MovieChat Forums > National Security (2003) Discussion > "what the problem is" is racis...

"what the problem is" is racism

Racism is racism, no matter what race it's against. "National Security" is a movie which, apparently unwittingly, makes a hero of a horribly racist character, namley Martin Lawrence's. Half of the lines, it seems, involve his character bashing Steve Zahn's for no other reason than that he's white. When he's not doing this, Lawrence is victimizing himself based on the fact that he's black, usually knowing full well that he has hardly been wronged at all.

Why is this seen as acceptable? Not only is the movie offensive to whites, but I would imagine it would also be offensive to blacks as well. What kind of an example is the Lawrence character setting? He's basically saying that it's fine to lie to people and use your race as a crutch to help you get what you want while leaving others in the dust (or, in the case of "National Security", in jail).

Now, before anyone gets upset, let me just say that, yes, I realize it's a comedy and that I should probably be taking this more lightly than I am. I also realize that, given the historical perspective, white people abused the basic human rights of blacks for literally hundreds of years, and that a movie like "National Security" could be seen as white people just getting a tiny, tiny bit of their come uppance (or something). But, come on. Had the races of the two main characters in "National Security" been reversed, this movie never would have been made. The writer would probably have been suspected of being a Klan member.

Am I being too harsh? Am I missing the point? Or am I completley right, and is "National Security" just a really racist movie? Help me out here.


I'm not black, I'm white, but it looks like you are just being a little bitch dude. Chill out man it's just a movie. That's what's wrong with half of the people in the world, they take offense to meaningless crap. Too many conspirators out there that think black people are trying to get the upperhand on white people. You people need to realize that we are all people and have the same rights. If you have a problem with people making "racist" jokes in a movie then you really don't need to watch the movie do you?




See but here's the difference between Undercover Brother and National Security - Undercover Brother was funny, and it played the race card with taste; basically, it pushed the limit while not going over it, and staying hilarious in the meantime. Also, UB did not just make fun of whites, it made fun of both sides of many other things, like politics and gender. National Security, however, rode a single-joke premise (black man hates white man) for 88 minutes, and the jokes that weren't racial had something to do with and were connected to a racial joke. The audience, particularly myself, got bored after about 20 minutes of it. And probably another thing I failed to mention was the style of jokes between the two movies. Undercover Brother mocked stereotypes, whereas National Security repeatedly stated one racial joke that was funny 10 years ago. Yes, Undercover Brother stayed behind the line in offensiveness. No, National Security did not. There is nothing funny about one man saying another man cannot do a certain thing because he is of a different race. Plain and simple.


Undercover Brother was a great movie...


Ok here is my point of view.

Can I laugh at stereotypes, SURE I do. Most comedies are based on them.

Can I laugh at a racist person, at who they are and how they react and think about things, sometimes YES! Backwards people can be funny.
Because I know their mindset is skewed so I don't take them too seriously.

Can I laugh at racism in action NO.
It bothers me to see negative hurtful and unjust things happen to people because of their race. Its not funny whether a white person or a black person is a victim of racism. In a movie usually things like that are put in so that they can be overcome or made up for later in the film. not as JOKES in and of themselves.

It was tactless, and still even that wasnt pulled off in a way that advantaged the movie.

NON Politically Correct humor can be brilliant. I enjoyed Bringin Down The house, even the mean racist neighbor underwent some charachter development, and the stereotypes werent used in a shallow way, but as kind of jokes about peoples charachters not as excuses for lack of an original charachter with depth as they were in this movie.

I agree that there is a problem. Some humor is artfully executed but this was done in a bass ackwards offensive and unintelligent Lazy way and it shows.


Oh come on y'all... even if some scenes were "racist" like you say, it is still funny, and the movie being a comedy is meant for the racism (which was very little if you ask me) to not be taken seriously...

Come one, a black guy getting in someone else's car and the driver saying "Get out!" and him responding with "What, because I'm black??" Please..that IS funny =)




All you guys should shut up about this movie being so racist and how society has taken a step backwards. Here's an analogy for you all.........would you be more bothered if your mum hit your dad, or your dad hit your mum? Most people would say the latter so, it's worse if a white person is racist to a black person than the otehr way around because black people are a minority in Western Society and white people started it all. I'm not condoning racism in any form, I'm just saying if a black person is racist to a white person they are just reacting to 400 years of oppression. And it's seen as more socially acceptable for anti-white jokes to be made than anti-black jokes. As long as people go to see these films, these films are going to get made. You have to start boycotting these films and get the media involved.......then they won't be allowed to make them anymore.



