MovieChat Forums > Kill Bill: Vol. 1 (2003) Discussion > Uma Thurman's finest moment on Film

Uma Thurman's finest moment on Film

She's been in many great pictures. I'd still place her turn as the Bride as the one performance she'll be remembered for.


Agree. This film is Thurman's best work. Completely believable as a revenge-seeking badass full of hatred for her enemies. Should have gotten an Oscar nomination.


I'd say it's between this and her ten minute scene in "Nymph()maniac". A great actress can command a four hour film, but it takes a real great to command ten minutes of one nearly pushing six hours in length.

"KatTS" / "M" / "LLL" / "KoC-VoT" / "NA"


Forever the Black Mamba! She kicked ass and overall, a great performance of a an assassin getting revenge.


To be fair there's not much to choose from. She's a very limited actress with few highlights between them. But in this one she was amazing. Her best role.


i LOVE her in this.
