MovieChat Forums > The Time Machine (2002) Discussion > Why don't Sci-Fi/Fantasy Movies ever hav...

Why don't Sci-Fi/Fantasy Movies ever have high rating on IMDB?

I ask again, why do many very good fantasy movies or sci-fi movies have low rating on this website?

This movie got a 5.6, Now i thought this movie was wonderful. Sure it had a plot hole here and there and many ppl yell and argue at what is and isnt true or possible. But this movie was really entertaining and imaginative and deserves better than a 5.6. With movies like Bolt and Up getting high 8's and 9's i think its getting ridiculous. This movie along with more sci-fi movies deserve more recognition.

Does anyone else agree?


Agreed. Just watched it and thought it was great... Nearly fell off my chair when i saw the low score on here. Ho-hum... Still, I liked it and that's what counts!


Guess for the reason some movies get an overinflated high rating thats dont deserve it in the 8.0s. for instance fight club. and many others



May be they do in a parallel universe


Sci-Fi film get low rating because no one can really elato to them or be touched by them.

Tho an entertaining film it is and I think youll agree not possible for this to happen in real life there for people dont relate to it as well.

Also few Sci-Fi movies are carried out with strong performances or great directing which the fans who view film as an art form are not looking for.

But they do well financially I beleive.

Anybody in Glasgow looking for actors contact me at [email protected]


ThunderBlade5723 wrote:
"Sci-Fi film get low rating because no one can really elato to them or be touched by them."

Or, maybe it's just the case that the majority of people just thought this film wasn't all that good. Incidentally, there are plenty of sci-fi movies in the IMDB top 250.


yeah batman. its ridiculous because Nolan made sure its no longer watchable


But they don't get low ratings.... >10% of the IMDB250 are sci-fi, fantasy or dystopian future


warriorghost wrote:
"My guess is because most people are idiots who prefer boring reality, can't except things that are truly cool and who would rather nit pick about errors than give the movie a good rating :)"

Do you deny the possibility that some sci-fi films are better than others? Some are good, some mediocre, some bad, etc? It sounds delusional for you to think that the low IMDB rating for this film necessarily means a mass prejudice against science fiction films.



^ i agrees.

i think its because of the "respect" or "rep" of who makes the movie. if its Disney, expect a high rating, even tho the movie itself could've been better. or Pixar, nothing lower than 7.2, because its "Pixar", even tho that particular movie could've been better too. it used to be a time where a movie was good based on how good it "actually" was, and not who made it. but as i said, it's all about the "rep" of a company, industry, or actor/director/producer.

another note, people today prefer "realism" now. movies were supposed to take you away from "reality", like Toy Story, but whilst conveying a very good message. TODAY?! nope. "this is impossible, therefore, this movie sucks". everyone looks too much into realism and what can actually happen in real life. Fantasy & Sci-Fi's are dying slowly with the occasional "great fictional story". but these days, people want more realism, instead of being taken to another unrealistic world.

The movie "Speed", VERY unrealistic, flawed, and pretty much impossible to jump a bus, but that was the blockbuster of the summer (whenever it came out), and it was a "FUN" movie to watch. Terminator, impossible, but one of the best movies EVER FREAKIN MADE. like i said, people look for too much realism in movies these days. it's a same.



"Terminator, impossible, but one of the best movies EVER FREAKIN MADE. like i said, people look for too much realism in movies these days. it's a same."

Uhh...The Terminator was a HUGE surprise hit upon its release, in direct counter to this absurd theory going around here that sci-fi films can't be big box office draws because the masses are too stupid, or because the bleating masses require too much realism (what, in America...are you f'in kidding me??). Ever heard of Aliens? The Matrix? T2? There are a plethora of other examples of massively popular sci-fi films.

I remember when The Time Machine came out that the word of mouth was that it was kind of boring. I went to see it nonetheless and agreed. They had a real chance here to put a little more science into the science fiction, to improve upon the 1960 realization, but they didn't. It seemed in the first 1/2 hour that they really wanted to deal with the issue of changing the past, and then lost their way in the latter two-thirds, with scenes of our time traveler farting around in the future with no apparent rhyme or reason. This film lost its focus completely, which disqualifies it from being a great or even particularly good film in my book. Further, I just don't find Guy Pearce a very engaging actor in this sort of role. He certainly has the stone-cold stare of the overworked scientist going, but he lacks a certain charismatic versatility that I think this role desperately needed (i.e. Malcolm McDowell from Time After Time).



Hey, I didn't say there was anything intrinsically boring about time travel. But I do think that this film, in its stylistic choices, created a very tedious and unexciting experience. Agree to disagree.



