MovieChat Forums > Below (2002) Discussion > Help with other submarine movies to watc...

Help with other submarine movies to watch?

Watched 3 submarine movies this weekend. K-19:The Widowmaker, Below, and U-571. Liked them all.

I was wondering what was everyone's favorite submarine movie ever?

And are there any recent submarine movies that I may have missed that you could recommend?

Thanks for any help.


I'm surprised nobody's mentioned this one yet, but I thought "Hostile Waters" with Rutger Hauer was way better than K-19:The Russian Accent Maker. It's an HBO-made film from the mid-90's, and had far more suspense and drama then K-19. It's finally available on DVD, and very affordably. Well worth the effort.



I'd have to agree Hostile Waters was awesome and a true story, except America won't admit it nor how the submarine involved suddenly gained a huge dent in it's sail on the day the incident 'supposedly' took place.

Opinions are just onions with pi in them.

