 1.6% Calculated out that is a

gap of at least 48 million nucleotide differences that must be bridged by random

changes. And a random change of only 3 nucleotides is fatal to an animal.

evolution is not fact and if you do some scientific research you will learn that.

First see this link http://www.creationevidence.org/scientific_evid/coal/se_coal.html
then see this link http://www.creationevidence.org/scientific_evid/magnetic_fld/magnetic_fld.html
then see this link http://www.creationevidence.org/scientific_evid/se_evidn4.html

Basic science of Genetics discounts the possibility of Evolution!
The author of those studies was joined by 3 members of Mensa and thier and thier intellect is completely off the scale. All Have Doctorates in Genetics and Engineering and until these studies were completed were not Christian scientists, all are now devout Christians.



You know you almost had me till you said that they were all members of Mensa and they all have Docterated in Genetics and Engineering, wow! What are the chances of that? That four people are all members of the same club, and Geneticist and all have the same docterate in an unrelated field?
Please provide a bibliography. I would love to know more about this study and the Doctors who performed it. None of the links you provided mention the genetic research that you cite, where did you get this from, I'm a Geneticist (I lack the Engineering quallifcation unfortunatly) and I would like to know more.

"I'm in favor of taking dangerous weapons out of the hands of idiots, lets start with computers."





Most Christians acknowledge that evolution is a fact. With all we know today about genetics, with all the observed cases of evolution, there's really no question anymore about this. Evolution is a fact.


"Most Christians acknowledge that evolution is a fact. With all we know today about genetics, with all the observed cases of evolution, there's really no question anymore about this. Evolution is a fact"

Sadly, most christians who do so also like to tack the god concept on to the end of it. Isn't it funny how others do all the hard work, then some religious person comes along and makes some silly proclamation that whatever the case, god is behind it?

* * * *
If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?


EVOLUTION IS A LIE. I even have proof. Every living cell came from a previous cell. So tell me where the first cell came from.


The main crux in the whole series is the Devil makes his move.

I mean if I was the Devil, had two grey cells working and knew the end of days depended on me making a move. Wouldn't I as the Devil take the route of Neutral victory . Ie not make a move.

Let the world panic, let the heavens wait.

Why start a cycle of action leading to me burning for all eternity.

I read the book.

I know what is expected of me.

If I the rebel have the power to rebel, then I the rebel have the power to say no. No to rising from Hell where I am King. No to attempting to take over a dirtball I would lose in the end.

Maybe that is way the rapture is waaayyyy overdue. I mean at the rate we are cutting down trees and warming up the Earth humans will end up extinct before the whole thing happens.

Maybe he got the summons for the whole dance to start and he said No.

If the End of Days started, and the Devil stayed home. What do you do?
In a fair universe, we would all be better people.


Jesus LIVES !! My friend and I hope that you will find that out soon. God bless you


the whole thing about people disappearing out of their clothes is a male-thing. Even if I didn't know who the authors of this twisted series was, I would know it was MALE. Only males could invent a rapture where everyone goes to Jesus naked. What a crock of male-wet-dream.


Ok first of all, no one goes to Jesus naked, we are clothed in white robes. And second of all, for 1 Thessalonians 5:2 which says, "For you yourselves know very well that the Day of the Lord will come just like a thief in the night." to be correct i, (and it is because it is God's unadulterated, infallible Word), then the only way that it can happen is pre-trib because if it happened any other time, we would have an inkling of when it would come and only God the Father has that knowledge.



IMO, God Created the items needed to create us through a very long process.


"Ok first of all, no one goes to Jesus naked, we are clothed in white robes. And second of all, for 1 Thessalonians 5:2 which says, "For you yourselves know very well that the Day of the Lord will come just like a thief in the night." to be correct i, (and it is because it is God's unadulterated, infallible Word), then the only way that it can happen is pre-trib because if it happened any other time, we would have an inkling of when it would come and only God the Father has that knowledge."

You really should read a little further into 1st Thes 5, because then you would see that he "only" comes like a thief in the night to those not expecting him. The rest are to remain on watch because even though we do not know the day or the hour, we are given the signs and the seasons in Matthew 24 and Mark 13. And one of those signs is Christ comes back "after" the tribulation. Not one verse in the bible has Christ coming back before the trump of God which is the seventh and last trump.

Also good to note is 2nd Thes chapter 2 where Paul states that the day (which is the Day of the Lord spoken about in 1st Thes5, the subject does not change) won't happen until the son of perdition appears. Christ and Paul both give the same warning to not be deceived about this manner. Yet most of the christian world is sadly. That's why Christ says he comes in an hour most do not expect. Most are expecting to be raptured out of here and when that does not happen, the great apostasy happens. Please don't be deceived.


The Authors didn't just make it up, it's based on truth from the Bible


It's too bad everyone is caught up in side issues. The REAL issue is we have ALL failed to live up to God's standards. It doesn't matter if you believe He exists or not, He will hold everyone accountable to those standards at the judgment. If you choose not to believe, in essence you have been judged already, because your belief and actions condemn you. You have a choice.

You can stand before God at the judgment and explain to Him why you should be allowed to live forever with Him. If you've broken one of His commandments, you're toast (ALL of us have broken at least one). So we're all condemned to eternal punishment because we've broken at least one of His laws -- that's justice, perfect justice. The guilty shall pay. But God, in His mercy, has made a way for anyone to escape the judgment and live forever with Him. His Son, Jesus Christ who is both God and man, willingly took the punishment of death on our behalf. This simple act satisfies both God's demand for justice and demonstrates His immeasurable and complete mercy. Jesus died for you -- He died for me. The only part that is left is for you to decide what will you do with the "gift." God gives you eternal life when you acknowledge you are a sinner, that you've failed Him, and you accept Jesus' death as payment for your sin. You are saved from judgment and the coming tribulation. You are still responsible for the consequenses of your sin, but God will "remember your sin no more."

You can mock Him, mock other Christians, laugh at the simplicity of faith -- it doesn't matter. You can deny He exists and go your way or you can believe. No matter what, EVERYTHING that God prophesies in the Bible will come to pass. The Bible can (and should be) taken literally. It is God's revelation of Himself to mankind. It doesn't need to be proven -- it's absolute.

Understanding the rapture and when it occurs is easier if you understand God's relationship with Israel and His relationship with the body of believers in New Testament times and since (the "Church"). Paul explains the mystery of the rapture both in 1 Thess 4 and in 1 Cor 15. By the way, you won't find the English word "rapture" in the NT -- since it was written in Greek, that, along with any other English word, is not in the Bible. However, the message is clear. The body of believers that are alive at the time, along with those believers who have died, will meet the Lord in the air, changed in an instant into immortal, incorruptible, eternal bodies. It will happen without warning, and it is imminent. Why? Because the tribulation is all about Israel and God's plan to restore a remnant of Israel to himself (the 144,000). Daniel prophesied about God's dealings with Israel in the end times. Israel, not the current church, is at the center of God's plan (always was, always will be).

