MovieChat Forums > Superbabies: Baby Geniuses 2 (2004) Discussion > What would you rather do than watching S...

What would you rather do than watching Superbabies 2 all over again?

How far would you go to avoid this utterly terrible film?

I would rather break up with my girlfriend, most likely quit my job (but i'm already planning on quitting anyway), break my own nose. Hell, I'd probably even set fire to my house.



I would rather stare at Goatse for 2 hours. I'd have the same effect.


I'd rather make racist remarks to the Wu-Tang Clan. In which they would sew my "corn"hole up and keep feeding me and feeding me and feeding me.


Read the Twilight series......all of em


I would rather pack my rectum full of M-80's and squat over a flaming Hibachi than see this film.

I would rather have a circle jerk with my dad and grandpa than see this flaming turd of a movie.

The Falcon flies


I would rather hang by my pecs on meat hooks. Then I'd get brutally flogged. Then I'd have my eyes poked out with hot needles, have ice picks stuck in my balls, have a switched on power drill pushed into my belly button, have dysentery diarrhea forced down my throat, have my crotch burned with a blowtorch, get shot in the kneecaps all while being raped in the ass with a chainsaw. Then I'll have ropes tied to my arms and legs. These ropes will also be tied to horses, who will then run and pull apart my limbs. Then I will be dropped into the Dead Sea with an anvil tied to my neck. I will die there. I would rather have that happen to me, than see this crap again.


Take a shower in Bill's bathroom.


Switch the TV off. Seriously, I'd do that.


Skin my whole body and jump into a swimming pool filled with salty iodine, and then do the same thing over and over again for eternity in hell.


I would masturbate using sandpaper and superglue while watching the Jonas Brothers 3D Concert Experience and Biebermania back to back while inserting a serrated knife up my rectum and twisting it over and over again for the entire 146 minute ordeal. Afterwards, I'd give myself a saltwater/lemon juice enema 30 minutes after chugging a bottle of habanero hot sauce mixed with an industrial-grade laxative. Then, I'd swallow 50 used rusty razor blades and wash them down with a gallon of ipecac. Finally, I'd collect the putrid diarrhea and vomit concoction left behind from the earlier festivities and have it introduced back into my body intravenously. All of this I would do a couple hours after dropping 10 tabs of acid and eating a pound of shrooms.


Best response of them all! :D

You can knock on Ed Wood but it won't do you no good 'cause all of my heroes are dead in Hollywood


I would rather be babysitting real one-two year olds. They are more entertaining.

Its LeviOsa, not levioSA!


I'd watch MAN OF STEEL again :|

Lost faith in DC


Its actually a great movie!
All I do everyday is watch it!


Best thread EVER!!!

Thou shalt keep thy religion to thyself. - George Carlin
