My favorite quote

This movie is awesome and there is this one quote that always cracks me up:

Suzie: Do the carolers have to pay you?
Will: Well yeah they should but you can't always catch the bloody bastards!

haha that just gets me every time :)

i love hugh grant!!!!!!!!


I have always loved it when Will calls Fiona a "daft *beep* hippie"


This thread had me lmao as I was reading through the different quotes- One of my personal favs was when he was on the phone at the salon saying the electric clippers was a lawn mower. The look that stylist gave him was perfect.


Will: So, Are you Marcus' dad?
Marcus' Dad: Yeah, I guess so.

Are you not entertained? Are you not entertained? Is this not why you are here?



When Fiona confronts Will at a restaurant and accusses him of "interfering with her son". Will is about the remind Fiona that she tried to committ suicide and Marcus interupts him because he doesn't want it brought up...

Will: "Don't accuse me of being melodramatic. This coming from a woman who - "
Marcus: "AH! KOWABUNGA!"
Will: "What's the matter with you?"
Marcus: "Nothing. Just felt like a shout."
Will: "Jesus, what a family."


*Dude, I love the "barking lunatic" line!

*Then there's the scene when Alli is complaining about the mom's ex being a liar, and Will says "Marcus finds this difficult, too...he doesn't always know how to feel people." The way he says "new people" is flipping hilarious.

*This is more the situation than the line, but after Marcus shows the dead duck to Will and Suzie, Will says, "What's that floating in the water next to the that your mum's bread?" I remember watching the movie in the theater with my sister and we burst out laughing when we saw that bread floating around next to that dead duck with its tail in the air!



"and the mother was obviously mad as she was wearing some sort of Yeti costume."

"That's the last time you put a knife in me! Y'hear me??"

-Royal Tenenbaum


Ha! My favorite line was when he's at his first SPAT meeting and all the women are telling their men horror stories. He says, "I'll tell you one thing. Men are bastards. After about ten minutes, I wanted to cut my own penis off with a kitchen knife." lol

Call me Katie. ;-)


Marcus: Remember where we live, Flat 2, 31 Craysfield Road, Islington, London, N12SF.
Will: England, the World, the Universe!

For some reason that always cracks me up!


This isn't the most clever, but when Marcus first show's up at Will's flat and is told to leave, he replies,

"Alright, I'll leave, but I'll be BACK!"

Will: (feigning terror) "Oooh! I'm really scared!"

She deserves her revenge, and we deserve to die.


Most of the best ones have already been mentioned, including the yeti one which may be my personal favorite. Here's some I didn't see listed yet:

WILL: One day, her bags were packed, and my best friend was waiting his Ferarri. You know, the moderner, the one with the super-charged engine where you can actually see the engine through the back...back window..

WILL: The thing is, a person's life is like a tv show. I was the star of the will show, and the will show wasn't an ensemble drama. Guests came and went, but I was the regular.

MARCUS: You can bring your little boy if you like, I don't mind.
WILL: That's really big of you.

(Approaching soup kitchen with line of homeless people waiting outside)
WILL: Like the time I volunteered to help at a soup kitchen...
(takes one good look and abruptly turns to walk way)
WILL:....and very nearly made it.

MARCUS: I can watch it with you if you like.
WILL: Well that's very nice of you Marcus but I usually manage on my own, thanks.

MARCUS: Do you ever want to write songs like him? Is that what the guitar is for?
WILL: Nah.
MARCUS: So that's just there to look cool?
WILL: Yeah.

(helping Marcus put on Velcro trainers)
WILL: For Chrissakes it's not that hard.....ok wait a minute, it is a bit hard.

WILL: ...but....I'm on my's just me. I'm not putting myself first, because...there's no one else.

ELLIE: You like rap?
MARCUS: A little. It's by black people mostly and they're pretty angry most the time. But sometimes they just wanna have sex.


Will:I'd rather eat one of Barney's dirty nappies.

Marcus: OK, I'll leave... but I'll be back!
Will: Oooh, I'm scared!

After the bullies are throwing sweets at Marcus.
Will: Do you know them?
Marcus: Who?
Will: What do you mean, "who"?!



Nice ones lolli!


Great movie. My favorite quotes:

Christine: Oh, no... it's just I thought you had hidden depths.
Will: No, no, you've always had that wrong about me. I really am this shallow.

Christine: You will end up childless and alone.
Will: Well, fingers crossed, yeah.

Will (Voiceover): She couldn't stay at my place, and she didn't have a DVD, or satellite, or cable, so we were always stuck watching some crap made for t.v. movie about a kid with leukemia.
Doctor (Television V.O.): I'm sorry. There's nothing we can do.
Woman (sobbing): Oh, God! No! Please no!

Will (after SPAT meeting): I'll tell you one thing. Men are bastards. After about ten minutes I wanted to cut my own penis off with a kitchen knife.

Will: It was terrible -- Terrible! But driving really fast behind the ambulance was fantastic.

Will (just after Marcus talks about how nice his Mum looks): As for his mom, she was clearly insane...and appeared to be wearing some sort of Yeti costume.

Fiona: He's got a special soul, and I've wounded it.
Will: Oh, please, shut up. You're wounding my soul.

I keep thinking I'm a grownup, but I'm not.


I haven't seen this great film in a while so it was fun to read and remember all these excellent quotes!

For me, the connection between Will and Markus begins after Will tells him to go away after the second or third time he shows up...something like:

Marcus: Okay. But I'll be back.

Will: (mockingly) Oooh! I'm really scared!

You know he's going to give in.

Also love the "barking mad" line!

You could fill a whole thread with lines just about the mom...or even any mother allowing her pre-teen son to EVER sing that song, "Killing me Softly"!

Don't get me wrong...
It might be unbelievable,
But let's not say so long.


My absolute favorite one is this - Will [to hhimself]: No, Marcus, I do not want to come over for Christmas. I do not want to spend Christmas with Ms. Granola Suicide and her spawn.

I also love the things we overhear at the Amnesty International phone bank: "Did you know, for instance, in Burma you get seven years in prison for telling jokes? Next time you laugh, I want you to think of Pa Pa Ley, the Burmese standup comedian". I think that was the guy that Will invites to Christmas lunch at the end of the movie.


It was the same guy, yes. I love that bit; Toni Colette asks him if he and Will are good friends, and he says (paraphrasing; I don't recall the exact line) that they're not, actually, but Will just called him out of the blue and invited him over for Christmas. At which point it becomes obvious to her--and to us--Will invited the guy over specifically to meet her, thinking they'd likely be a good match.

I can't name a favorite quote, because there are so many good ones. I thought I was the only person who found the grandmother and her "Are you a professional Santa/Are we having duck?" hilarious (I actually imitate that one all the time, still). My husband and I sometimes toss "She's not keen on him! She's only keen on MEEE!" out there in conversation, too, although I also love when Rachel Weisz is telling Will how Ali didn't get along with her last boyfriend, and Ali interrupts her at the end with "He was a liar," in this really resentful, sullen, semi-psychotic voice.

The Yeti costume line is great, and the one about carolers and how you can't always catch the little bastards.

And for some reason I always find the bit at the restaurant, when Will gets mad because Toni Colette is implying that he's been "interfering" with her son, really amusing.

Such a great movie.

People said love was blind, but what they meant was that love blinded them.
