MovieChat Forums > The Mothman Prophecies (2002) Discussion > Movies With Similar Tone and Atmosphere?

Movies With Similar Tone and Atmosphere?

I've been looking for any films that have a similar eerie tone to them without being grotesque or exploitative. I really enjoy horror films that are actually creepy but not disturbing and leave you with a good chill afterward, but not so heavy you feel depressed which The Mothman Prophecies did perfectly. The American version of The Ring did this very well too as did Del Toro's The Orphanage along with The Others. The Strangers was also another film while intense did not feel exploitative but featured a really creepy and different feel.

Foreign or American, anyone have any suggestions for any other films I should check out if I like this one?


I still come back to this thread when I need a suggestion for a good movie. Thanks for all the awesome suggestions everyone.


The Lazarus Project has a similar atmosphere. It is very dark and eerie, but at the same time psychological and interesting. Not as good as Mothman, though.

-----"Side? I am on nobody's side because nobody's on my side, little Orc."-----
-Treebeard: The Two Towers


Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978) e0XNVI/viewform


Watching this now. I haven't seen it since 2002 or 2003. It's really creeping me out right now.

Anyway, some of these suggestions are great. Session 9 is an awesome movie. And as for this type of movie, I would say The X-files would probably fit the bill most closely.

Life ain't easy when you're a Froot Loop in a world full of Cheerios.


Threads like these make me sad. I scroll through suggestions and realise i already saw it all.

Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.


I also liked The Butterfly Effect with Ashton Kutcher.

Not supernatural, but Zodiac with Jake Gyllenhaall, and an outstanding cast, still haunts me.

I second Dragonfly, Picnic At Hanging Rock, 1408, and Jacobs Ladder. All excellent.


"Fallen" (1998).


The movie is how I'd want a Final Destination film to feel, dark and broody, with a constant sense of dread hanging over every shot.

Vegan Voorhees - Giving love to 685 humble slasher movies
