Would You Drink?

If i had Jonathan Jackson like winnie did hell yes id be with him forever .... other than that no i wouldnt drink cause at times life sucks big time.... but think of this ( i thought of it since i work in a hospital) the dying people in the icu id think they would want to drink for more time ...


no i would not drink forever though i would be tempted but you can't be afraid of your unlived life you are born and ya die thats how life goes.

Don't be afraid of death,Be afraid of the unlived life



I probably would, only because i don't think things through properly . I imagine i would have my head full of Jesse and drank without being fully aware of the consequences. If by some miracle i actaully managed to get my head together in time to actually think it through then i probably wouldn't.


The variety of answers in this thread is great. I understand what most people are saying about having to watch people you loved die but chances are anyway that you'll have to watch people you love (like your parents and possibly siblings) die anyway, I mean that's just how life is. If I had Jesse, and I knew I had him forever then I would probably have drank. Fully assured of the depth and truth of our love then I would have wanted to spend forever with him- I wouldn't want to die and leave him or have him carry on without me.

It's like in Stardust when Tristan says something like "I imagine forever would be kind of lonely if you didn't have someone to share it with" and that's kind of how I see it. I wouldn't want immortality or eternity unless I had someone I loved (And was sure that I would love forever) (Like Winnie had Jessie) to share it with. If I did have that someone then I wouldn't hesitate to drink. However, a lot hinges on your awareness of true love versus temporary love.

"You know what hurts the most about a broken heart? Not being able to remember how you felt before"


"However, a lot hinges on your awareness of true love versus temporary love."

Even if it were 'true love' (what is true love, anyway), there is more to life then love. It's your life, not somebody elses. If Winnie had of drunk from the spring she would have been giving her life to Jessie. And he would have to live through that for eternity, with the knowledge that he had deprived her of living a full, albiet, short life. I also find that you never really appreciate somebody if there's no risk of losing them.

Rock stars. Is there anything they don't know?


As someone who doesn't believe in a definitive afterlife, I would drink in a heart beat. Sure there would be people I would miss if they died, but I think I would have tried to get them to drink the water. I'm sure it wouldn't be hard to convince a few people to join in everlasting life with you. Imagine enjoying your youth with your friends and family for all eternity?


I personally don't understand why people wouldn't drink it.
I would gulp it down in a heart beat. Especially in her place, where the handsome guy she loves is already eternally young.

The only reason in real life that could cause me to reconsider is if my much loved husband won't share it with me.


If I had Jesse to keep me company, yes.

He failed to bring back the sampo.


I wouldn't drink, I'd be tempted definately but I still wouldn't


i wouldnt drink it, for i want to live life...forever is a long time...and i cant do that...as much as i want forever...especially with the one i love...i dont think ill be capable of drinking from that fountain...to see my kids die...to see others suffer...i mean what if i were to become a homeless or get sent to jail or to war...so no....as for the love thing goes, Winniefred chose to live her life, i believe what Babitt was trying to say is that life is worth living for...and winnifred resembles that idea

if you never lie, then you dont have to remember anything- Mark Twain


I'd only definatley drink it if I was madly in love with someone, and they had drank it. you can't end up alone of youre with your true love. I mean, other than that, idk I can't say I definately wouldn't drink it. I'd have to think long and hard about it. It's scary to know what the world will come to and I'm not sure I want to see. So I really don't know It alll depends.


I'd probably drink since I'm very scared of death and don't believe in god.

If I believed in a life after death I wouldn't drink but I don't and I'd rather live forever than be dead forever. I just can't believe that being alive can be worse than being dead.


You can go to hell, hell, hell!


As I have aged, aches and pains and tiredness are building up, and I believe death will be as welcome to me as sleep after a long, hard day, even if I never wake up. I used to be afraid of death, but now the thought of someday getting to die and let go of all the burdens of life--especially grief over lost loved ones--is a comfort. Now I only fear that loved ones will die before me, without having lived out their full years.

When my body was young and strong and I feared death, I would have drunk. I definitely would not drink now. I do not want to live with arthritic knees and grief throughout eternity.


I agree with the OP. If I had someone like Jonathan I would. OOo and Miles too! Just anyone hot that I fell in love with! As long as my loved ones would drink from it too!

R.I.P. Heath Ledger 1979-2008


Just copying what I wrote from another thread:

No way would I drink that water. The only reason we live is because we die, do you not understand that? I live my life to the fullest, because I know that in a matter of decades, years, months or even days, I will die. We take risks with the knowledge that all we have is a certain time. Like Tuck said, we shouldn't fear death, but only the unlived life. If I die knowing that I was the best person I could be, that I saw what I wanted to see and spent time with the ones I love, that will be the most rewarding and pleasurable experience. Living forever and knowing that you aren't real - you don't exist - it would be torture. As someone said, immortality is not a gift, but a curse. Sure, you can try and get your loved ones to take a sip - but I'm sure some would think like me.
Also, I would argue that it is selfish to drink. You die, and somebody takes your place in the cycle of life. There is more room in the world for another life to prosper, and for someone to be able to live to their potential.

Reading: Anna Karenina

Watched: There's Something About Mary

In Omnía Paratus


Wow, I'm surprised to find so many people wouldn't. I would, of course. Maybe I'm too young to think about this clearly, but I want to do so much stuff in life and knowing I will have indefinite time to do it all would be great. Just think of it, you could like, just take 10 years for learning how to draw and then take 50 years for drawing all the things you want, then you could have enough time to write a book the way you want it to be, no time limits, no agents who push your deadlines...enjoy traveling the world, getting to know so much more people than you could in just one life, you could visit every place, every village, city, country in the world and so much more. You could make a huge amount of friends and since they come and go in real life too, then why would it be so bad if they died eventually and you stayed, or if you had to leave them in order not to be discovered? You would have no lost chances, missed possibilities, no regrets, you would live one life that would be worth million more lives. I would definitely drink from the spring if it existed.


Ditto as long as I could die if the earth was destroyed i don't feel like loating for all eternity
