How did it end?

Can anyone tell me how the show ended? I missed the two or three last episodes...


It ended with Catherine telling Lily the truth. That George had been sexually assaulting her for years. Meredtih found out the truth and Catherine killed her so that she wouldn't tell anyone. Robert kills Tom and Henry, having nothing left to live for, begs Lily to come with him and build a new life. She agrees, but after her mother tells her the truth she decides to stay with her (SICK) family. Will first decides to leave Catherine (since she two-timed him, two times) but then comes back to her. Everyone in the Greely/McAllister family goes back to live their "normal" (heheh...) lifes and Henry leaves town.
This show is sick, and I really regret watching it so long.




"Love means never having to say you're sober."


Because he saw probally all 13 episodes, just like me, and if you didn't like, him, he should be happy now watching the smallville of life full of teenagers goodie goodies...


The entire show has actually been shown in Sweden (on channel "TV4") during the last autumn. I just saw the last episode an hour ago, so it still seems to be of some interest out there.


They are still showing it in ireland and its brilliant, i think it is so dark and different from other shows, i am glued to tv watching.

I want to buy the series if it comes out ever.

it ended today, it was such a good series, hope it comes out to buy soon



thanks for telling!! I always wanted know about the end. it's currently aired here in Germany as well though I guess we're pretty near by the end of the show. the show's kinda weird but I continued to watch cause it seemed interesting


Wow that ending seems anticlimatic.




It was cancelled before they could film more episodes, that wasn't the full season. So frustrating, wanted to see what happened



Keep in mind the history of the show. It's ratings like many Fox shows quickly plummeted due to Baseball which gave it a LONG hiatus. Fox then announced they were going to give it a new time slot for January. They kept on pushing that date off until Summer when they announced they wouldn't even burn the eps off in favor of airing reality shows.

While the thirteen episodes were a complete story arch since the show was in trouble and there was no telling if it would ever get more than those 13, they were filmed with the intention of hopefully continuing the series beyond those 13. Actually Fox's bumbling is why we ever even got a full 13.

They wrapped the show up in a manner that both allowed it to tie up most of the loose ends (okay the pilot implied the Macalster empire is ultimately destroyed so that is a loose end or even an inconsistently that is never wrapped up) and set the series up to continue when they got their new promised timeslot which of course they hoped it would do well enough in to have the thirteen episode run extended.

We'll never know if for instance Henry would've come back if the show had continued. But as an ending I liked it. Lily really was too sheltered to run away.


That's not 100% right...Robert never begs lilly to start a new life, that was Henry who was not killed by robert but his brother tom was, it was an accident btw. Yes Lilly decides to stay with her family but like someone said it's because she's too sheltered and never would have made it out in the reaal world.


I know the way the poster wrote it is kind of confusing, but he actually said Henry begs Lilly to come with him.


"But as an ending I liked it. Lily really was too sheltered to run away"

Perhaps, but I was totally left unsatisfied that she didn't even tell the truth to Henry.

The story really wasn't suited for more than one season and the ending would probably have been better if it had been a mini series.
