How did you discover Nick Drake?

For me it was in the late 70's and a record arrived at the odd used record store. It was called the Greater Antilles Sampler and it had a price of "99c" stamped on the album in the corner. There was an Eno song, one by June Tabor, some weird stuff and "Northern Sky" by Nick Drake.


wes anderson's the royal tenenbaums, all of his film sountracks are magnifico


My dad was not a fan of new technology so we always had a working record player in our homes when I was growing up. As a teenager the Goodwill near where I lived sold records for $0.50 then (now they want $5 for them!!!) and would buy anything. I discovered so much music that way including Nick Drake.

I don't know if it's the same in all places but the prices at the Goodwill here have really gone up so I never buy anything. I used to buy any CD/record/book that looked slightly interesting because they were so cheap (besides the $0.50 records, there were $2 CDs and $0.50 for softcover books and $1 for hardcover) so if they sucked I wouldn't lose much on them. I mean 10 records was only $5 which was no big loss now 10 records is $50!



My discovery was in the early 2000's whilst living in Kenya.

A friend of mine came round whilst I was doing the washing up. I had my back to him and didn't know he was there. He didn't call out because he was listening to me sing. I jumped when he finally said 'hello', and later he said my singing with an English accent reminded him of this guy Nick Drake.

I'll be a fan until I die.



A year ago, maybe less, I was doing a Google Image search - can't remember for what - and I came across a promo poster for a Nick Drake concert (it was a spoof, and I can't seem to find it now). I was interested enough to read his Wikipedia entry, but I didn't listen to any of his music.

Last week I was Googling again, this time for songs about abandonment, when I found Way To Blue at the #1 spot of somebody's list. I recognized the artist's name and found a video on YouTube, the one that utilizes footage of his childhood. The combination of the lyrics, his voice, and the haunting images captivated me, and within the next couple of days, I'd listened to everything available. I recognized From The Morning when I heard it, of course, but I don't recall ever seeing the VW commercial with Pink Moon.

I can't identify a favorite song of his; it seems to be whichever one is playing at the moment. I'm sure my obsession with him will settle - it seems like a condition that overtakes every fan when we first discover him - but I will never be without his music again. I'm purchasing everything he did. I'm determined to materially support his efforts, even though he's not here to benefit from it. It's a small thing, but I have to give something back for what he's given me.


in 1996 i went to a summer college program and a guy down the hall from my dorm was listening to black eyed dog. i didn't ask who it was i just remembered the song and never heard nick again till the vw commercial and the second i heard him again it triggered my memory and i immediately look it up