There's lots more, and if you're interested, I'll post the addresses of a couple sites that review all the views and you can decide for yourself. But as I said at the beginning, when the rapture occurs is nothing compared to the issue of how you're going to spend eternity. It's real, and it's going to happen.

"For God SO loved the world, that He GAVE His only begotten Son, that WHOSOEVER believes on Him WILL NOT PERISH, but have eternal life." John 3:16



Doesn't it strike any of you Christians odd that almost all of what you believe came from what Paul said and his interpretations, and not from the words of Jesus? Didn't Jesus give command of the church to Peter before he died?
If I were a Christian, it would seem a bit heretical (and possibly blasphemous) to me... Of course, most of the words attributed to Jesus came from the Old Testament anyway.


'The Authors didn't just make it up, it's based on truth from the Bible '

But the bible itself is made up and completely devoid of truth. So, they made up a story based on a made up story.


Why should it matter if they are naked or not? In the beginning, God created Adam and Eve "and they were naked and unashamed."

The simple reasoning behind leaving the clothes and everything else is that it is representative of leaving all earthly possessions behind -- the authors may be correct in assuming that, they may not. The Bible isn't specific about HOW we meet the Lord, other than to say that our bodies are changed. Jesus says that two will be walking, then only one is left.

Other than that, if you don't know the Lord, are you prepared to spend eternity without Him and do have any idea what that will be like? If you haven't already, accept His gift of life and return to Him.


Back on evolution. (I'm barely 13, I know, but I can make a forceful point.)

The fact on evolution is simply, there is no 'fact' about it. It's just this annyoing word that randomly appears in the dictionary. But really, when people begin to talk about evolution and how it originated, or when people speak of how it really works, look out for these words and phrases like, "I'm not an expert", "perhaps", "possibly", so on.... no one has any cold evidence that is hard (idk) on evolution. I watched The Way of the Master [Kirk Cameron] and they interviewed evolutionists who always came upon these words. (I love that show.)

Along with evolution and the big bang and all that junk, there is more evidence explaining how dim-witted the theories are than there is proving them correct. I mean, I know, when people say,
"How can you look at everything and think it was all created by some big bang?" you probably think,
"Well, how can you look at everthing and think it was all created by some invisible Dude?"
"Well, Mr. Pessimist, I must say, you don't think your questions out that well, do you? It's simple, really. There hasn't been a time in every Christian's life where they don't think about where God came from. But what keeps us going is something we like to call 'faith.' (Look it up.) We know that this world and universe and absolutly everything inside it could only have been created by something ... much more than amazing."

And on the big bang, what's up with that? It's pointless. How can something so 'nothing' get turned into 'something' from nothing? (Wow, that's a mouthful.) I mean, get a box and just put it in you're closet. How long will it take for a little bang to appear? How many billions and billions of years did you say, I couldn't hear you. We haven't been around for that many years, we'd be walking on bones of dead everything if that were to be correct.

My point is, all of these theories against creation are, well, no offense, stupid. I stand for God, and God alone. Some people just don't want to face the consequences of God, and some people never grew up to know God. (You'll see Him someday, don't worry.) What I'm saying to take the leap of faith. You've got nothing to lose. (Except maybe your sins. He forgives when you repent.) In fact, you'll gain more in life with God.

"Faith is the evidence of things unseen. People tell me that You're just a dream. They don't know You the way that I do. You're the one I live to persue. Can you catch the wind? Can you see God? Have you ever seen Him? I've never seen the wind. I've seen the effects of the wind, but I've never seen the wind. Can you see a breeze?" ~Mind's Eye, by DC Talk. A great band.


I totally agree with you. I think evolution makes absolutely no sense. ok, heres a conversation with two people. :
Person 1: How was the earth made? Person 2: There was nothing. and it exploded. I mean, how stupid do you have to be to believe that? How could everything be made by chance? I mean just people, we are so complex, with emotions and feelings and the ability to think and understnad and everything, and you believe we are just something that used to be apes that lived billions of years ago? It just doesn't make any sense. I hope that when the rapture happens you'll remember what we said and believe. I hope I'll see you all one day. I'm praying for all of you.


'I mean, how stupid do you have to be to believe that?'

Do you hear yourself? You call a theory based on science and evidence stupid, yet you you wholeheartedly believe in a fairy tale about a guy living in the clouds with a big white beard. You hear what you want, otherwise, you'd apply the same skeptical view to the ridiculous religion you base your life on.

' I'm praying for all of you. '

Don't bother. You're prayers are wasted time. Want to talk about facts? The fact is, we know that your bible is fiction. Facts back this up. Rather than wasting your time praying, why not go out and do good things for other people, not to avoid eternal punishment, but just because it's the right thing to do.


You are so totally right...I can't wait to see the X-rated sequals when they finally get to meet god.

"I'm in favor of taking dangerous weapons out of the hands of idiots, lets start with computers."






Do you ever feel like you are beating your head against a wall?

Hey Les, do you have a minute? For you Brad, I"ve got five.


Uh HELLOOOOO! The rapture is TO a fact!It is in the Bible! And you CAN'T find scriptures to say it dosn't cus the bible can't contradict itself. It was written by God himself!



even christians don't believe that the bible was written by God. those who claim that it was aren't very good christians! there are lots of different versions of the bible compiled by different people (i.e. the king james bible -- he wasn't God), no one ever seriously claimed the bible was written by God. the Quran, on the other hand, is supposedly the direct word of God. but no one believes that he wrote it because um, God doesn't write.


Yeah, but God MADE the people who wrote the Bible. It's all God's. God wrote everything.


oh snap, you're right! i believe!



u know what i don't like... people who are immature and have no respect... say o YOU! at least we children of God (ie Christians which means FOLLOWERS OF CHRIST) try and respect you guys to begin with!

ok ok maybe not all of us... but at least we TRY! (unlike some people!)


Amen to that.








Microevolution and macroevolution are 2 different things. It is impossible to believe in macroevolution and also be a Christian. They are not compatible.







If god exists, women and/or reproduction was his greatest creation. In my view reproduction is the only thing to live for. If he comes for a visit I would personally thank him for creating the act of reproduction.

However there is no evidence to support the concept of a "god." Bring on the evidence boys. Quoting a book written by men over many generations and translated by men into many different languages is not proof or evidence. The face of Mary in a grilled cheese sandwich is more evidence than that. Of course if god is all powerful, why does he just come down and talk to us. He should kick Pat Robertson's fat ass off his chair and get busy explaining everything to us. In this day and age, how preposterous is the concept of a "burning bush?" Also what would you do if your god asks you to kill your first born son? I would hope you would check yourself into the nearest psychiatric ward.



