MovieChat Forums > Igby Goes Down (2002) Discussion > Most depressing movie ever

Most depressing movie ever

Most depressing movie ever


it is depressing in a way for me as well, but "Arizona Dream" is on top of my chart


Not even close, but I definitely didn't find it uplifting.


could anyone explain this thing with Requiem For A Dream? whatever i am looking for on IMDB, i stumble across RFAD. i definitely enjoyed it, but i totally think it is overestimated, this continuous and omnipresent recall of its value began to scratch my retina. firstly, it's been 10 years since Requiem For a Dream was released, enough time for dozens of other spectacular, depressing movies to come out, not to say there are many other movies produced before RFAD which deserve hell of attention(somebody suggested naked/nil by mouth, which are, however needless to say, the best recommendations you got on this topic). Also, i would add Dancer In The Dark, 1984 to the list.

Change your heart, look around you, change your heart will astound you


One of the most boring films ever.


I think it's quite uplifting actually. It's depressing when you look at it like Igby lost his mother right when he felt any sort of love for her, but how you should see it is how Igby wants to love her but never could because he blamed her for his fathers insanity. He lived his whole life trying to punish his mother for his childhood, and now he's come to terms with alot of events that took place in his life. He see's how he shouldn't blame her for any of it but he feels relieved that she's dying and feels a little guilty because of it. But the ending is uplifting because now Igby is free. He's no longer tied down to exacting revenge on his mother for his father's insanity.


toy story 3 is more depressing. i cried through the last half.


I've seen almost all of those... but none are as sad as A.I. Artificial Intelligence or What's Eating Gilbert Grape.
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I didn't really get that deeply depressed feeling from watching this movie. Most depressing is a 3 way tie between Never Let me Go, Requiem for a Dream, and Remember Me, in my opinion.


The Virgin Suicides is the most depressing movie. There is not one uplifting part about of it. Requiem for a Dream is definitely up there though

~I'm a loner in a catastrophic mind~



Lilya 4-Ever is the most depressing movie ever.... hands down.

Also the ironically titled "Happiness" is also very depressing.

As Is the film "Savages"

Walter Sobchak: Am I wrong?
The Dude: You're not wrong Walter. You're just an a**hole.


I agree with Lilja 4-Ever. That one really f'cked me up bad.


You have not seen many sad films if you think this is the most depressing movie ever


for me.. it was depressing the first half...
seeing all the parade of bad characters in Igby's life.

but by the end, it was uplifting for me when Igby broke away from all the crazy people around him to try to have a new beginning.

well played by all the players...
Culkin was very good.

as for depressing movies...maybe Nobody Knows...or maybe Turtles Can Fly.
