this is quite possibly the funniest movie i have seen in my life. the humour is so crude.


are you actually taking the piss?



Must say I agree with you. Not a classic of course - but very funny in its own slapstick kind of way. That's why I fail to understand some people in the 'user-comments' section trying to put this movie down and depict it as "not funny". Honestly, some folks are inclined to take everything in life too seriously for their own good, and therefore just cant seem to appreciate real, put-a-smile-on-my-face humour when its staring at them in the face...


Well, not the funniest, but definitely up there. It might not have that much depth to the acting, but it is hilarious and crude. I was in a good mood when I watched it so perhaps, those who do not find it funny should loosen up a bit before watching it.

Not every movie's going to win an oscar, so there!


not as good as "Gun Shy," for example, but ok. don't understand the hate.


never heard of it