I just had a glance through that site.

So, where shall I start?

“T-Rex was a vegitarian?”
Were you aware that it has been proven by the Creation Evidence Museum that T-Rex was NOT a meat eater? That's right! They proved it in TWO WAYS...
1 The roots of T-Rex were only 2 inches deep. Had he bit into the hide of another dinosaur he would have lost teeth
2 They cut a tooth in half og a unearthed T-Rex and found in deeply impureated with CHLOROPHIL! That's right, Chloriphil is the main substance found in PLANTS!

"CSF, as one of the major creationist organisations world-wide, wrote to Mr. Baugh two years ago asking for documentation regarding such astonishing claims as chlorophyll being found on a T. rex tooth, alleged tapes of Neil Armstrong, a NASA experiment showing that eggs do not hatch outs ide of a magnetic field, and a tomato plant that grew to 30 feet tall and produced 5,000 tomatoes when grown under light supposedly simulating pre-Flood conditions. The only reply we received had enclosed 'documentation' which was nothing of the sort." (http://www.talkorigins.org/faqs/paluxy/whatbau.html)
Even fellow creationists, to quote from this same article, regard this as a "serious embarrassment".

And also, the 'weak teeth' thing:
"...The new evidence refutes an argument made by some scientists that Tyrannosaurus rex was primarily a scavenger because its teeth were too weak to attack live prey. 'Their teeth were as strong as those of the alligator, a predator that frequently has to deal with struggling prey,' Erickson says. 'From a comparative standpoint it appears that T-rex was equipped to struggle with its prey too.'
While this is not proof that T-rex was primarily a predator, he says, it does show that when confronted with prey the dinosaur could have held a death grip with its powerful teeth. 'We contend that if T-rex could consistently engage prey with its teeth, it could have exploited a predatory niche,' Erickson says.
This article has nothing to do with creationism, but I find it of some relevance.

But anyway, what do these people think these dinosaurs ate? What kind of plants?
As Lewis Black said: "Those sharp claws and teeth are just perfect for chasing down and catching smaller plants that tried to get away!"
... I've seen a creationist who claimed that they had sharp teeth because they 'ate trees'. Now that's where you need to take the loose tooth argument.

“Human brain proves Evolution a lie.”
Ok.. let me get this straight. The Word of God says we were created with Human bodies that are designed to live forever. Science has recently proven that if we were to learn something new every second, we would take well over 3 millions years to exhaust the memory capacity of our "post flood" brains. (Pre-flood brains were 3 times larger) On the other hand... Evolutionists say things evolve after there is a need for change.

Question... How is it possible for us to have a brain that could hold enough info to last over 3 millions years, when all we can live up to is 90 years? (Don't expect and answer from them.)"

Simple. It worked. If you don't have what it takes (what the changes in environment call for), then too bad, but if you happen to have more than what is strictly necessary, then there is no reason to abandon it.
You can't have too much inteligence. Every bit helps. What's so bizzare abut that?
What I find bizzare is "Pre-flood brains were 3 times larger". Wow. It must have been pretty tough to get a date.

I did a quich search but I haven't found anything about a human brain 3 million year memory capacity.
But I found an article (there were of course many) on humn brain evolution. It doesn't adress any creationist claim as far as I've read, but it wouldn't hurt to post this: http://biology.plosjournals.org/perlserv/?request=get-document&doi=10.1371/journal.pbio.0030050

“Fossil Record.”
Evolutionists have constructed the Geologic Column in order to illustrate the supposed progression of "primitive" life forms to "more complex" systems we observe today. Yet, "since only a small percentage of the earth's surface obeys even a … portion of the geologic column…the claim of their having taken place to form a continuum of rock/life/time…over the earth is therefore a fantastic and imaginative contrivance.1" "The lack of transitional series cannot be explained as being due to the scarcity of material. The deficiencies are real, they will never be filled."2 This supposed column is actually saturated with "polystrate fossils" (fossils extending from one geologic layer to another) that tie all the layers to one time-frame. "To the unprejudiced, the fossil record of plants is in favor of special creation."

The 'transitional fossil' thing.... Don't these guys get it? Everything is transitional. Or depending how you look at it, nothing is.
Nothing is static. Every animal in the fossil record or existing today was something else, and unless they die off, will be something else. Everything is simply what it is, and what it is is not stationary.
In terms of evolution, 'transitional' is an empty and meaningless term.

And concerning these so-called "polystrate fossils": http://www.talkorigins.org/faqs/polystrate.html

“Decay of Earth’s magnetic field”
Dr. Thomas Barnes, Emeritus Professor of Physics at the University of Texas at El Paso, has published the definitive work in this field.4 Scientific observations since 1829 have shown that the earth's magnetic field has been measurably decaying at an exponential rate, demonstrating its half-life to be approximately 1,400 years. In practical application its strength 20,000 years ago would approximate that of a magnetic star. Under those conditions many of the atoms necessary for life processes could not form. These data demonstrate that earth's entire history is young, within a few thousand of years.

This argument is simply based on false assumptions, and the conclusions darwn are merely jumped to: http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Hangar/2437/magnetic.htm

“The Global Flood”
The Biblical record clearly describes a global Flood during Noah's day. Additionally, there are hundreds of Flood traditions handed down through cultures all over the world. M.E. Clark and Henry Voss have demonstrated the scientific validity of such a Flood providing the sedimentary layering we see on every continent. Secular scholars report very rapid sedimentation and periods of great carbonate deposition in earth's sedimentary layers.. It is now possible to prove the historical reality of the Biblical Flood.

About these "hundreds of flood traditions"... I would like to see accounts of these. How similar are they? Significantly so? Surely floods occur all the time, in more than one part of the world. But even so, I definitely doubt they're really talking in the hundreds here.

But anyway, this is simply ridiculous.
What caused this flood? If 'God' is your answer, you might as well start believeing in the Tooth Fairy again, because 'God' is not a process. It's not an explanation. Magic is not eligible for scientific debate.
And where did all this water come from? From space?
If all the land was submerged, which I believe is the general biblical creationist belief, and this was done in approximately 40x24 hours, which I believe is another biblical creationist belief, the amount of water, and the force of all this water must have been on a scale which is, frankly, out of the question. Remember, a wooden ark had to survive all this. Not very likely.
And as I said, if you believe all the land was submerged, and also typically deny plate techtonics, you would have to believe that, logically, the top of Mt. Everest, which is almost 9,000 meters above sea level, was also submerged. Where did it all come from, and where did it all go?

“Radio Halos”
Physicist Robert Gentry has reported isolated radio halos of polonuim-214 in crystalline granite. The half-life of this element is 0.000164 seconds! To record the existence of this element in such short time span, the granite must be in crystalline state instantaneously.10 This runs counter to evolutionary estimates of 300 million years for granite to form.