Hispanics and Jews aren't as discriminated against as blacks. Most Hispanics are seen as white anyway like J-Lo and Christina Aguilera. And I never said Steve Zahn's character deserved any of the stuff that Martin Lawrence said to him. And it is worse for a white person to be racist than if a black person is racist. Just like it's seen as worse for a woman to walk down the road topless than if a man walked down the road topless. There are double standards.



What i mean is if J-lo was black she wouldn't have sold as much as she has because Hispanics are more acceptable to white people. And I never said racism was right. And everyone says that if the roles were reversed and a white person was being racist to a black person then there would be riots....well Reservoir Dogs and American History X had a lot of racism in that towards blacks and jews and there weren't any riots.



Racism was important to the storyline. A black cop who hates whites because he thinks they're all racist learns that not all whites are as bad as he thinks. Who is Jayson Blair?.......and do you think that Jay-Z is only rich because he's black? People aren't buying his records to be more tolerant of him......people buy his records because they like them.



If you think National Security is so racist then South Park should be banned. All the time Cartman calls Kyle a f*****g Jew. That's blatant racism. Not once did Martin Lawrence call Steve Zahn a cra*ker. And Jay-z doesn't sell his mucic because of his race.....Eminem does!.....he wouldn't sell half as much as he did if he was black, neither would Justin Timberlake and neither would Christina Aguilera. White people love RnB and Hip Hop but love it even more if a white person is making the music. Why do so many kids only like Eminem and no other rapper?....because he's white.



I never said Eminem wanted White kids to buy his music. He can't help it if Papa Roach, Limp Bizkit and Linkin park fans only like him as a rapper and no-one else. It just happens because he's white. Eminem sells so much because he's white. I'm not saying he wouldn't sell if he was black, but he wouldn't sell as much. Most people that buy his mucic aren't Hip Hop fans. That says it all.
Jay-Z sells mostly on his image, but admittedly sells on his race as well. I don't think that inner city black people would listen to Jay-Z if he was white. I admitt a lot of black people are hippocrits and are racist themselves. I aslo admitt that black people get away with far too much s**t which white people wouldn't just because they're black. But the fact of the matter is that Black people are a minority in America and live in the poorest areas. White people started it all by oppressing black people. America is still very segregated and needs to change it's ways if it wants to progress. Once racial equality is achieved, then their will be no argument because white people will be able to make fun of black people as well or no-one will be able to make fun of anyone based on race.



Many films and tv shows and stuff are made and written to be a message, take the outer limits series, the maker wrote each episode about a certain problem in the world at that current time, and made it into a sci-fi setting, so that people in the real world wouldnt get offended and things... National Security may be doing the same thing but more realistically, if the movie is so racist, then why havent there been people complaining about it? ITS SIMPLE! the movie was made for a LAUGH!, ever think about that? a LAUGH! thats right, the time when you smile and stuff!!!!!! This film wasnt made to be racist... god.. if you want to go on and on about a racist film, then go watch something that is meant to bring out those issues!


"Come one, a black guy getting in someone else's car and the driver saying "Get out!" and him responding with "What, because I'm black??" Please..that IS funny =) "

not really, it's annoying.

"give me a break. You get all bent out of shape when a black man tells it how it is. But when a white person talks about another race its perfectly fine. Its just a movie for crying outloud. And for your information im neither white or black. And we will leave it like that because it does not matter. "

But the black man dosn't always tell it how it is, you biggot. And no, it's not right when a white talks about another race, but society is screwed up and allows blacks to be racists and it's ok, but thinks it's terrible if the white guy does it.





Yeah, I think they did that on purpose though. I personally thought Martin's character was a satire. But that's just me.

