MovieChat Forums > Death to Smoochy (2002) Discussion > What was your favorite line?

What was your favorite line?

I know this movie was loaded with funny lines but here's one of mine....
Randolph: Tell him about Wally The Whale.
Sheldon: Wally The Whale? Nora how could you do it with Wally The Whale?
Randolph: There she blows!



Oh, you must know some fairy tales then! Hey Danny, tell him the one about the worthless prick who gets his head chopped off with an axe!

You got your hammer, Roy?
Always got me hammer, Tommy!

Yeah, I cleaned up! I cleaned up half the poppies in Asia!


When Randolph comes into the apartment and comments on the changes.

"Look what you've done to this place. It's all Diane Fosse. When I lived here, it was Bob Fosse. Right there, I had a big painting of a naked chick holding a little plant; very tasteful, no bush... not a picture of your *beep* mother!"

The mother bit kills me every time. Especially because he points to a rhino.