“Human artifacts throughout the Geologic Column”
Man-made artifacts - such as the hammer in Cretaceous rock, a human sandal print with trilobite in Cambrian rock, human footprints and a handprint in Cretaceous rock – point to the fact that all the supposed geologic periods actually occurred at the same time in the recent past.

Unfortunately, no.

“Helium content in the earth’s atmosphere”
Physicist Melvin Cook, Nobel Prize medalist found that helium-4 enters our atmosphere from solar wind and radioactive decay of uranium. At present rates our atmosphere would accumulate current helium-4 amounts in less than 10,000 years.

"The most probable mechanism for helium loss is photoionization of helium by the polar wind and its escape along open lines of the Earth's magnetic field. Banks and Holzer [1969] have shown that the polar wind can account for an escape of 2 to 4 x 10^6 ions/cm^2 sec of Helium-4, which is nearly identical to the estimated production flux of (2.5 ±1.5) x 10^6 atoms/cm^2 sec. Calculations for Helium-3 lead to similar results, i.e., a rate virtually identical to the production flux. Another possible escape mechanism is direct interaction of the solar wind with the upper atmosphere during the short periods of lower magneticfield intensity while the field is reversing. Sheldon and Kern [1972] estimated that 20 geomagnetic-field reversals over the past 3.5 million years would have assured a balance between helium production and loss.
(Dalrymple, 1984, p.112)"

“Expansion of space fabric”
Astronomical estimates of the distance to various galaxies gives conflicting data. 13The Biblical Record refers to the expansion of space by the Creator. Astrophysicist Russell Humphries demonstrates that such space expansion would dilate time in distant space. This could explain a recent creation with great distances to the stars.


“Design in living systems”
A living cell is so awesomely complex that its interdependent components stagger the imagination and defy evolutionary explanations. A minimal cell contains over 60,000 proteins of 100 different configurations. The chance of this assemblage occurring by chance is 1 in 10 4,478,296 .17

This'll be the "irreducible complexity" argument, wouldn't it?
For someone who claims that this defies evolutionary explanations, the author seems to have a poor understanding of evolution.
Here's the key word: "Chance". That's one of the many sources of misunderstanding.
You see, evolution being what it is, spontanious development has nothing to do with it, as this word, and no doubt that statistic, suggests.
It's all about causality. No one is comparing this to the tossing of a few million coins. That's because, the outcome of the next toss is not effected by the last.
Sure, there's some 'chance' involved, but that's just to start things up. For example, let's say that there is an object called A, that has a 50/50 chance of becoming either B or C. The analogy of the coin suggests that whichever way it goes, the next is always an option. In that case, things will never get anywhere, and evolution will naturally not exist. But that is not the case. Once A becomes B, C is no longer possible. Only new options, shall we say D and E, are open.
So, evolution has less to do with randomness than many believe. For every action there is a consequence. Causality.

“Design in the human brain”
The human brain is the most complicated structure in the known universe. It contains over 100 billion cells, each with over 50,000 neuron connections to other brain cells. This structure receives over 100 million separate signals from the total human body every second. If we learned something new every second of our lives, it would take three million years to exhaust the capacity of the human brain. In addition to conscious thought, people can actually reason, anticipate consequences, and devise plans – all without knowing they are doing so.

This is the same argument as the one above (only more specified), and a repeat of an earlier one.
The only new thing here is the last part about human conciousness and thought processes.
This in itself is a non-sequitor. Our brains function in a certain way. So what?
You know, this reminds me of a guy whose main argument against evolution and in defense of God was that the sky was blue. It doesn't follow.

"Microevolution and macroevolution are 2 different things. It is impossible to believe in macroevolution and also be a Christian. They are not compatible."

"there are six kinds of evolution

Cosmic - time, space, and matter from the big bang
Chemical - the origin of more complex elements
Stellar Planetary - origin stars and planets form dust clouds
Organic - life from non-living things
Macro - one kind animal changes into another
the first 5 are stupid, they dont happen. thier is no science to proove it does

Micro - the variations that occur within the kinds such as dogs and wolves having a common ancestor.
now this one does happen. things vary. like dogs, some might be big some might be small. but its ALWAYS a dog"

No, sorry, there is only one kind of evolution, strictly speaking.
Evolution means that over time, things change. You might apply this to various fields, and claim 'different kinds' if you insist, but in biological evolution there is only one kind. It is only a matter of scale.

This "variation within a species" argument is bogus.
The problem is the word "species". Who defined that term? We did. It's a term used in the catagorization of life forms by us. It's a word.
In reality, there is no definite boundry. We all share DNA, and many share similar body structures with eachother. When you get right down to it, everything is a variation. It's just a matter of degree.
And no, no one ever claimed that anything other than a dog will be born of a dog. That's because the process is very gradual. You'll never see the changes within a life time, unless it's a dramatic mutation, which is not likely to happen to more than a small number of individuals, which'll probably be our fault anyway.
There is no line which, if crossed, the animal in question will magically turn into something else. It's a more or less continuous process; if you live long enough and observe these dogs for a few million years, you won't see the change. There is no instant in which a dog ceases to be so and turns into sonething else. On the other hand, if your friend had decided to leave for that time and returned later, he will probably not find any dogs, because he simply won't recognize them.

"if you actualy think life evolved from sludge and rocks and other non living things then thats just *beep* up."

I don't think anyone said anything about sludge, and definitely not rocks. Life didn't evolve from rocks, although there are firm grounds to think that life, having definitely evolved, didn't begin as a living thing.
But I'll tell you what's *beep* up, if anything is; Chrisitan mythology dictates that we are made of dirt. That's not the problem, unflattering as it is. It's how stuff are put together that is important. The problem is the how. Creationists say we are designed. If anything is demoralising, this is. If you care to look at everything else that is designed, you will notice that everything that is made is made for a purpose. A specific purpose. Everything we make, we make for us. To serve our purposes. You see, the purposes for which they are made are not theirs, but ours. Even forms of art are tools to effect our emotion, provoce our thoughts, or give us entertainment.
The bottom of the line is, everything that is created has no identity of its own. Its value can only be measured though its user. Even your precious Bible, if every single person capable of reading it vanished, it would instantly become utterly worthless. The philosophical implications of creationism is that we are only trinkets, and the point of our existance doesn't belong to us.

On the other hand, modern science states that life began as single molecules which continuously developped better ways to keep making copies of itself (if they didn't, they would simply have ceased to exist by now, and many of them of course have). The purpose of life, as far as this goes, is merely to be. Anything beyond that is up to us. Everything in nature, every life form, every rock, every single particle, is not here to suit some ultimate goal. Everything is what it is, and it is so only in its own right.
That's optimism. That's respect for nature. Philosophy of the free, as I like to see it.

