VHS recordings


Does anyone have any VHS recordings of this show? I really need copies. I'd be interested in purchasing or trading for them. Please contact me: [email protected]


I used to have some on tape back in the day but not anymore. Quite a few of the host segments are on YouTube on Rhonda's channel and some on Linnea Quigley's channel. On Linnea's channel the descriptions mention Up All Night DVDs on eBay but they're not on there anymore.

"Dan Marino should die of gonorrhea and rot in hell. Would you like a cookie son?"


I remember Rhonda Shear was selling DVD's of USA UP ALL NIGHT about 8 or 9 years ago. I am friends with Rhonda Shear on Facebook and when my website that was dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans went under because I could not afford to keep the website going it closed down. I used to exchange emails with Rhonda all of the time. I was hoping to get the opportunity to meet her at a convention 8 years ago, but she had something come up with her business that she is running now and could not attend the convention. I met Joe Bob Briggs and the mail lady that worked with him on Monster Vision on TNT.

Rhonda had built in her business building a restaurant that she was hoping to host new episodes of USA UP ALL NIGHT. I know that she was interested in bringing it back, but now that she is married and lives in Florida I do not think that she wants to live in LA or anywhere else due to her husband and all. I do not know. Plus, IFC bought the rights to show Night Flight. I have seen a episode here and there that is done in a 80's style, but not sure if it is the original show or not to be honest about it.
