MovieChat Forums > Finding Nemo (2003) Discussion > So who went out and bought a Blue Tang?

So who went out and bought a Blue Tang?

Nice to have company for the goldfish in my tank. Although going bigger than 10 gallon might be recommended. Funny how movies can inspire buying related pets.

-- Sent from my 13 year old P.O.S. DesktopĀ®


I know yours is an old post, but I had to respond -

Goldfish are freshwater fish and tropical fish like the Regal Blue Tang are saltwater fish - they wouldn't co-exist or survive in the same tank.

The movie made a mistake, if the assumption that Darla's dead pet goldfish was a previous inhabitant of the dentists aquarium.

You would need a minimum of 30 gallons aquarium to successfully house tropical fish. Blue Tangs grow quite large and are active swimmers.

Get some good expert advice before making your purchase. A good tip is: Spirulina is good for tropical fish as part of their diet.

Good luck.

Movies can inspire pet buying? Would anyone buy a tiger after seeing Life of Pi? LOL

Hypothetical High Five...(pause)...Nice!


Seding "Under Dog" made me desperately want a dog. I was sold on getting a beagle, but after a ton of research and time, i found a breed that exceeded my every expectation. Plus, he was a reacue, of sorts. Couldn't have imagined a better fit for me. My dog is just fantastic for me.

-- Sent from my 13 year old P.O.S. DesktopĀ®


Movies can inspire pet buying. When 101 Dalmatians came out, they overbred them which resulted in more dogs than the demand could handle. It also resulted in a lot of sickly dogs. On the converse, when the movie "As Good As It Gets" came up, most Brussels Griffon breeders refused to overbreed which created a huge demand for the dogs but it also preserved the integrity of the breeding stock.