"the sun gets a 5 feet smaller every hour. so obviously it use to be bigger. 20 million years ago it would of been touching earth"

List a sourse that this is happening.
And don't fail to give evidence to show that, if this is happening, it has been continually happening.

The Kytes call, as rainwater flows to the sea.



"Shrinking sun"....
False. The sun is not shrinking. There is a loss in mass, but it is minor.
In this argument made by Hovind, he doesn't understand the relationship between mass and diamiter, among other things. 5 billion years ago (the sun is actually 4.5 billion years old), the sun's mass would have only been 1.00037 times greater than now.
And no, no one said anything about 20 billion years. That's the age of the universe, not our sun.

By the way, you failed to provide a sourse. A sourse has to be specific, not a broad look-for-it-yourself.
Although, the link above was something I found in your search results.

"Slowing down earth"....
- "The creationists mistook the discrepancy between the second defined as one 86,400th of a day and the second as the physics people define it for the rate of which the Earth’s rotation is slowing down."
- "The Earth is really slowing down at about 1.5 milliseconds a day per century—not 1.5 milliseconds a day per day as the young-earth creationist state."

"The Big Bang & Conservation of Angular Momentum"....
"Satan's Big Bang"..... Hilarious...

"and yes evolution says that life came from slimey crap in the water that evolved.
and that dogs came from rocks
and other stuff came from other non living things"

Every single creationist claim ultimately boiles down to this; ignorance.
'Dogs came from rocks'? Who ever said that?
And 'other stuff' came from 'other' non-living things?

One of the basic facts in natural history is that all creatures on this planet share common ancestors. They didn't all pop in to life indipendantly from all sorts of random and by the way inorganic stuff like rocks.
And what have you against 'slimy crap'? This is basically the same 'slimy crap' that inhabits the core of every single living cell in your body.
And in the interest of accuracy, 'slimy crap' is downright inaccurate. Life eveolved from indipendant molecules, not some slimy lump.
But remember, while we're talking of non-living origins, I think a self-replicating molecule is more flattering than dirt, which is what the Bible says.

The Kytes call, as rainwater flows to the sea.



Speaking of observed evolution, bacteria is not the only organism.
In flies, at least, this has been observed. A species of fly split into two groups and set into two different environments developed different characteristics. While thay didn't change nearly enough to be catagorized as seperate species, this was, after all, only a matter of 30 or so fly generations, and very well within a human lifetime; a mere split second in the geological time scale. Taken up to a larger scale, it is impossible to deny the potential of this process.

The Kytes call, as rainwater flows to the sea.




And I add that 'faith' and philosophy should always be based on fact, not vice versa.
Denying facts because they don't harmonize with your religion is just wrong and immature.
The universe is not built to suit your beliefs. You should accept that.

The Kytes call, as rainwater flows to the sea.




Hammerd is correct. Just because a certain man, known to be incompitant in the ways of science, is too arrogant to accept facts is no reason you should draw conclusions that his fantasies are true.

"...about 4400 years ago, thier was the great flood when the waters emerged from the crust, and the canopy of water in the sky (which allowed for 900 year old people and lizards to live long enough to grow to dinosour size, cause it gave double beremetric pressure and block bad sun rays)
and that flood put extreme pressure on stuff and formed things"

Do you realize how rediculous this is?
Firstly, the pressure this water vapor canopy would produce would be rediculously immense. Noa and everybody before him would have to have been suffering from nitrogen narcosis, and the atmosphere, which is now 15 pounds per square inch, would have been 970 pounds per square inch. Also, the temprature in the base of the canopy would have had to have been 500ºF at least, in order to maintain the H2O as vapor. Now, knowing no one who could probably survive that kind of pressure or heat, obviously there has been some simply awsome evolution going on since Noa's time. But that's not all. If this much vapor all turned into water in time for the flood, it would release enough heat to raise the temprature of the atmosphere to 6000 degrees. Tell me again, what was the ask made of?
And there is no mechanism that can raise a relevant quantaty of water from the earth's crust. It is very hard to believe that such a geology is possible to begin with, becasue it would simply be intensely unstable. But even ignoring that and somehow successfully arranging such a structure, as soon as a little bit of water is released, the pressure would drop, and the whole thing would collapse. Sea levels would not rise much, because the rocks and the water would merely be switching places.

The Kytes call, as rainwater flows to the sea.


'fact that the bible is scientificly and historicly correct '

This statement is a complete and total lie, and you have to make a conscious decsion to be dumb enough to believe it. Why not post a website that isn't immediately based on the ridiculous notion that the bible is fact? Real science doesn't start with the conclusion, but rather in observation. Real science does not care what the conclusion is, as it's only interested in truth. The sites you post are agenda driven.

There is one fact. The bible is not historically accurate. There are mounds of physical, historical and archeological evidence to prove this, while there is NO EVIDENCE, NONE to back up the supernatural claims of the bible.

I don't say this to change your mind. It's obvious that can never happen. You, unfortunately, are too ingrained with the dogma of your religion to understand reality vs. fantasy, and you'll never be equipped to seperate truth from fact. But, at least you should know that some of us have moved beyond that, and we are capable of understanding what is real, and what is made up. And quite honestly, when you say things like 'the bible is scientifically and historically correct', intelligent people laugh at you.


Rant on. (God...if you are listening...rapture these ignorant jerks up now so the rest of us can get on with our lives)

Wow, KytesCall and the other EVO guys, you've tried to explain science to people with their head so far in the sand that they refuse to see the logic in what you say. Of course since faith is their guiding principle and faith is inherently without logic, we can't really hold that against tham. In any case you've had to endure so very unchrisitan heckling and belittling as you explain what should be taught in every highschool science class, while having legnthy diatribes about scripture forced down your throat. You have some divine patientce.

I on the other hand, don't.

Look Evolution is not Fact, as nothing in science is fact. It his however a THEORY, not a principle or an observation or hypothesis, but a theory, which in the scientific use of the word means it is the most coroborated of all the things i previously listed. Gravity is just a theory.

With that said, open your eyes and see all the wonderful wonderful things science has done for you. It was people like you who killed Galileo for pointing out the truth that the earth isn't the center of the freakin universe.

It was people like you who persecuted doctors in the middle ages for attempting to heal through other things besdies faith.

And it is people like who who have cast a doubt on science in this country, and as a result we are losing ground to China, India, and the rest of the g-d damned world

Teaching creationism in science class is absurd, there is no scientific evidence to back it up, therefore its not science. All you have is some book thats a thousand odd years old that says this is the way it happened. Who wrote the book, well according to you thats not a valid question because in fact God wrote it. Could it be that your religion, just like every other religion is derived from an acient series of beliefs that eventually grew and snowballed into what you know as Judaismm and Christianity? No? Not even a possibility?

