MovieChat Forums > Totally Spies! (2001) Discussion > Who's Your Favorite Character?

Who's Your Favorite Character?

My favorite is Sam. She's really cool! But her real name is Samantha, so to you who HAVEN'T seen the show she's a gurl. =]


to greg
fairly odd parents is really naive compared to totally spies although it is hilarious..i loved the one in which timi's family had bad luck all day becuase it was friday the 13th

proud is me


I have a little bit of a hard time on picking which one of the spies I like out of the trio. I like all three of them but if I had to pick one I would say
my favorite out of the trio is probably Sam because she is beautiful and smart.
The character I don't like on this show is Mandy (of course) because she is a bitch and just so annoying.


I'm going to say Clover becuz a lot of you are pickin on her.Alex is second.I don't really like Sam,she may be smart,but she isn't really funny and isn't that pretty either.Whereas Clover is all these things but smart.


Clover is my second favorite because she is so funny and she always feels she needs to look good every second like most girls.


My fav. is Sam! She is funny, smart, and only gets brainwashed! Clover ALWAYZ gets kidnapped and Alex is alwayz getting hurt by one of the gadgets ("OW! Your gadget is poking me..."). I like all of them but u know how it goes! LOL!


No she doesn't.The only time i recall her being kidnapped was the hair episode.


I like sam... her apperance mostly... im not a lesbian but like i dont like alex and clovers hair cuts ... they don't appeal to me... but uhm clover and alex (not as much sam, but some times) remind me of sailor moon... anyone else think so?

Will- "you cheated!"
jack- "Pirate!!"

Ms. Chanandler Bong =]


i like jerry. but i'm really sad that someone new is doing his voice. i thought the old one was doin a great job. why'd they get rid of him?

Alright! You trampled all over the laws of nature! Way to go!- sheen


I watch Totally Spies on Fox Kids, and I think it's GREAT cartoon! My favourite is Alex! She's verry swet! Clover and Sam to! But Alex RULE!


I'm Going to be watching Totally spies on GMTV ON sunday And my Fave is Sam Because because I so Want to be like her so ever so Much.


yes i think Alex is the one who gets kidnapped the most,but i still think she awsome. She is very sweet and ditsie. I think her and Clover are very funny.

Achachachachaaaa delicious! -Sealab 2021





My favorite character has to be the the cartoon network executive who greenlighted this show. Three stooges in one.


Clover! Clover!
Sam second


Sam rulez!


I know who my favorite is: Britney. Not only is she beautiful and sweet, but she has long black hair, pale skin, and wears a blue catsuit.

My secondary favorite character is GLADYS. Not only is she/it the central computer and a proud member of WOOHP, she/it's also a weirdo.

Obviously, my least favorite is Mandy, because she treats Sam, Clover, and Alex like the scum of the Earth at the drop of a hat. Before you know it, she won't be attacking them with insults; she'll be attacking them with a *gun*. Then Weird Al Yankovic will write a song that goes like this: "Mandy's got a gun, Mandy's got a gun..." Hey, that's catchy.

I also just realized I don't like Alex because of the episode "Truth or Scare". When she got sprayed with the truth serum, she became very submissive and acted like she *had* to tell the truth. In other words, she *let* the bad guy take advantage of her! Didn't Jerry teach them anything about defiance? If I were a spy and the bad guy sprayed me with truth serum, I wouldn't obey his every command; I'd spit in his eye.


My Fave Character Is also Sam I think it's Because she always Comes up with Brillant Ideas for what the Girls can do next when on a Misson.


My favorite character is Sam because she's soo smart and i also like alex because she's really funny and nice! Clover just wants to get a lot of attention from boys she thinks are cute