Sure, slow instead of boring. I love the baseline story, being a fan of the original George Pal version as well as spinoffs like Time After Time. I suppose you could say that I was disappointed with the execution. I was looking for it to captivate me with adventure and sci-fi, and it didn't really deliver either for me. Just lacked that certain magic.




Does this film really deserve a higher rating, did anyone really think that this was better than the first one from 1960. I loved the 1960 version, i thought this remake was ok but enjoyable. It could have been so much better.


Maybe because people who like and understand the tropes and conventions of good old-fashioned, hard SF (by which I mean old farts like me - not the spotty proles who think the dumb crap that is Star Wars and Star Trek are 'awesome') who expect and hope that SF movies will more imaginatively and intellectually challenging than the run of the mill: "Let's get outta here!" explosionfests, are, more often than not, sadly disappointed and therefore more likely to mark down movies with glaring plot holes and Get Out of Jail Free endings like this one.

Or, to be less prolix: I expect more from SF. I rarely get it. My disappointment is more intense.

"Look! - it's the Invisible Man!"


While Sci-fi is growing more mainstream it's still mostly on the fringe. Science fiction, well hard SF anyway, is geared towards thinking people, intellectuals and the like. Most people still prefer action, romamce and comedy, something often lacking in Sci-fi films. Most of the big popular sci-fi films like Star Wars often have a strong action-fantasy component. My dad doesn't like sci-fi unless it has alot of action because he believes "science fiction can't happen so isn't interesting" and my mom simply doesn't understand the plots. One of my friends tends to think of sci-fi and speculative stuff as unrelatable and not true literature. It's frustrating since I'm an aspiring science fiction author and honestly I think most of my friends and family wouldn't understand most of what I write.


Because they are usually crappy re-makes like this one! Having watched this drivel I wondered why they bothered.

Not being a troll, but H.G. Wells is one of my favourite authors, and this film was a total travesty imhp & I and can't be bothered in commentating beyond that.

cheers et beers

et tu Brute!

Locked my wire coat-hanger in the car - good thing that I always carry spare keys in my pocket :)


A big reason for why I dont like this movie (and Im guessing this is the case for many others) is that its deviation from the novel is too great. Creativity is fine, and I encourage it, but this movie went a bit too far from the book, in my opinion. This, in combination with its rather lackluster screenplay, create my dislike of this movie. Taken separately from the book, it is an okay movie.

5 to 6 is about where I feel it should place, considering that most movies that are considered "good" place 7-8, with greats placing 9-10.


i guess alot of people give good points.

i read the novel after the movie, which is the wrong way to truly go about it.

but still, it was a fantastic movie!


I love sci-fi and fantasy - but I gave this one a 5.
The ending came too sudden for me. The "fight" of the movie was too easy...

I have always loved the concept of timetravel - but this didn't do it for me.
Too little story, really.



I ask again, why do many very good fantasy movies or sci-fi movies have low rating on this website?

This movie got a 5.6, Now i thought this movie was wonderful. Sure it had a plot hole here and there and many ppl yell and argue at what is and isnt true or possible. But this movie was really entertaining and imaginative and deserves better than a 5.6. With movies like Bolt and Up getting high 8's and 9's i think its getting ridiculous. This movie along with more sci-fi movies deserve more recognition.
>>> All of this just because IMDb doesn't reflect your opinion of The Time Machine? The simple fact of the matter is that this adaptation started off good, but fell apart in its second half. It started off an intelligent, thinking man's science fiction piece and then threw all that away in favor of action and heroics that made little sense when any thought is applied. Case in point: The Uber-Morlock clearly states that this is just one of many Morlock dwellings and that he is merely one of many Uber-Morlocks, so what is supposed to be accomplished by the destruction of one localized group of Morlocks?? Advanced technology that survives for no other reason than to service the plot and still functions millions of years into the future, even though every other building and structure has disappeared? The Eloi teach English to the kids only to forget it? One can't alter the past, yet when you go to the future everything that proceeds is the past and yet can still be altered? They simply didn't try very hard at all once the second half of the film arrived, and that is why the film has the very deserving rating of 5 something. It has nothing to do with some magical conspiracy against all things sci-fi.

- - - - - - -
Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?


Nonsense, there's plenty of really GOOD sci-fi movies that have a high rating on IMDb, the thing you're forgetting is that this version of The Time Machine is just utter crap. 5.7 is too good for it.


Hey! Go back toy your dead Jurassic Park forum :o)

I'm gonna run you over when I come back down!