Look here. explaining evolution to all you fundementalist, right wing, anti-intellectual, evangelical christians is a lost cause. You have not DESIRE to look at the world scientifically or logically. You see EVERYTHING as a matter of faith.

To the person who brought up the person dying of Cancer and how she was "miraculously saved." Spontaneous recession sometimes happens, and you can consider it a miracle, however I'd bet my house, that more peoples lives are extended or saved from scientific methods like Chemotherepy.

Faith is a wonderful thing, it gets us through life, keeping us emotionally and spiritually in check. It can guide or morals and ethics (which is why i Consciously ommitted the stem cell thing...the argument that it is life is an ethical debate which has actual merit. I personally think that fetuses aren't alive but that is up to reasonable debate), and is therefore a valuble tool.

However Faith and Science are at odds with one another despite what anyone says. Science requires you to ask questions to find answers. Faith says the answers are right there and asking questions is an affront to Faith. These are irreconcilable differences. So while you can be a religious scientist you can't allow your religion to get in the way of your science.

I'm sure the Evo guys have read this, and the fundie whack jobs have merely skipped aheade lest their mind get filled with unholy questions, however When Kytescall and people like him/her find a cure for cancer, or aids, or any of the number of diseases god has decided we can deal with, I'll be happy that they were able to see past the nonsense being taught in our schools, because of people like you (YOU being fundy whack jobs), and were able to use SCIENCE to benefit humanity.

Rant off.

Oh and yes if people started randomly disappearing out of their clothes I'd think twice about what I just said. Because then there would be some evidence that all the stuff in the Bible (not the philosophy...thats all good, i'm talking about prophecy) is more than some really old middle easterners acid trip.


Just try running that through a spell checker.

"I'm in favor of taking dangerous weapons out of the hands of idiots, lets start with computers."


BUT WOULD YOU REALLY MEAN IT that is the question. so many in prison get holy but when they are lrt out it is back to the old life. you have to mean it
"Titus pullo is not afraid of any bastard with a dogs head on him"-Rome


If evolution exists, why aren't we still evolving today? Because we were always intended to end up this way. Wow, someone must have put it that way. Who could that be? Oh wait. Could it be God? Count it.

I can't make descisions, I'm a President!-President Skroob


"If evolution exists, why aren't we still evolving today?"

Who on earth says we aren't?

Firstly, it isn't something that happens overnight. Big change takes a long time.
Secondly, minor evolutionary changes have been observed on many occasions in many life forms.

The Kytes call, as rainwater flows to the sea.



All creationist claims -and I mean all- are based on presumption, subjective reasoning, misconception, and flat-out ignorance.

The Kytes call, as rainwater flows to the sea.


Kytes, you cannot read the Bible and come to any other conclusion.


Most Christians aren't creationists.

The Kytes call, as rainwater flows to the sea.


Creationism was started by scientists who didn't like the way they were being treated in church and wanted some explanation besides a God.

I can't make descisions, I'm a President!-President Skroob


Creationism was started by scientists who didn't like the way they were being treated in church and wanted some explanation besides a God.

I would assume you meant evolution.

But you are wrong in any case. Even Darwin was a Christian when he made his historical voyage, and not a 'luke-worm' one at that. Most creationists don't know that.

The Kytes call, as rainwater flows to the sea.


Most Christians aren't creationists

Don't know where you got that info, but even so, I doubt that you can believe that Christ is the only way to salvation if you can't believe that God is able to create Adam and Eve.


There are many Christians on the planet, and very few creationists. I don't really care how evolution contradicts the teachings of the Bible, but many people evidently have no problem with it.

The Kytes call, as rainwater flows to the sea.


yeah id have to agree...evolution denies the details of how Genesis occured, but then again Genesis contradicts itself...There are two stories of creation. Both start with God having created the earth and the heavens. However, in the first story, God creates first the sea creatures and birds, then the other animals, and then man and woman. (see Genesis 1) However in the second story, after the earth and heavens are created, man is created. Then plants are created for man, then animals, and finally woman (see Genesis 2:4-25). These are two very different explanations chronolgically. How can they both have happened exactly as stated? Just some food for thought as it were.

Personally I'd have to say I agree with evolution. It does not explain things perfectly, like how life came from nothing, but it does explain how life on earth came to be as it is, for the most part. Perhaps there are somethings even within that which are not perfectly explained. However, the simple fact that it is different from the Genesis accounts does not exclude it, since the Genesis accounts don't even agree. And yes, I am a practicing, devout Christian.


You're twisting the words of the Bible. I've read the passage several times- the bible does not contradict itself- or at least not in mine. In it, it says that the Lord created the heavens and Earth, animals, then man. God says he'll need a helper. God puts Adam to sleep, creates woman. It must be a misnterpretation, cuz mine doesn't contradict itself, I'm looking at it right now.

"In order to beat your enemies, you must control them."


"the bible does not contradict itself- or at least not in mine...It must be a misnterpretation, cuz mine doesn't contradict itself, I'm looking at it right now" ... Your Bible, my Bible. What's the deal with that? No matter what you read, you should be using a Concordance of Greek and Hebrew to assist in understanding what is being said. Anybody who claims to have the right English interpretation over the next is flawed from the beginning, for if you base an argument upon what the original meaning of the word, you'll get the indisputable facts about what is being said.


Ok, I suggest everyone just ignore Kytescall. This person is obvious a moron posting "his" ideas about evolution and he isn't going to go from them. I believe that evolution happened sure, but to go off and try to argue every little detail about it and argue against religion is a really stupid thing to do cause Kytescall, if that person is as smart as they claim to be, which I would say that person isn't nearly, would know that creationism and evolutionism will never get along and will never be all in the same. So in theory creation vs evolution will never go one way or another as long as outside forces don't get involved whatever those may be. Now this post was about if people were dissappearing, but I can't just sit back and look at retarded people thinking that "they're" side whichever it may be, is going to win the arguement.

I believe that God created things, and then things evolved into what things we know today. SO IN THEORY, THEY BOTH COULD HAVE HAPPENED.


And yet you got involved!
You'd better tell everyone to ignore science, reason, evidence, logic and everything you see, not that you need to. Yeah in therory they both might have happened but this is just fence sitting, why do you believe in a supernautral cause for science? At what point do you suspend your belief?

"I'm in favor of taking dangerous weapons out of the hands of idiots, lets start with computers."


Well I have to agree, people try to explain why things happen and give it a 'scientific' reason when there is a reason but it's not logical. God works above our level of thinking and that's why it's hard to believe sometimes, even for Christians but we must have faith and recognize the signs. The signs are for those left behind in the end times. People will disappear and be called to be in the air and we don't recognize the time or the place, we only know the season.

