MovieChat Forums > Gongdong gyeongbi guyeok JSA (2000) Discussion > What are the similiarities/differe nces ...

What are the similiarities/differe nces between N/S.Korea?

I dont know anything at all about the Korean history, so i was wondering if someone (preferably somebody who is Korean) could please clear some things for me, as i'd like to learn abit more. I basically wana know that, what do South and North Korea have in common, and what sets them apart, i.e,

- Do they spoke speak exactly the same language?

- Do they both follow the same religion?

- Do they have the same culture/traditions, etc?

- Were they both a united country at one time? if so, then when did they get divided?

- Presently what sort of enmity is between the 2 countries? do only the govts hate each other or do they oublics share the shame feelings?

- How are these countries relationships with other surrounding countries such as Japan, China. Have they ever been to war with these countries or been invaded by them?



Always, there is "the South Park factor". Some prick trying to inject comedy, when humans
are attempting to understand cultures, and their propensity for war, conflict and discord.
It is because of this sophomoric idiocy , we repeat the mistakes of this planet, primarily
because it is "over there" and not here.

Very enlighting thread until the 8 year old-South Park-X-box brain deads get glib.

This is why people from other countries detest Americans.



Yes, because its not a stupid question, it's a legit question. Who cares where the question is asked? The important thing is that it's asked. And the person did get some answers. I didn't know any of this either, but mainly because I had never given it much thought. There could be lots of other reason why people wouldn't know this information. You've already acknowledged you gave a stupid response, so I don't need to call you any names. Thanks for saving me the trouble, why not just have your opinions and keep it to yourself if you were not going to add anything of value to the conversation.

The simple fact that you even have HATE in your heart, and are such a negative person says volumes about you as an individual. That is all.


