DVD box inaccurate

The DVD box says "the complete 1958-1959 series" but it's just the first season.


1958-1959? Didn't this premiere in 1959?

This is not my signature. This is IMDb's automatic translation of my signature.


(to both)
Just the first season.

There were a few more till 1962.

Poindexter and most other first appeared second or later.

Amanda Bynes is hot and Lindsay Lohan is not.
Profile pic: Courtney Thorne-Smith.


Yeah..YouTube has almost all listed in online resources but many 1960-61 are in foreign language on various channells (albiet close captioned/Eng.auto-translated!) and truncated (falling in both categories: "LOVESICK SQUIRT GUN",
STRONGEST ROBOT IN THE WORLD",and those two of three with Sniffer, Felix's gifted dog-"LOAN BUSINESS" and "ESSENCE OF MONEY", "URANIUM DISCOVERY", "SEA SERPENT AND FELIX", on almost sources on Youtube "CLEANING HOUSE" though there IS---on Cartoonsfor Child---an English dub, still very short.) and "A TREASURE CHEST", truncated, and dubbed, "THE GOLDEN NUGGEST" being truncated but in English--though it isn't that much longer @ 4:00, it's also the only one part FtC of the series.At least others dubbed in foreign but not English on the channe;l;s are full length, save for the closing "What will happen.." though it DOES survive on one episode, MOUSE AND FELIX, one of the intact that still survives in English dubs, but only because Felix is WATCHING his own show.) "THE MILKY WAY","FELIX THE CAT BOTTLES TE GENIE"(the series finale) and others are full lenghth (intermission agsain missing) but again ya gotta auto-translate. Forunately MANY Felixes earlier,including almost ALL the Master Cylinder/Martin the martian ("SUPER ROCCKET" excepted) are still in original language....