Prople have always tried to explain God's miracles 'rationally' and have failed to--miserably (God's still got it)

More importantly, I thank God for this film and films like these because people need to know that it's real and that it's not going to be a party when God pours his wrath out on sin. (Which is why we need to turn away and repent of our sins daily and live according to his word if we want to be saved Romans 12:1-2 and how to be saved Romans 10:9-10 Why we should be saved: Romans 6:23)

Also, about evolution, evolution is a sham forcing people to believe that we are nothing but primates (although humans tend to act like it) and we are not the beautiful beings that God created us to be. Evolution is a sham and has no right to be in the classroom.


"More importantly, I thank God for this film and films like these because people need to know that it's real and that it's not going to be a party when God pours his wrath out on sin" ... Your rapture is not scriptural. There will be no pre-tribulation rapture, and those responsible for the Left Behind series are misleading Christians who simply don't understand what they believe. It is easy to be blinded by something like this that is rooted in scripture, but the result of misinterpretation and taking things out of context. I have yet to encounter anybody who can adequately argue anything about the rapture that ultimately doesn't turn to simply making proclamations on out of context information, while ignoring everything else. If you believe in these films so much as Biblically accurate in any way, then I dare you to go and read this very lengthy article in this thread http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0283644/board/nest/48685930, for you have some explaining to do.

"even for Christians but we must have faith and recognize the signs" ... How can you recognize anything when you already subscribe to a non-truth?

"The signs are for those left behind in the end times" ... If that were so, then I guess everyone would be saved because there would be absolutely no reason to doubt. No rational explanation would explain all of those who disappeared, proving Christianity correct. Sorry, but God is based on our faith, our belief in what we cannot see. To see the rapture happen would pre-empt faith altogether. That isn't scriptural either, but rather one of the many silly inconsistencies that are created when one twists scripture into knots to try and get a rapture.


simply put humans cannot have evolved from anything on this planet
CHANGE WITHIN GENETIC BOUNDARIES: Microevolution does not lead beyond the confines of the species, and the typical products of microevolution,

the geographic races, are not incipient species. There is no such category as

incipient species. Richard B. Goldschmidt )


in a complex, specific, functioning system wrecks that system. And living things

are the most complex functioning systems in the universe.Science has now

quantitated that a genetic mutation of as little as 1 billionth (0.0000001%) of an

animal's genome is relentlessly fatal.The genetic difference between human and

his nearest relative, the chimpanzee, is at least 1.6% Calculated out that is a

gap of at least 48 million nucleotide differences that must be bridged by random

changes. And a random change of only 3 nucleotides is fatal to an animal.


Stop spouting off about a subject you seem to understand very little about.

Firstly it seems like you are paraphrasing someone else, or are copying and pasting something because what you have written is so full of holes its laughable.

Number one, the change of nucleotides can be fatal. but can also be harmless.

Firstly, If you knew ANYTHING about DNA, RNA, and Protein Synthesis you'd know that nucleotides function in groups of three called Codons. They "code" for a particular protein.

DNA is made up of 4 nucleotides, whose names are abrieviated to the letters G A T C (fun fact of the day, the movie gattaca's name purposely derives its name from these four letters).

DNA when read by mRNA (rna changes the T to U) produces the string of nucleotides that will eventually become protiens.

Now there are 4 nucleotides in a codon, and 4 nucleotides to choose from producign a total of 64 combinations. There are only 20 primary amino acids to choose from. In this way some codons code for the same protein, so an alteration in nucleotides can actually have zero effect in some cases.

There are severl types of nucleotide "errors" in which the DNA is altered.

Things like the addition or deletion of a nucleotide are generally fatal to an animal (it wouldn't even develop) because an addition or subtraction affects every nucleotide down the chain. However the replacement of a nucleotide by a different one (a G for a T for example) could have positive or negative effects, or could do absolutely nothing.

So in this way your "3 nucleotides changes are fatal" is grossly simplistic and shows a general lack of understanding of subject matter.

ALSO I'd like to point out that None of us are cabron copies of our parents or grandparents. It is not like my nose matches exactly to my mothers nose, the shape of my head is exactly the same as my fathers, and my hair is the same color as great grandma milly. We are all mutations to some degree.

Now to those who say "well thats just variation within a species" you'd be right. My example was just to show that mutation happens and its not fatal.

However just think about it for a second. We have 98 percent of the SAME DNA as a chimpanzee. All human variation occurs in exactly .1 percent of the genetic code (even less if you are of the same race), so very minor changes in the genome can produce a whole new species incompatible (ie which cannot mate) with the species from which it developed.

I've already been through a full explination of evolution earlier in this thread, and Kytescall has done a fantastic job of explaining it as well, so look there (or wikipedia) if you want to know more. I was merely responding to the previous poster, who clearly has no idea what he/she is talking about.


well I will continue to believe the study I read and yes partially posted for your viewing, sorry I do know enough to understand what is being discussed and I respect your opinion be it as narrow as it is! The source of the study I took this from originated as I understand it from a non Christian source a group of biologists and engineers who are highly respected in the research community and they put evolution to the test, and as I am informed all of them have intellects off the scale and are members of MENZA I think that is what its called.
Since these arguments are really boring me, the studies are thier the facts are real,
whether you want to support evolution or not does not interest me in the least the facts are real to me and God has shown he is real to me, I was born in 1958 lived thru the biggest earthquake to hit North America since the San Fransico quake, saw family and friends come back from Vietnam, the point I am trying to make is in 49 years on this earth I have seen a billion reasons to discount evolution and not one reason to not believe God created us, my faith is as strong today as it ever was thats really all I have to say! this will be my last post here so dont look for a reply.


How can you belive in a study that you don't understand?
Can't you see how that might be...you know...a mistake?
Look I'm sure your a nice guy and you try to be the best person you can be and that's great, but I'm afraid that you have to understand that the web-site that you took this from has an agenda and it may not be the best place for impartial evicdnce especially as it's wrong.
All you are showing us in this post is that you are old enough to know better.
P.S. No-one is a member of Menza, unless you want to start a club with that name.

"I'm in favor of taking dangerous weapons out of the hands of idiots, lets start with computers."


Because if you really believed and loved the Lord and knew that when you die you spend an eternaty with Christ I think you would pray and wait for the day that he came back for you.

I hope no one will get mad at me for posting the lyrics to this song. Just take a look at the 8th and 9th paragraphs.

Smile by Chris Rice

"How far are you, how close am I
I know your words are true and I don't feel them inside
Still I believe you'll never leave
So where are you now

You're all I have, You're all I know
Your breath is breathing in my soul
Still I am gasping, aching, asking
Where are you now

Cause I just wanna be with You
I just want this waiting to be over
I just want to be with You
And it helps to know the Day is getting closer

Every minute takes an hour
Every inch feels like a mile
Til I won't have to imagine
And I finally get to see You smile

My journey's here, but my heart is There
So I dream and wait, and keep the faith, while You prepare
Our destiny, til You come back for me
Oh, please make it soon!