"Wanting to be someone else is a waste of the person you are."-Kurt Cobain



why the hell do people bother to start a thread like this when this film is nothing more than a pile of sh!t man.


firstly, gunboy has a point - the film is not worth all this trouble.

however, some interesting points are raised (a long point-bear with me!)

i would like to pose the question - who here has NEVER made a racially discriminating comment or reference in their life? be honest! most of us have.
we either do this because an ethnic minority or an ethnic majority is seen as a threat to our way of life.

as a pakistani living in the UK, i have been on the end of my share or racist comments. however, i have also made discriminating references based on peoples race, whether they be white, black, green, yellow or brown skinned. i would not say that i am an inherent racist, as i have never made these comments directly to anyone to hurt them. i have had this happen to me and know how much it can hurt.

and get this. i have also made racially discriminating comments about my own race. that does not mean i am a racist,i am simply making a comment on society and how groups blend within that society. certain things some asians do in the UK, ie. the way they live or behave, may appear strange as our ancestors are from a culture and land where this way of acting is normal, therefore as a minority they are sometimes mocked.

so why then, if i was to make a reference to the way a certain white or black person behaves, am i a perceived as a racist?

dont get me wrong, calling someone a p@ki, cr@cker or n@gger based on their appearance is a racial slur that should not be tolerated, just like any discrimination. but commenting on the way different cultures live alongside each other should be permitted, so long as it does not generalise a whole race.

after all, the only things that make us different from each other are the areas of the world where our ancestors were raised. try not to let this get in the way of the way you see people



hey. nice post!!! regarding all this issue about race, i believe all this is just crap man. im wat any ignorant person wud call a black person. aren,t we all human beings? most of those ppl who talk about slavery n all tht r only trying to keep the past and their culture alive. every 'race' on this planet was sometime in their life subjected to slavery. 'blacks', 'whites', 'asians'....etc. you no what should happen to all of us. we should all die. human beings are like a virus. movies are only made from some other persons point of view, they r made to entertain. what about movies that dont have a 'black' guy, a 'white' guy...etc. are they racist? all we do is complain, what we need is a cure for our ignorance. human beings are afraid of what they don't know.



Blah blah freakity blah. C'MON!! It's just entertainment. A movie. That's it. That's where it ends. Not everything has a strong political point.

And, no, i'm not apathetic when it comes to politics, I just get pissed when it's everywhere I turn.


You've got to be kidding me. You guys are trying to find the inner truth of a MARTIN LAWRENCE movie. Gimme a break!


Martin Lawrence shouldn't even be allowed to make movies anymore.

And personally, I think black people behave that way towards EVERYBODY, not just whites. I'm neither white nor black and I've had black people act that way towards me.

I think people have nothing else to talk about with this movie because it was such a stinker.


And personally, I think black people towards EVERYBODY, not just whites. I'm neither white nor black and I've had black people act that way towards me.

Uh, what?



I think those rascism lines were necessary to make the film pan out,.Don't take it so personally.


Y'know whats sad....

the fact that all races are complaining about how racist the other races are...think about it.......



"Blah blah freakity blah. C'MON!! It's just entertainment. A movie. That's it. That's where it ends. Not everything has a strong political point."

Have a white guy play martins role, and change it to "Is it because I'm white" but reverse everything else, would it still be 'just a movie"?


yeah! either way, it'd be a really bad stupid movie that's only supposed to be entertaining. Omg, you are trying to politically judge a Steve Zahn/ Martin Lawrence movie. You want a good movie? Go watch 28 Days Later, Lord of the Rings, or Empire Records and stop being an ass.

Mike Viscomi, Grade 10 Tallmadge Ohio, is a MAN WHORE! And so is his girlfriend.


I'm not being an ass, the movie was offensive and the racist character didn't get anything bad happen to him in return.

At least they didn't use the deleted ending.



So the creator of the gun could not be shot because he started the creation of guns? That makes no sense.


WHAT!!!!!! OK.... so a gazillion years ago when man was created in Africa , it was all daisies and chocolate streams... no body hated anyone?.... Tribes did not fight? You are a retard......

Racism exists because people dont like change...... so lets get this straight.... Man was created in Africa.. think we all agree with that.... then through some form of honkiness white man came along.... your telling me that africa man just accepted the white man without hating him and that it was a white man that created hate that the black man then fit into his own life?

That is just plain stupid.. hate exists because there is always an opposite... get it? love=hate, dark=light, that was funny, I dont care who you are that was funny right there.....

But no I dont think you could make a movie like this if the roles were reveresed.... would be to racist... but its ok to do it the way it was made because in America today it is illegal to be white.... you can be the nicest white man on earth and still its illegal to be white.

I'm going to go and get some popcorn, you want anything?


i dont know what is wrong with yall, so wat if you think its racist, its funny anyway. afterall black people have been discriminated against for the past ???? how many years is it...? in "The Godfather" they called black people animals..aint nobody talk about is a funny movie if u dont like it aint nobody force you to watch it