Cause I just wanna be with You
I just want this waiting to be over
I just want to be with You
And it helps to know the Day is getting closer

Every minute takes an hour
Every inch feels like a mile
Til I won't have to imagine
And I finally get to see You smile



Every minute takes an hour
Every inch feel like a mile
Til I won't have to imagine
And I finally get to see You

Every minute takes an hour
Every inch feel like a mile
Til I won't have to imagine
And I finally get to see You smile"

This is how we feel as Christians


I fully respect your desire to be with Jesus etc. Thats your business not mine.

However what I dislike is the introduction of religion into science. I would not advocate that Islam, Hinduism, Judaism, or any other religion be treated as science because you cannot prove religion. It is based on faith more than anything else and Faith is contrary to science.

So when people try to teach creationism in school I get annoyed because to be honest if you wanted to introduce religion as an opposition to evolution you'd also have to teach the Hindu version of creation, the native american version of creation etc. I know you guys think you're absolutely right and for all I know maybe you are. But the billion odd muslims in the world also think that they are Absolutely right, same with the Billion hindus (i'm just taking the entire population of india to be hindu...so don't get mad if its a little less then a billion).

I think religion is a very personal topic that should stay out of public debate. Prayer in school is unnecessary as there are parents who would like their children to be Atheist. Would you like it if your child was exposed to hindu prayer in school, or muslim prayer, or heck a prayer from the Church of Satan (extreme but you get the drift). Its a matter of allowing people to come accross beliefs on their own terms and not having to have governmental organizations force it upon them.

There is one thing that bothers me about the rapture and the prophecy and all that. Right now every evangelical I know or have talked to believes that a widening Crisis in the Middle East to fortell the rapture. Now thats fine I don't care what you believe but we have an Evangelical president and if He is as excitied to meet Jesus as you are he might consciously or unconsciously attempt to broaden the conflict to help create the proper conditions.

I'm not saying thats whats happening but I think its a possibility that an evangelical president, looking at the current Israel Lebanon situation, could see prophecy and attempt to help it along either by giving more aid to Israel or encouraging it to attack more of its neighbors.



"So was Darwin, Julian. It doesn't mean a thing."

Um Darwin was an atheist dumbass...

I think the real "dumbass" must be mpatter. All you have to do is read the life story of Darwin to see that he was indeed a believer in God early in his life. When Kytescall made the remark you quoted, he was referring to the fact that being a Christian doesn't matter in regards to evolution, for the very man who later theorized about it was himself a believer at one point. Don't you feel like an utter idiot that you completely missed his point and needed to have it spoon fed to you? Maybe you should read up on Charles Darwin before opening your mouth again. I'll make it easy for you http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Darwin.

* * * *

OK, so what's the speed of dark?


OK i read most of the things in this post, and all i have to say is that if those of you who do not believe in God, and dont thing that the ones who do can be swayed from the way they believe...then why are you wasting your short life arguing it. Those who believe in heaven believe they have everlasting life therefore they have all the time in the world, but you do not.



I was a believer and I was swayed...not by this thread, but by study, reason, and critical thought. My conversion to atheism was hard won and not done flippantly. Sure, I miss the wamy-fuzzy feelings of meeting my dead grandfather in heaven, but I'd prefer to have an "everlasting life" by making an impact in people's lives, by being remembered by them, and hopefully having something of me passed along by them to someone else, and so on...


Why don't you just believe? Are you afraid to admit you're wrong?


Uhg. It sounds like a bunch of Potters House members here. Why is it that Christians always think that everyone wants to or needs to be saved. Those of us who believe in evolution know how you feel. Some don't feel the need to try and convert the christians to a different line of thought, though. But we still know what you are going to say. It hasn't changed in about 1500 years. Whatever, though. It seems like some Christians are so in love with the idea of God and the Bible, that they wont accept anything but 100%. I believe in God. But I think evolution is fact. Am I doomed to Hell? If so, why? Because some Christians say so? I personally believe that the Big Bang is fact and at the same time it proves the existence of God. If you have problems with it, I'd suggest reading a few books on particle and space physics. Carl Sagan is a good place to start. There is a reason why Popes have held his audience many times. Or don't. Whatever. Doesn't hurt me either way.

I dunno. I'm just tired of hearing these idiotic arguments of who is right and who is wrong? What does it matter? You're fighting over an internet messege board. Stop getting so worked-up over it.


Wooohooo! End times.
Kinda gives me goosebumps!

As I read this, I find it exciting to realize that, boy oh boy, things are lining up in place! I can already see the unbelievers taking their places and choosing their side.
Oh well, all in due time pallies :)

God bless those who are keeping strong. Let's all keep in prayer together.

I'll be getting some flack for this post, I know the routine. But even though the laughter bellows loudly, I'll keep on praying :)

Gary Cooper...he was catnip to the ladies.


End times is a fact to Christians. Evolution is a fact to those who don't beleive. Everyone has to choose something to beleive in. Just because one beleives in something doesn't give someone else the right to start bashing what others belieive. I am a Christian, but I listen to Evolution lectures in school and I listen to what others believe in and respect it.

These movies were made because, yes, people beleive in the Bible and God and the rapture. While you may all have an opinion as to if they think the ideas in the movies and books are true or not and that everyone has a right to that opinion, I don't think you should come on these boards and start talking to others, Christians or non-Christians, calling us "religious fanatics" or "religious nuts cases". It's like your all back in grade 2. Yes, you have an opinion, you don't beleive in the rapture or God or the bible. You may believe in something else or be Hindu, Catholic, Jewish, or Islamic. Maybe other people bash them, but your not much better then them if you retort and yell back.

If you have an opion, state it, but don't go around bashing people's beliefs. Everyone is entitled to a belief just like they are entitled to an opinion, and they are allowed to beleive what they want. It's like those in cults or sects, they choose to believe it. I chose to be Christian and I chose what to believe. You chose your beliefs and your opinions and just because people don't beleive the same as you dosen't mean you have to force or make them believe the same thing. Maybe evolution and the big bang theory is a fact. Maybe God and the rapture are real and will happen. We don't know. It's a fact of life that our answers and what we want to know will never ever be fully answered. So allow people to choose their sides and believe what they want to believe.


So If I ranted about some stupid crap for a whole book then people 2000 years from now would consider it 100% fact?

Awesome. . .


I'm astounded that in an 'essay' decrying evolution you manged to devolve the english language so. I have read Revelations and I see no evidence that it's so called prophecy is accurate. And I'm really sorry and I know it's rude to go on about someone's spelling and grammer but I have a hard time being told I'm an idoit from someone who writes "U suck" as a prelude to their argument. And WHAT an argument it was too.

"I'm in favor of taking dangerous weapons out of the hands of idiots, lets start with computers."
